With all the great news about the Mortal Kombat movie, I wanted to revisit the Ladder endings. Also, I wasted most of my money in the Kyrpt shrine. I had to play again. I even having a shopping problem when the money is not real.
If you are unfamiliar with Mortal Kombat, a ladder ending is the personalized ending of the character you played. It is not like the story mode where you play as different characters. Most of the endings are non canon, but some of them are. For example, in the previous game, Ermac is killed by Shang Tsung. In this game, Shang Tsung tells Kitana that he killed Ermac. This is important, because the game before that, Ermac was revealed to have to soul of King Jerrod, who is Kitana's real father. We also see Ermac dead when we go to Shang Tsung's island.
There is a "ladder". As you beat the opposing kombatants, you go up the ladder until you get to the top. The last person you fight is the "boss". In this case, the boss is Kronika, who is a rare hybrid of Titan and complete dumbass.
Here is a summary of ever ending and what I think of them.
Shao Khan:
Shao Khan beats Kronika and he merges ever timeline into one. So now, everything is how Shao Khan thinks it should be. Which is terrible. So, he makes Mortal Kombat and the best of the best wins. The example used is Takeda (Hey bae!), Takeda is crushed by the ultimate MK Champ, Shao Khan! Make Outworld Great Again MUAHAHAHAH.
I can't say I "liked" this ending. But I thought it was funny, and I liked seeing Takeda. I've seen the ~leaks~ and he is not DLC. I wish he was. I thought it was cool that the game designers made Takeda look like Keanu Reeves. Love that for me! Speaking of the Kombat Kids, I realized that there's a good chance Kung Jin might be dead. Y'all know I can't stand that man, but you know who else can't stand him (for a completely differnet readson?) Liu Kang! When Liu Kang and Kitana remake the timeline, Kung Jin might not be there. Kitana doesn't care for KJ either, she hit him with the Mariah "I don't know you," in MKX. I thought Everyone at the White Lotus Acamy died in the story, but Cassie is texting Kung Jin so...idk
I really feel like, at the end og the day, they got rid of Shao Khan far too early. He should have been a bigger problem than he was. I was also upset that in the tower ending Shao Khan didn't bring Mileena back. But, I'm not gonna act too wild over that. People on twitter are so annoying about it to the point I don't even care if I see her in any future games.
Frost was going through some teenage angst, even though she's probably like 27 years old. Ok, whatever. I wanna hate, but I also relate, so whatever. Frost was mad that everyone turned their back on her, that's why she went to Kronika in the first place. But then, Kronika dismissed her too!
So, she froze everyone and is now the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei! Love that for her! She uses the hourglass to make it so everyone knows who she is. As the keeper of the hourglass, she wants to be better than Kronika. She won't let people's stupidity mess up tie. So, she makes the Lin Kuei be her Time Warriors. Time Warriors is her terminology. I prefer Time Cops. So, Frost and the Time Cops make it so no one will over look Frost again.
This one was kind of dumb as well. But not in an entertaining way. If I could write her ending, I would make it so Bi-Han doesn't come back as Noob. After playing the story mode of MK11, I feel like at worst, Sub-Zero and Scorpion would keep thier distance from each other. And Frost could get the attention that she wanted from Sub-Zero. She just wants people to be proud of her! I do feel bad for Frost, even though she gives off a cringe "not like other cryomancers" vibe.
Johnny Cage:
I've had a real change of heart about the I quite like him now. I think it's because he looks like one of my friends. So I feel weird about hating him. I enjoyed his tower ending a lot, because it felt the most realistic. In Johnny Cage's ending, he reflects on his life and changes what he needs to change to give Sonya and Cassie a good life.
Speaking of Sonya, she doesn't die! Because Johnny Cage films always have happy endings.
I thought that was really cute and sweet. I don't think a lot of people would actually change themselves if they could. I think that most people would change the circumstances to make themselves the good guy and make the other person just "deal" with it. I thought that took real guts.
However, I feel like if I met my past self I would also beat her up so I was kind of like #kin with Johnny Cage.
Sonya Blade:
Listen y'all. I did not get the clicks my last blog post deserved. I just want Y'ALL to know that I hope this post does a little better because I hate listening to Sonya's voice now. TBH Rousey should have voiced Sindel. At least her voice is supposed to kill you!
Anyway, when Sonya gets the hourglass she realzes that she cannot protect the realms alone. So she assembles a (sigh) God Squad. The Squad consists of:
her daughter, Cassie
her BFF Jax
her Goddaughter Jacqui
her manz, Johnny
She also killed an old God that looked very Lovecraftian. I thought that was neat. It kind of reminded me of how scary angels are supposed to look according to the Bible.
Cassie Cage
Now that Cassie is a professional fighter of Gods, we have to just accept that she's gonna dab. Just thought I would address that elephant in the room. For the record Cassie and I are the same age and I was very ?????? when I first saw that lol. That's something my kids used to do. Anyway. Cassie doesn't change much. She just wants to be the best soldier she can be. She also brings her best friends Jacqui and Takeda. Someone else is there but....Idgaf about him and I'm sure he is not listening to Cassie anyway.
Cassie also brought her mom back. Which is fair enough.
