So I'm told, mostly by myself; that I'm hilarious. But, this was actually a #requested post by my man. He also thinks I'm pretty funny even though he doesn't say it often. I wanted to share how I designed my Mortal Kombat Characters, because it is a thing people ask me about. I don't play everyone, so not everyone has a cool name or have an AI set up But, these are the ones that I do use often. I decided to keep what augments, outfits, and gear I have to myself so no one can like, completely copy my dudes. This is the order I play them, most to least. I don't really main anyone outside of Kabal, but I do make my own versions of characters when I'm doing their dedicated towers of time! Or when I'm just I have a crush on a video game person and need to chill out. Speaking of which, I'm doing Sub-Zero's right now. I don't really like playing him! Are there any Sub-Zero mains out there?
I kind of just realized this is somewhat of a tier list! I don't understand how to make one on the cool template thing and I also like to talk about why I feel the way I do, so I think this is a good compromise for everyone. I'm so pissed that it's national boyfriend day and I posted my Kabal post yesterday instead of today! But at least I get to post about him and Erron Black (boyfriend #2). LMAO
001. Kabal
Variation name: Kops and Jobbers
I also have another named Karlos that I use to test moves on.
Previous names: Bad Kop, My other BF, WeezyFBby, Vegas Boy.
I love ugly monster men, please stop pointing it out guys lol. However, other monster f*ckers are free to contact me lol.I was originally trying to name him something naughty, but the game said it was inappropriate. Which is kind of BS because one of his moves are named that. I don;t get it.
002. Jade
Variation name: Chun Who?
Next Kosplay, BlkGalsrock
I love Jade. She is so important to me! I tend to use her in the Kombat League. I really like Kabal's new third variation they gave us, so I'm using Jade less now. i think when I move up in the League I'll go back to Jade because her Emerald Defender is more familiar to me! I don't appreciate them calling my boy a demon lmao. We hate to see it! They should bring back Karlos from the beta. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't have been able to make the post I made yesterday.
003: Erron Black
Variation name: Trigger Warning
Previous Names: Skurrrt Reynolds, Lincoln Killer, OTR, No Type, BF#2
Erron's voice actior also voices Shinok! Isn't that cool? Troy Baker is really talented. He has the range, darling.
I think that he is partially the face scan for Erron, I think they have the same eyes. What do you guys think about it? If not, I really want to know how his face model is. I'm so nosy lol. Erron is special to me because he was my first "main" (besides Johnny). Mostly because I think his interactions with people are funny.
004: Jacqui Briggs
Variation name: Mrs. Takahashi
No Previous names, but Tre's Jacqui is called "Gimme Metal Arms". He's annoying sometimes! To me Jacqui's always going to be Mrs. Takahashi, unless Takeda does the right thing and changes his last name to Hasashi. Kenshi is NOT his father. Maybe Scorpion would relax for like ten seconds if he realized that Takeda and by extension are Jacqui are his family so they aren't ALL gone.
005. Scorpion
Variation name: Hot Topic
Previous names: Cooking with...., Lil Nico, Fire Fest
I only be using Scorpion out of spite these days.I feel like there is a stigma against Scorpion players, which does suck because I am kind of good at playing him. I do think there is a good chance of him being the main bad guy of the next game. Make of that what you will. I don't write fan fiction lol. I do like playing as Scorpion, but it's too "cliche". I'm not like other girls, I'm worse. I also don't like playing as Scorpion because my friend mains Scorpion and I think it would be weird to copy him.
006: Kano
Variation Names: Koalafied Killer
Previous Names: Bad Uncle, RDJ Fan, Evil Steve, Russian Bot
I named Kano Russian Bot because I used to use him in AI battles. Not so much anymore so I had to change it. I want to start playing him more so the "top three" thing your Kombat Kard shows you will be all Black Dragon members. Omg my friend got a tattoo of the video game she plays/loves and now I kind of want a Black Dragon tattoo. Like I said before. I'm not like oTheR GiRLS....I'm worse. lol. I don't even know if I would actually ever get another tattoo, because I had a bad experience the first time. I would have to consult and vet so hard to make sure that they can work with darker skin. So annoying.
