Here are a few more things I noticed after a few more views.
Dani always belonged in Sweden.
Ingmar is petty AF!
I didn't notice this the first time I watched this movie but Ingmar invited Connie and Simon because Connie chose Simon over him. I wonder if the cult would accept a non white May Queen.That would be an interesting story. Something I thought was pretty interesting was that Ingmar sat next to Connie's body in the end.
I really don't want this movie to have a sequel, but what if there was a short film where a man from the cult went on his lil pilgrimage and fell in love with an American and couldn't be with her. And then, decades later, a girl that looks like the American he fell in love with shows up...And, her name is Dani obviously lmao.
Christian Represents America
Gaslighting, a lack of self awareness, lazy, stealing (black) people's work, being selfish AND stupid, a horn dog white man. Very American of him. That's obviously not everyone in America. I live in America! But if you were to ask a non American what they thought made someone an American, at least one of those things would pop up.
Even the name Christian could mean something. I mean, the cult obviously does not stan Jesus. I know Christianity isn't solely an American thing, but I do think Christianity and Americanism are intertwined. Look at our President. He's supposedly a Christian. Actually most US Presidents have been some form of Christian. A lot of our culture is because of Christianity. I'm a Christian too, but in my opinon I don't think a country being so influenced by religion is a good thing. For example, Sweden is not a very religious country and while Midsommar is not a good example about how things are better there.....Things are better there. People are statically happier in Sweden. I do think the non religious politics there has a lot to do with that. Bootstraps? Vi kanner henne inte!!

The Four Sacrifices.
The sacrifices of the "outsiders" all corresponded to a different element.
Connie was drowned. It's not clear in the theatrical cut, but there is a deleted scene where they said they had to ritualistically sacrifice someone by throwing them in the water. They begin to prepare a little boy named Bror by weighing him down with chains; but they stop at the last second. The thing is, the next time we see Connie, it's her bloated body covered in the same chains. If you listen to that random scream towards the middle of the movie that is implied to be Connie, you can hear a splash right after. She was the water tribute.
Josh who, was surprising not the first person to die was the earth tribute. After being hit in the head, he is dismembered and buried. Like, these people were totally racist, but I think the reason he was buried like that was because it was to "honor" the earth. Not because he was black. I don't feel like he was overly mistreated. If I had to chose to die by any of these ways, I think a boink on the head is the easiest. And even if he was mistreated, he was taking pictures of their sacred book with out permission. That crosses a huge ethics line as an anthropologist! Not okay at all. Like, I don't want to get into how these people are clearly racist, because not only is it boring for you guys to read. As a black person, it's emotionally exhausting to explain this. Josh was the earth tribute.

Simon was exposed to the air while being the victim of the fabled "blood eagle". And, if we're being real here...Josh or Mark deserved this fate much more than Simon ever did. In Norse Mythology (it's debated if Blood Eagle/Owl executions really happened) this grisly end was for people who did something that "revoked their honor". So, going through sacred texts like it's a world book encyclopedia at the damn library, or pissing on someone's grave is like, very bad. Also, I high key think Josh KNEW those older people were going to die by suicide and didn't say anything to Dani even though he KNEW what she had just experienced. The worst thing Simon did was freak out about seeing two people jump off a cliff and die. I don't think that's very fair. I feel like this was Ingmar's idea lol. I really couldn't think of another logical way to give someone's body to the air, so I just wish this happened to someone that actually did something.
And ole bear boy Christian was the fire tribute, obviously.
I think they REALLY hated Mark and literally didn't think of something cool for him and left it at "skin the fool". If you don't remember, that's also a game the kids were playing. I think he sacrifice was to appease their ancestral tree.
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