Jax Briggs:
Whew, the drama of it all! This was the ending the melanin deficient were MAD at. Yes, with MAD.All capitalized. Before we get into the drama, I just want to point out a cool fact. Jax's name was originally going to be Kurtis Stryker! Isn't that wild! Also: the person that ended up being Stryker is probably never going to actually come back. He didn't actually appear in MK11 and he's still a revenant. I don't think we're seeing him again, based on how cops that are proud of their police brutaily are seen in the IRL world. I did like Styker as a character though.
Speaking of cops and police brutality, Jax made it so (American only?) slavery never happened. Which is seen as racist to some. In all honesty, I think most ethnicity of people have some sort of tragedy that they would prefer to erase. Weather it be American chattel slavery, the potato famine, the holocaust or the Armenian Genocide. There are Koreans that wish the horrors they endured by the Japanese in World War Two never existed. Obviously, Native Americans wish Columbus never put his crusty, disease ridden ship on their soil....I could go on.
I think if I had taken charge of the hourglass, I would do something that would benefit me and the people I cared about as well. I'm not sure what I would do thought. I couldn't get rid of slavery, because I might make myself (as in the exact genetic makeup/personality) not exist and I am not THAT selfless. I do have a hit list of historical figures, as I'm sure most people do.
I liked how Jax pointed out if he doesn't use his powers to protect and serve, then he is not a good officer. I did not like how at first, it looked like he erased his wife and child from existence.I think this is Jacqui and Vera. We don't know what Vera looks like, that could be her. The hairstyle of the younger woman looks like all of Jacqui's hairstyles mixed together. So maybe he just sunk the JacquixTakeda ship lmao.
But, like I said, I probably would not make a choice like Jax because I would not want to compromise my own life. Which kind of makes me a crap person like please don't see me as a role model. Even I feel bad about it now, because I don't want my ancestors going through that if I had the hypothetical power for that not to go on. So yeah, Jax was right. It's what all ADOS or whatever we're called now should do.
Like Jax, I am personally lucky. I have a nice life. I didn't have a nice childhood, but my adult life is better than most people's. My husband works very hard for us to have this quality of life and it is sadly not the norm in America.
Especially for Black Women.
I really don't get why people were so angry. It's not that serious and it's not like there was a big SJW push in the game. First of all, they got rid of all the queer people. There's no Mileena, Tanya, or Kung J*n. They gave Shao Khan, a bad ass... a line reminiscent of Trump. The women are dressed up a little more,but at the same time...Sonya is 51 years old. I get it. I do think Cassie's and some of Jacqui's costumes are straight up ugly. The women had short hair/braids because the hair was too hard to animate. It wasn't a political statement. I still think Jade is ~sexy~. She has a taunt where she straight up licks her pole...like bruh. The girls are also getting their original ninja kostumes anyway. So people are crying for nothing.
There's other things here and there, but I would say that Mortal Kombat is politically centerist. Even though I am more or less "liberal", I don't want too much politics in games. I just wanna beat people up.
Why can't this man/wraith catch a break? So even though future Scorpion's dying request to his past self was to not be stuck in the past, baby immediately goes to get his family back. And..He does, somewhat. Over and over again, his family's tragedy keeps repeating itself. No matter what he does. Eventually, he realizes that Kronika was not the only titan. There were more, and they had it out for him. So he kills the heck out of most of them, and the rest, I assume, he is still fighting. I found his ending underwhelming. I really like the scene where he died and he told his past self to restore the clan. I would have rather seen that. There is a Kung Lao ladder ending from the past that says he is the reincarnated Great Kung Lao. I kind of thought this ending was canon because we see the spirit of GKL with Kung Lao when he loses matches.
So, I'm operating under the thought that reincarnation is real to the Mortal Kombat people. I think it would have been better to see Hanzo and Takeda rebuild the Shirai Ryu and meeting a person that reminds him of Harumi and realizes that they are the reincarnation of Harumi.
Bi Han/Noob Saibot:
Finally, someone with some sense. Kronika lied to everyone. There is no way possible that everyone would be happy in the new timeline. I'm glad Noob wasn't with the shits.He decided that he wanted to rule destiny itself instead of settling for the Lin Kuei. So basically, he made everything xxDarkxxFor3verxx. It's not a phase, Kronika, it's who he really is. Death, Destroyer of Worlds.
As an unapologetic emo, I was living my best life with this one. This may be an unpopular opinon. But I hope Bi Han never changes. I love the hilarity.
Baraka had one of the better endings. With the power of the hourglass, he made sure that his nomadic tribe never went hungry again. Mad respect. He got rid of slavery for his people. And, I noticed that no one had any complaints about that...interesting. Tarkatans were no longer slaves and were rulers! They ruled all of Outworld and took Earthrealm by Mortal Kombat. I think this is the way things are supposed to be.
Not necessarily with Tarkatans, but I think if given the chance. the people at the "bottom" would try to settle the score a little bit. I kind of wish they did a "foil" ending with Baraka and Liu Kang (game ending) where Baraka would being Mileena back. I think that would have been funny. I am still kind of annoyed that we didn't get to see Mileena at all, because I know Liu Kang and Kitana aren't going to have her be created in the new timeline. Which is like, totally fair and understandable. I liked his ending and I found it humorous and honorable at the same time.