007. Kitana
Variation Name: Mileena
Previous Names: Wheres Mileena?, Khanny
I wasn't that upset when there was no Mileena. I just made her names jokes because I'm f*cking funny. I'm actually kind of glad Mileena isn't in the story because I can't handle seeing babygirl get betrayed anymore. I also don't really get why people are mad she wasn't in the game. I don't think it's like how I feel that Kabal should have gotten a full chapter. Because I made it make sense and I feel like it would have improved the story. What could Mileena have honestly brought to the table? Especially after what happened with Shao Khan?
Also, she was barely even made/created when Kronika brought the group over to this timeline. She wasn't with them. I agree that Mileena deserves a better send off then what she got, but I totally understand why she isn't in the story. I don't see the point in harassing NRS about it when you can literally just pit a purple outfit and scary mask on Kitana and call it a day. People just do the most and it makes being a Mileena fan embarrassing.
008: Johnny Cage
Variation Name: Box Office Bomb
Previous Names: Ninja Mime, Str82Nflx
I stopped using Johnny and I don't know why. Okay, we know why, because I'm horny on main for Kabal and Erron. Let me live lol! The only person callin' Johnny Daddy is Cassie so I'm over it. I do think he is an easy and fun character to play. Honestly, if you're the kind of person that button mashes in games before learning how to play, you should main Johnny. I don't mean that in a condescending way because I am very much #likethat.
009. Kotal Khan
Variation name: Kotal Eclipse (of the Khan)
There's no room for the parenthesis part, but it's there in my head lol
I started his tower after I heard he got a buff. I don't understand why he is so clunky! I don't like it. But v handsome sans body paint. I see you, Jade.
010. Cetrion
Variation Name: Naughty By Nature
I don't really like people with too many special moves. I'd would just rather punch people. Cetrion is not a good match for me, but I like her style and I think she has a very unique look.And, I was dying to make that pun. I'll never stop being annoying and corny, I can promise you that.
011. Scarlet
Variation Name: Poison IV
Previous Names: Hemosexual, Bloody Heck
Pretty much the same feelings as Cetrion. But I do appreciate that it's pretty easy to get a crushing blow while playing Scarlet. I've tried to play as Scarlet, but I'm just not at that point yet. I want to get good/coordinated enough to play as Scarlet because I love anything vampire-related. I love Scarlet's look, so cross your fingers for me!
012: Sonya Blade
Variation Name: Sarah McGlocklan
Previous name: So, I wanted to name her Rhonda Lousey, but it wouldn't let me. I'm going to change her name to Trans Rights! tho. I am starting to play Sonya a little bit more and I can see why people play as her. I mostly just use her AI, but her actual gameplay is nice too.
013: Baraka
Variation Name: Mr. Biteside
I wanted to name him Bite Night but the game deemed that inappropriate. I don't see how it is but whatever. I like Baraka as an AI but I kind of suck as Baraka when I am playing. I really don't see myself getting better, but we can always have hope!
014: D'vorah
Variation Name: D'genterate
I really don't play her. I just like the name. Because I hate D'vorah.I do like her brutality pose though!
015: Frost
Variation Name: CosplayCassi(e)Cage [The E wouldn't fit]
Why does Frost suck? Why? I'm mad.That's all I have to say.
016: Shang Tsung
Variation Name: Jonny Tsunami.
TBH if that's not what yours is named....idk man. I think of the surfer and that's really it. I was really afraid of the Reptile statue when I was little so I really didn't watch the Mortal Kombat movies very much as a kid. I appreciate it now that I'm older lmao.