I am not a fan of Raiden. I think he's kind of dumb, which he admits. Also, I'm mad they hyped up Dark Raiden for literally nothing. Dark Raiden was cool and who I want protecting MY Earthrealm. Welp, you know what makes Noob Saibot so HArDxCorE? He was purged of all human emotion. So, naturally, Raiden did the same to make him a better keeper of time. All that was left was logic. Like I'm sure all my fellow Capricorns know and struggle to accept. The logical choice is not always the best choice. That's where my Pisces moon comes in.
Raiden does not have a Pisces moon. Someone he got love back into his life. Anyway, Raiden is obviously a Virgo with a Sagittarius moon.
Raiden claims that he has achieved peace with all of the realms. It's a good time to remind you that there is a place called Chaosrealm and I'll leave it at that.
Mr. Cage, I don't feel so good. OMG This is literally the worst ending ever and I really don't wanna talk about it tooooo much because it makes me angry. Jacqui makes it so Jax was never a revenant. Which means he never met Vera, which means Jacqui does not exist. I'm mad. F*ck all the other people that died in that massacre I guess. I see this as a terrible waste of a character that I've grown to like. I didn't have a stable relationship with my own father, so I cannot fathom wiping my entire existence so he will be happy. Jax would not do the same for Jacqui so it's like....That's what she wants to change? If I was Jacqui, I would have made Jax (and everyone) not become a revanant. If Kronika can manipulate time/Raiden so he fights with Liu Kang no matter what, surely Jacqui could have made it so her parents met no matter what.
Sub Zero
This one was super sweet. Kuai was able to restore not only the Lin Kuei's honor, but save his brother! He used the hourglass to figure out why Bi-Han turned out the way he did. I don't have a good relationship with my siblings either. I personally think Bi-Han just wanted to do hood rat shit with his friends and just let everything be with the exception of saving Cyrax, like he promised he would in the actual story. Maybe he should have put that energy into Frost instead of Bi Han. Ms. Thing was an asshole from start to finish as well. Kind of got the vibe that she saw him as a father figure, and she obviously wanted him to be proud of her. She wanted to make the Lin Kuei proud. I think that a successor would have been a better investment. More on that later though. I'm obviously not the only person that feels that way about their legacy.
As much as I want to redeem a fellow Harry Potter fan, I just think more important things were going on.

Anyway, he makes Bi-Han cut his scene phase short and now they are joint Grandmasters. And, if you play as Frost and go against Noob, you know this means Frost is no longer in the Lin Kuei.
Yawn. I see why she's always got an attitude.....men are EXHAUSTING. Kuai Liang is a better person than moi for sure. I would have just let him stay evil.
Moving on, This is what 2021 movie Bi-Han is going to look like. He's cute, or whatever. I think the person that was the face model for MK11 is much cuter, but that's my humble and correct opinion. I'm hearing good things about the movie, but I truly do NOT care if the movie is good or bad, because I like watching the bad one and the cartoon too.
In the story mode, I was underwhelmed with Cetrion. I felt like she could have been more than what she was. Shinok was at least funny at times. I don't know, I wish she existed for more than to do her toxic mom's bidding. I like that she does at least mention Shinok to people in matches. I was like majorly disappointment that Kronika did not seem to care that Shinok was decapitated. She was more focused on Raiden messing stuff up, and Shinok was just one of those things. In the story mode, I felt like that made her a weak boss, and by extension it makes Cetrion a weak sub-boss. I know they wanted things "balanced" or whatever, but I'm a mom. Balance goes out the window if you hurt my babies.
Also, if Kronika could just get rid of ~Dark~ Raiden, because two of them cannot exist..... Why not pull a past full bodied Shinok and let bodyless Shinok disappear? Or, just kill Cetrion since she does not fw her kids like that for some reason. If neither of them existed, things would still be balanced.
All in all, Kronika was dumb.So I was elated that Cetrion's ending kind of acknowledged that. Good things are good! And that's ok!
I was not surprised to see that even though there was no Shinok, evil was still #tryingit. Evil is very much like a Hydra, in my opinion. That's why horror movies can have so many sequels. I liked that she brought Shinok back. He IS her brother! She had to have felt some type of way about him being killed, even though her mom was a jerk. I thought it was cool that she ships Jakeda. But I especially like that she made it so good will eventually win over evil. It has to be that way. If not. what was #thepoint? I don't like playing as Cetrion, but I do like her design and I kind of hope she returns in future installments. It is unlikely though. I would like to see Cetrion as a good guy. I think her character would have been a little bit more interesting if she was there from the beginning. Maybe seeing her actually telling Shinok to stop doing evil or something. Idk. Kind of a waste of what could have been a cool character in my opinion.

Honestly, I'm not too sure who to contact about this. But I know I deserve a Pulitzer for whit for naming my D'vorah variation D'Generate. Anyway, our least favorite Bug A Boo points out the correct opinion that human(oids) love fighting and refuse to get along. Which, I mean, yeah...She's right. D'vorah said that "vermin" live to survive, and says that nothing divides them, and they build upon each other. Family does not kill family. Which isn't true IRL btw. A lot of bugs are cannibals. It's also not exactly true in Mortal Kombat, because the Kytinn killed their Queen according to Goro's throne room. I kind of felt like that was DVorah's motivation for being The Worst. Her loyalty was to The Hive. It's inferred that she is the Queen Bee, we know what happens when the queen fails her hive.