017: Noob Saibot
Variation Name: The Black Parade
Previous Name: Nik's AIbot (as if I was going to pass that up), Emo for Death (Tre's is called Emo For Life), Linkin Park fan.
018: Liu Kang

Variation Name Nik's Main. It's extra funny because when I first saw LK's new design I thought I would play him extensively because I thought he was hot. I haven't used LK in months and I literally play everyday. We hate to see it.
019: Sub Zero
Variation Name: DJ SnowJoke
029. Cassie Cage
Variation name: Glo'd Up
Previous names- Sassie Cassie, #nofilter, Glo bby,
I don't play Nightwolf, Jax, Shao Khan, Raiden, Kung Lao, Geras, or Kollector. Sorry!
I kind of just realized this is somewhat of a tier list! I don't understand how to make one on the cool template thing and I also like to talk about why I feel the way I do, so I think this is a good compromise for everyone. I'm so pissed that it's national boyfriend day and I posted my Kabal post yesterday instead of today! But at least I get to post about him and Erron Black (boyfriend #2). LMAO
001. Kabal
I also have another named Karlos that I use to test moves on.
Previous names: Bad Kop, My other BF, WeezyFBby, Vegas Boy.
I love ugly monster men, please stop pointing it out guys lol. However, other monster f*ckers are free to contact me lol.I was originally trying to name him something naughty, but the game said it was inappropriate. Which is kind of BS because one of his moves are named that. I don;t get it.
002. Jade
Variation name: Chun Who?
Next Kosplay, BlkGalsrock
I love Jade. She is so important to me! I tend to use her in the Kombat League. I really like Kabal's new third variation they gave us, so I'm using Jade less now. i think when I move up in the League I'll go back to Jade because her Emerald Defender is more familiar to me! I don't appreciate them calling my boy a demon lmao. We hate to see it! They should bring back Karlos from the beta. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't have been able to make the post I made yesterday.
Variation name: Trigger Warning
Previous Names: Skurrrt Reynolds, Lincoln Killer, OTR, No Type, BF#2
Erron's voice actior also voices Shinok! Isn't that cool? Troy Baker is really talented. He has the range, darling.
I think that he is partially the face scan for Erron, I think they have the same eyes. What do you guys think about it? If not, I really want to know how his face model is. I'm so nosy lol. Erron is special to me because he was my first "main" (besides Johnny). Mostly because I think his interactions with people are funny.
004: Jacqui Briggs
No Previous names, but Tre's Jacqui is called "Gimme Metal Arms". He's annoying sometimes! To me Jacqui's always going to be Mrs. Takahashi, unless Takeda does the right thing and changes his last name to Hasashi. Kenshi is NOT his father. Maybe Scorpion would relax for like ten seconds if he realized that Takeda and by extension are Jacqui are his family so they aren't ALL gone.
005. Scorpion
Variation name: Hot Topic
Previous names: Cooking with...., Lil Nico, Fire Fest
006: Kano
Variation Names: Koalafied Killer
Previous Names: Bad Uncle, RDJ Fan, Evil Steve, Russian Bot
I named Kano Russian Bot because I used to use him in AI battles. Not so much anymore so I had to change it. I want to start playing him more so the "top three" thing your Kombat Kard shows you will be all Black Dragon members. Omg my friend got a tattoo of the video game she plays/loves and now I kind of want a Black Dragon tattoo. Like I said before. I'm not like oTheR GiRLS....I'm worse. lol. I don't even know if I would actually ever get another tattoo, because I had a bad experience the first time. I would have to consult and vet so hard to make sure that they can work with darker skin. So annoying.
007. Kitana
Variation Name: Mileena
Previous Names: Wheres Mileena?, Khanny
I wasn't that upset when there was no Mileena. I just made her names jokes because I'm f*cking funny. I'm actually kind of glad Mileena isn't in the story because I can't handle seeing babygirl get betrayed anymore. I also don't really get why people are mad she wasn't in the game. I don't think it's like how I feel that Kabal should have gotten a full chapter. Because I made it make sense and I feel like it would have improved the story. What could Mileena have honestly brought to the table? Especially after what happened with Shao Khan?