So D'Vorah rewinds time so her lil bug people are the big ones and humaniods are ant sized. She eats Kitana. Some other Kytinn eats Jade. No one considers this racist even though she uses the hourglass to improve the lives of her people. Interesting. Anyway I cannot stand D'vorah so I don't feel any type of way toward the ending.
Erron Black
Erron was my main when I first began playing MK11, so I was excited to see his ending again. I really wish NRS stuck with their original plan and made Erron a girl. I think that would have been cool to see.
I just want to repeat, all of the LGBTQ+ characters were not in MK11, so I am kind of glad Erron was a man. If he was a woman, he would not have been in MK11. Even though I think that Girl Erron and Skarlet would have been a much better looking couple, I am glad I got to see boy Erron and Skarlet have the funny banters that they do get pre fights. I really appreciate the vampire f*cker solidarity. I truly feel seen.
Erron Black has the best ladder ending. I am not taking constructive criticism at this time (or ever). This MFer yeets Kronika's hourglass into the bottomless Sea of Blood so no one can fix the time problems. Why, you ask? Because he doesn't care about politics, common sense, or the welfare of anyone else. He just wants to fight.
That's how I play Mortal Kombat and why I love this ratchet white man.However, I do not love his hairline. A lot of the men are so ridiculously attractive and they gave him this weird hairstyle. I truly do not understand why they did that. Even "young" Erron has a weird hairline. I totally understand why MKX Erron was ugly, we weren't even supposed to actually see his face. So, I get why they didn't put effort into it. But like, Shang Tsung can slow Erron's aging, but not his hair? I don't get it man. Also, have you guys heard the strange yet convincing theory that Erron Black killed Abraham Lincoln? L M A O. And I guess our sixteenth president was actually a wrestler at some point. Not a cool wrestler like Xavier Woods, but like a traditional one. I really can't blame Erron for getting rid of the hourglass. Do you guys remember when our current president got stone cold stuna'd on television? The Leviathans in the Sea of Blood need to stop playing. I've had enough.
I don't play Erron as much anymore, because I'm more focused on the Kombat League and my crippling depression. But in my opinion, this is the most chaotic neutral thing I've witnessed in a while. I like it.
Speaking of rachet white men, this is what happened with the prototype. Kano cuts a deal with Kronika...Suprise, suprise. So Kronika gives him the power to shape time anyway he wants, and he chooses Mother Daughter Death Matches. Kano thinks that getting everything you've ever wanted is boring. I think he felt unfullfilled because he wanted stuff like Mother Daughter Death Matches.
Kano decides that he would rather work for the things he wants instead of just getting them. So he changes it so he actually has to put in the effort to get the things that he wants. Good for him...Bad for literally everyone else. Kano remarks that he does not always win, but when it does win it's something good that he is proud of.

I was actually really shocked he didn't bring his past self back because you know what...I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable. But I guess it's the age old question... I am firmly on the "No, because what if my clone is evil?" side in case you ever wondered. I used to feel a very different way. Then I saw US and was like "Nah, I'm good."
Are we all just gonna ignore that there is a very large group of women on the internet have the hots for Kabal? And that I am a part of them? I actually did not care too much for his role in the story or his tower ending. I didn't like his part in the story because he was pulled from a different point in time. I get that the juxtaposition of "handsome"(sorry, that I'm #hornyonmain) Kabal and revenant, burned, and "ugly" Kabal makes some points, but I think they should have all came from the same time. I can also see why we are down playing Stryker in 2019. And I think because Stryker, a cop would probably not be well received these days is why Kabal has said "F*ck Blue Lives" and dipped. I still think it would be interesting to see Kabal as an Earthrealm cop and seen what he is destined to become.
Because, that would put me at a crossroads. Like, he wants to protect this time line which contains the life he has built for himself, but he doesn't wanna turn into a revenant. If he had a chapter in the story line, I think that it would be cool for him to have to make that choice and ultimately serve Kronika, because he doesn't want to get burned and eventually die horribly. It would be a cool callback to his past participation where he *was* good (well, goodish I do not partake in police propaganda) then became bad.
That would have literally no impact on the story, except it woulld have an extra chapter. Kano could just be like "hayyyy btw, Sindel didn't burn you, 'Sonya' did". That's another reason I didn't like his part in the story. I know that Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm isn't Kanon (or good), but I just don't want Sonya and Kabal to be eniemes!
I didn't like his tower ending, but I did like that he gave control of time back to Kronika. I don't think I have said how I feel about the current Mortal Kombat timeline with all it's retcons and lack of Mileena, but I think things would be better if they just started over.
I'm just going to say it. I am just really not feelin' the Sareena ship. I liked that he took Kano down, because I don't really care for Kano like that. But for Sareena? I don't get it. I thought she defected to the good side. Before that wasn't Noob Saibot her lil boo thang? If I was writing Kabal's ending and I HAD to give him a romantic interest it would have been an Earthrealm woman that he was dating before he got burned that just never found out what had happened to her. He looked in the hourglass and saw she was unhappy with life and made it so they were together. Living in the same comforts as the original tower ending. I just find it difficult to beleive he had no life outside of Black Dragon/Red Dragon/Police stuff. Kind of like Cassie's lil friend Dylan, or Jax's wife Vera....these people have lives outside of Mortal Kombat stuff. Or he could have dated Kira, maybe? Where's she at?
Liu Kang
They really could have kept this ending! Liu Kang and Kitana were like...my first OTP before I even knew what that meant. If that makes sense lol. I really, really just want them to be together and happy. That's why I liked the story mode ending for them. I got the "good" ending where Liu Kang and Kitana are going to shape time together. I did not like looking at De-Godded Raiden. A very cursed image, TBH! I did not like the tower ending, I want them to be happy! Even though I would prefer them not to be revenants, at least they were together. Revenant Kitanta was T H R I V I N G. She had her mom, her BDE-having man, her bff, and no Mileena. That's why I wasn't too suprised in MKX when she high key implied she liked being evil.
I also don't like that Kung Lao became a God because, I don't like God's that are full of themselves. I also don't like Kung Lao. Or Raiden, Or Bo Rai Cho. They are probably behind the #klownery of our current timeline, let's be real. TWO WRESTLING PRESIDENTS! I've had enough.
I think that's a very good attitude to have when it comes to your past. It's important to acknowledge it, but it's also important to do what you can to make a good present and future. When I eventually take over the world, I am going to apply some (but not all bc tbh what a mess) Californian principles to my rule.
I know a lot of people are still big mad about Mileena not being in the game. I personally never felt it was that big of a deal, there are obvouously other games with Mileena in it. And, you guys...Mileena is like, super dead. She also was not a good ruler. I see why Kronika did not bring her back. I love Mileena. I've even cosplayed as her before cosplaying any other Mortal Kombat characters, but it's really not that big of a deal. Just put a kustom outfit on Kitana and call it a day. People have harassed the creators to the point that I don't want her in future games. The Elder Gods don't like ugly.
Kung Lao
He used the hourglass to undo the defeat of The Great Kung Lao. Which means Earthrealm does not lose another tournament. A lot of people end up joining the White Lotus Society because they are inspired by TGKL. And that inspires outworld to over throw Shao Khan, and everything is peaceful. But then, something worse comes along. The other Kung Lao kills it. I think it's supposed to be Onaga. He then implies that he is better than Liu Kang. What's the opposite of BDE? What kind of friendship is this where one of them is THAT insecure. Annoying.
Everytime I think about Jade and Kotal Khan being together I literally want to throw up. So I thought it was cool that she listened to her heart and chose her best friend over him. We have decided to stan forever. She restored Edenia and made it so Shao Khan never destroyed it. Jade and Kitana had a fun and happy childhood. But, Jade always kind of felt she was different.When Jade was an adult she became the protector of Edenian. I imagine she is much more proficent at her job than the protector of Earthrealm.... She was able to beat Shinok AND Cetrion. At the same time.
I love Jade. And I love that she got to be black-ish again. We can argue all you want, but childhood pictures of Alexis show that I know wtf I'm talking about.
I am excited to cosplay her in the future. The outfit I think I'm going to pick is her "Chosen of Argus" getup.
Argus was a God of Edenia! He is Rain's dad.
And you must know, that I really like Rain too.I like all the Edenians, even Tanya, Dagon, and Taven.
This ending was really fun. It wasn't one that had me hanging on the edge of my seat wondering if it was Kanon like other towers have had me feeling in the past. I knew it was pure nonsense and it's really okay. I feel like it made up for her lackluster part in the story. She did have more screentime than other "jobbers" but I still wanted to see more. Even though I don't care for her outfits this time around, it's not because they aren't "sexy" I actually thought she looked super hot in her tower ending. I just feel like Skarlet's concept art was better than what we got. But, since she looked so good in her tower ending, I really don't care that her actual costumes are like, really ugly. Cassie, Sonya, Jacqui, and Kitana are really the only females with super cute outfits. I wish Jade had something cooler as well. I did really like Skarlet's voice actress, so if the character returns, that's exactly how I want her to sound.
In Skarlet's ending she becomes 10000% that bitch and binds the Blood Code to the sands of time. Now everyone, including Shao Khan, is either a servant of Skarlet or a blood sacrifice for Skarlet.
Kotal Khan
Ok, let me put y'all on real quick. There's this face mask called Aztec healing clay which is a really good mask if you have acne. I am pretty sure this is what Koal uses to make his skin green. It makes my skin green, but it also makes my skin really tight. I'm in a bad mood towards the end of wearing the mask. So, I think that the "tight" feeling I feel is why Kotal Khan is so.....weird. I can't explain it. He has a real flip flop personality that really rubs me the wrong way. Jade deserves better.
Kronika tried to tempt Kotal into sparing her and in return he and Jade would rule forever.
He rejected that. Instead he listens to people bed for him to rewrite thier history and he refuses.
Stuff like this....is why he got beat up in his reveal trailer.
So Geras makes one final and perfect timeline. I'm gonna assume that means no more wrestling presidents. Anyway, mortals didn't want to follow their paths. He totally got why Kronika was #likethat. He decides that mortals do not need (or deserve) a Time Lord. He sacrifces himself so the hourglass runs itself. Which really makes me wish Geras bled sand instead of blood. Oh well.