Also, she was barely even made/created when Kronika brought the group over to this timeline. She wasn't with them. I agree that Mileena deserves a better send off then what she got, but I totally understand why she isn't in the story. I don't see the point in harassing NRS about it when you can literally just pit a purple outfit and scary mask on Kitana and call it a day. People just do the most and it makes being a Mileena fan embarrassing.
008: Johnny Cage
Variation Name: Box Office Bomb
Previous Names: Ninja Mime, Str82Nflx
I stopped using Johnny and I don't know why. Okay, we know why, because I'm horny on main for Kabal and Erron. Let me live lol! The only person callin' Johnny Daddy is Cassie so I'm over it. I do think he is an easy and fun character to play. Honestly, if you're the kind of person that button mashes in games before learning how to play, you should main Johnny. I don't mean that in a condescending way because I am very much #likethat.
009. Kotal Khan
Variation name: Kotal Eclipse (of the Khan)
There's no room for the parenthesis part, but it's there in my head lol
I started his tower after I heard he got a buff. I don't understand why he is so clunky! I don't like it. But v handsome sans body paint. I see you, Jade.
010. Cetrion
Variation Name: Naughty By Nature
I don't really like people with too many special moves. I'd would just rather punch people. Cetrion is not a good match for me, but I like her style and I think she has a very unique look.And, I was dying to make that pun. I'll never stop being annoying and corny, I can promise you that.
011. Scarlet
Variation Name: Poison IV
Previous Names: Hemosexual, Bloody Heck
Pretty much the same feelings as Cetrion. But I do appreciate that it's pretty easy to get a crushing blow while playing Scarlet. I've tried to play as Scarlet, but I'm just not at that point yet. I want to get good/coordinated enough to play as Scarlet because I love anything vampire-related. I love Scarlet's look, so cross your fingers for me!
012: Sonya Blade
Variation Name: Sarah McGlocklan
Previous name: So, I wanted to name her Rhonda Lousey, but it wouldn't let me. I'm going to change her name to Trans Rights! tho. I am starting to play Sonya a little bit more and I can see why people play as her. I mostly just use her AI, but her actual gameplay is nice too.
013: Baraka
Variation Name: Mr. Biteside
I wanted to name him Bite Night but the game deemed that inappropriate. I don't see how it is but whatever. I like Baraka as an AI but I kind of suck as Baraka when I am playing. I really don't see myself getting better, but we can always have hope!
014: D'vorah
Variation Name: D'genterate
I really don't play her. I just like the name. Because I hate D'vorah.I do like her brutality pose though!
015: Frost
Variation Name: CosplayCassi(e)Cage [The E wouldn't fit]
Why does Frost suck? Why? I'm mad.That's all I have to say.
016: Shang Tsung
Variation Name: Jonny Tsunami.
TBH if that's not what yours is named....idk man. I think of the surfer and that's really it. I was really afraid of the Reptile statue when I was little so I really didn't watch the Mortal Kombat movies very much as a kid. I appreciate it now that I'm older lmao.
017: Noob Saibot
Variation Name: The Black Parade
Previous Name: Nik's AIbot (as if I was going to pass that up), Emo for Death (Tre's is called Emo For Life), Linkin Park fan.
018: Liu Kang
Variation Name Nik's Main. It's extra funny because when I first saw LK's new design I thought I would play him extensively because I thought he was hot. I haven't used LK in months and I literally play everyday. We hate to see it.
019: Sub Zero
Variation Name: DJ SnowJoke
029. Cassie Cage
Variation name: Glo'd Up
Previous names- Sassie Cassie, #nofilter, Glo bby,
I don't play Nightwolf, Jax, Shao Khan, Raiden, Kung Lao, Geras, or Kollector. Sorry!
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