I found Geras to be boring....but the face model....
Theydies and gentlegays, NSR really snapped on this one.
Well this lil shithead pointed out that his people were considered the lowest of the low. He felt that what Kronika was offering him was not enough to compensate for what his people have suffered. They built things like the Koliseum and the palace, as slaves. Everything he took for Shao Khan was owed to his people, in his opinon. Then, he decided that he deserved all the money and the treasures because the other Nnaknandans did not help him with his job...because they were, ya know.....slaves... So he is the Khan and he is taking all the realms....by Mortal Kombat!
I am very excited to play as Nightwolf because his revanant actually looks scary.
Like, this is literally my sleep paralysis demon. I love it. I don't use any of the revanant skins, because I think they are ugly in a bad way. But I'm going to use this one because it's ugly in a good way.

I have already seen Nightwolf's tower ending, so I just wanna say spoiler alert again. Since it is not in the game yet. I wouldn't want anyone to be spoiled. I generally don't care about spoilers, but I was a little ticked off when I randomly saw the screencap of D'vorah killing Scorpion.
Nightwolf recounts his life and how he almost sold out his tribe to Kano and the Black Dragon. He wanted to get out of poverty. Ultimatley does not steal his tribe's treasures/relics. Kano kills him for it. The Great Spirit brings him back to life as Nightwolf, the protector of the Matoka.
Unfortunatly, he cannot be Nightwolf and the Keeper of Time. The Great Spirit, tells him to be the Keeper of Time so he can restore history. "Nightwolf" does not belong to just him. It belongs to the Matoka.
The next Nightwolf is a woman! When I saw that I was S H O O K. The Great Spirit is also a woman, I think that's neat too.
If you are unfamiliar with Mortal Kombat, a ladder ending is the personalized ending of the character you played. It is not like the story mode where you play as different characters. Most of the endings are non canon, but some of them are. For example, in the previous game, Ermac is killed by Shang Tsung. In this game, Shang Tsung tells Kitana that he killed Ermac. This is important, because the game before that, Ermac was revealed to have to soul of King Jerrod, who is Kitana's real father. We also see Ermac dead when we go to Shang Tsung's island.
There is a "ladder". As you beat the opposing kombatants, you go up the ladder until you get to the top. The last person you fight is the "boss". In this case, the boss is Kronika, who is a rare hybrid of Titan and complete dumbass.
Here is a summary of ever ending and what I think of them.
Shao Khan:
Shao Khan beats Kronika and he merges ever timeline into one. So now, everything is how Shao Khan thinks it should be. Which is terrible. So, he makes Mortal Kombat and the best of the best wins. The example used is Takeda (Hey bae!), Takeda is crushed by the ultimate MK Champ, Shao Khan! Make Outworld Great Again MUAHAHAHAH.
I can't say I "liked" this ending. But I thought it was funny, and I liked seeing Takeda. I've seen the ~leaks~ and he is not DLC. I wish he was. I thought it was cool that the game designers made Takeda look like Keanu Reeves. Love that for me! Speaking of the Kombat Kids, I realized that there's a good chance Kung Jin might be dead. Y'all know I can't stand that man, but you know who else can't stand him (for a completely differnet readson?) Liu Kang! When Liu Kang and Kitana remake the timeline, Kung Jin might not be there. Kitana doesn't care for KJ either, she hit him with the Mariah "I don't know you," in MKX. I thought Everyone at the White Lotus Acamy died in the story, but Cassie is texting Kung Jin so...idk
I really feel like, at the end og the day, they got rid of Shao Khan far too early. He should have been a bigger problem than he was. I was also upset that in the tower ending Shao Khan didn't bring Mileena back. But, I'm not gonna act too wild over that. People on twitter are so annoying about it to the point I don't even care if I see her in any future games.
Frost was going through some teenage angst, even though she's probably like 27 years old. Ok, whatever. I wanna hate, but I also relate, so whatever. Frost was mad that everyone turned their back on her, that's why she went to Kronika in the first place. But then, Kronika dismissed her too!
So, she froze everyone and is now the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei! Love that for her! She uses the hourglass to make it so everyone knows who she is. As the keeper of the hourglass, she wants to be better than Kronika. She won't let people's stupidity mess up tie. So, she makes the Lin Kuei be her Time Warriors. Time Warriors is her terminology. I prefer Time Cops. So, Frost and the Time Cops make it so no one will over look Frost again.
This one was kind of dumb as well. But not in an entertaining way. If I could write her ending, I would make it so Bi-Han doesn't come back as Noob. After playing the story mode of MK11, I feel like at worst, Sub-Zero and Scorpion would keep thier distance from each other. And Frost could get the attention that she wanted from Sub-Zero. She just wants people to be proud of her! I do feel bad for Frost, even though she gives off a cringe "not like other cryomancers" vibe.
Johnny Cage:
I've had a real change of heart about the I quite like him now. I think it's because he looks like one of my friends. So I feel weird about hating him. I enjoyed his tower ending a lot, because it felt the most realistic. In Johnny Cage's ending, he reflects on his life and changes what he needs to change to give Sonya and Cassie a good life.
Speaking of Sonya, she doesn't die! Because Johnny Cage films always have happy endings.
I thought that was really cute and sweet. I don't think a lot of people would actually change themselves if they could. I think that most people would change the circumstances to make themselves the good guy and make the other person just "deal" with it. I thought that took real guts.
However, I feel like if I met my past self I would also beat her up so I was kind of like #kin with Johnny Cage.
Sonya Blade:
Listen y'all. I did not get the clicks my last blog post deserved. I just want Y'ALL to know that I hope this post does a little better because I hate listening to Sonya's voice now. TBH Rousey should have voiced Sindel. At least her voice is supposed to kill you!
Anyway, when Sonya gets the hourglass she realzes that she cannot protect the realms alone. So she assembles a (sigh) God Squad. The Squad consists of:
her daughter, Cassie
her BFF Jax
her Goddaughter Jacqui
her manz, Johnny
She also killed an old God that looked very Lovecraftian. I thought that was neat. It kind of reminded me of how scary angels are supposed to look according to the Bible.
Cassie Cage
Now that Cassie is a professional fighter of Gods, we have to just accept that she's gonna dab. Just thought I would address that elephant in the room. For the record Cassie and I are the same age and I was very ?????? when I first saw that lol. That's something my kids used to do. Anyway. Cassie doesn't change much. She just wants to be the best soldier she can be. She also brings her best friends Jacqui and Takeda. Someone else is there but....Idgaf about him and I'm sure he is not listening to Cassie anyway.
Cassie also brought her mom back. Which is fair enough.
Jax Briggs:
Whew, the drama of it all! This was the ending the melanin deficient were MAD at. Yes, with MAD.All capitalized. Before we get into the drama, I just want to point out a cool fact. Jax's name was originally going to be Kurtis Stryker! Isn't that wild! Also: the person that ended up being Stryker is probably never going to actually come back. He didn't actually appear in MK11 and he's still a revenant. I don't think we're seeing him again, based on how cops that are proud of their police brutaily are seen in the IRL world. I did like Styker as a character though.
Speaking of cops and police brutality, Jax made it so (American only?) slavery never happened. Which is seen as racist to some. In all honesty, I think most ethnicity of people have some sort of tragedy that they would prefer to erase. Weather it be American chattel slavery, the potato famine, the holocaust or the Armenian Genocide. There are Koreans that wish the horrors they endured by the Japanese in World War Two never existed. Obviously, Native Americans wish Columbus never put his crusty, disease ridden ship on their soil....I could go on.
I think if I had taken charge of the hourglass, I would do something that would benefit me and the people I cared about as well. I'm not sure what I would do thought. I couldn't get rid of slavery, because I might make myself (as in the exact genetic makeup/personality) not exist and I am not THAT selfless. I do have a hit list of historical figures, as I'm sure most people do.
I liked how Jax pointed out if he doesn't use his powers to protect and serve, then he is not a good officer. I did not like how at first, it looked like he erased his wife and child from existence.I think this is Jacqui and Vera. We don't know what Vera looks like, that could be her. The hairstyle of the younger woman looks like all of Jacqui's hairstyles mixed together. So maybe he just sunk the JacquixTakeda ship lmao.
But, like I said, I probably would not make a choice like Jax because I would not want to compromise my own life. Which kind of makes me a crap person like please don't see me as a role model. Even I feel bad about it now, because I don't want my ancestors going through that if I had the hypothetical power for that not to go on. So yeah, Jax was right. It's what all ADOS or whatever we're called now should do.
Like Jax, I am personally lucky. I have a nice life. I didn't have a nice childhood, but my adult life is better than most people's. My husband works very hard for us to have this quality of life and it is sadly not the norm in America.
Especially for Black Women.
I really don't get why people were so angry. It's not that serious and it's not like there was a big SJW push in the game. First of all, they got rid of all the queer people. There's no Mileena, Tanya, or Kung J*n. They gave Shao Khan, a bad ass... a line reminiscent of Trump. The women are dressed up a little more,but at the same time...Sonya is 51 years old. I get it. I do think Cassie's and some of Jacqui's costumes are straight up ugly. The women had short hair/braids because the hair was too hard to animate. It wasn't a political statement. I still think Jade is ~sexy~. She has a taunt where she straight up licks her pole...like bruh. The girls are also getting their original ninja kostumes anyway. So people are crying for nothing.
There's other things here and there, but I would say that Mortal Kombat is politically centerist. Even though I am more or less "liberal", I don't want too much politics in games. I just wanna beat people up.

So, I'm operating under the thought that reincarnation is real to the Mortal Kombat people. I think it would have been better to see Hanzo and Takeda rebuild the Shirai Ryu and meeting a person that reminds him of Harumi and realizes that they are the reincarnation of Harumi.

As an unapologetic emo, I was living my best life with this one. This may be an unpopular opinon. But I hope Bi Han never changes. I love the hilarity.
Baraka had one of the better endings. With the power of the hourglass, he made sure that his nomadic tribe never went hungry again. Mad respect. He got rid of slavery for his people. And, I noticed that no one had any complaints about that...interesting. Tarkatans were no longer slaves and were rulers! They ruled all of Outworld and took Earthrealm by Mortal Kombat. I think this is the way things are supposed to be.
Not necessarily with Tarkatans, but I think if given the chance. the people at the "bottom" would try to settle the score a little bit. I kind of wish they did a "foil" ending with Baraka and Liu Kang (game ending) where Baraka would being Mileena back. I think that would have been funny. I am still kind of annoyed that we didn't get to see Mileena at all, because I know Liu Kang and Kitana aren't going to have her be created in the new timeline. Which is like, totally fair and understandable. I liked his ending and I found it humorous and honorable at the same time.
I am not a fan of Raiden. I think he's kind of dumb, which he admits. Also, I'm mad they hyped up Dark Raiden for literally nothing. Dark Raiden was cool and who I want protecting MY Earthrealm. Welp, you know what makes Noob Saibot so HArDxCorE? He was purged of all human emotion. So, naturally, Raiden did the same to make him a better keeper of time. All that was left was logic. Like I'm sure all my fellow Capricorns know and struggle to accept. The logical choice is not always the best choice. That's where my Pisces moon comes in.
Raiden does not have a Pisces moon. Someone he got love back into his life. Anyway, Raiden is obviously a Virgo with a Sagittarius moon.
Raiden claims that he has achieved peace with all of the realms. It's a good time to remind you that there is a place called Chaosrealm and I'll leave it at that.
Mr. Cage, I don't feel so good. OMG This is literally the worst ending ever and I really don't wanna talk about it tooooo much because it makes me angry. Jacqui makes it so Jax was never a revenant. Which means he never met Vera, which means Jacqui does not exist. I'm mad. F*ck all the other people that died in that massacre I guess. I see this as a terrible waste of a character that I've grown to like. I didn't have a stable relationship with my own father, so I cannot fathom wiping my entire existence so he will be happy. Jax would not do the same for Jacqui so it's like....That's what she wants to change? If I was Jacqui, I would have made Jax (and everyone) not become a revanant. If Kronika can manipulate time/Raiden so he fights with Liu Kang no matter what, surely Jacqui could have made it so her parents met no matter what.
Sub Zero
This one was super sweet. Kuai was able to restore not only the Lin Kuei's honor, but save his brother! He used the hourglass to figure out why Bi-Han turned out the way he did. I don't have a good relationship with my siblings either. I personally think Bi-Han just wanted to do hood rat shit with his friends and just let everything be with the exception of saving Cyrax, like he promised he would in the actual story. Maybe he should have put that energy into Frost instead of Bi Han. Ms. Thing was an asshole from start to finish as well. Kind of got the vibe that she saw him as a father figure, and she obviously wanted him to be proud of her. She wanted to make the Lin Kuei proud. I think that a successor would have been a better investment. More on that later though. I'm obviously not the only person that feels that way about their legacy.
As much as I want to redeem a fellow Harry Potter fan, I just think more important things were going on.

Anyway, he makes Bi-Han cut his scene phase short and now they are joint Grandmasters. And, if you play as Frost and go against Noob, you know this means Frost is no longer in the Lin Kuei.
Yawn. I see why she's always got an attitude.....men are EXHAUSTING. Kuai Liang is a better person than moi for sure. I would have just let him stay evil.
Moving on, This is what 2021 movie Bi-Han is going to look like. He's cute, or whatever. I think the person that was the face model for MK11 is much cuter, but that's my humble and correct opinion. I'm hearing good things about the movie, but I truly do NOT care if the movie is good or bad, because I like watching the bad one and the cartoon too.
In the story mode, I was underwhelmed with Cetrion. I felt like she could have been more than what she was. Shinok was at least funny at times. I don't know, I wish she existed for more than to do her toxic mom's bidding. I like that she does at least mention Shinok to people in matches. I was like majorly disappointment that Kronika did not seem to care that Shinok was decapitated. She was more focused on Raiden messing stuff up, and Shinok was just one of those things. In the story mode, I felt like that made her a weak boss, and by extension it makes Cetrion a weak sub-boss. I know they wanted things "balanced" or whatever, but I'm a mom. Balance goes out the window if you hurt my babies.
Also, if Kronika could just get rid of ~Dark~ Raiden, because two of them cannot exist..... Why not pull a past full bodied Shinok and let bodyless Shinok disappear? Or, just kill Cetrion since she does not fw her kids like that for some reason. If neither of them existed, things would still be balanced.
All in all, Kronika was dumb.So I was elated that Cetrion's ending kind of acknowledged that. Good things are good! And that's ok!
I was not surprised to see that even though there was no Shinok, evil was still #tryingit. Evil is very much like a Hydra, in my opinion. That's why horror movies can have so many sequels. I liked that she brought Shinok back. He IS her brother! She had to have felt some type of way about him being killed, even though her mom was a jerk. I thought it was cool that she ships Jakeda. But I especially like that she made it so good will eventually win over evil. It has to be that way. If not. what was #thepoint? I don't like playing as Cetrion, but I do like her design and I kind of hope she returns in future installments. It is unlikely though. I would like to see Cetrion as a good guy. I think her character would have been a little bit more interesting if she was there from the beginning. Maybe seeing her actually telling Shinok to stop doing evil or something. Idk. Kind of a waste of what could have been a cool character in my opinion.

So D'Vorah rewinds time so her lil bug people are the big ones and humaniods are ant sized. She eats Kitana. Some other Kytinn eats Jade. No one considers this racist even though she uses the hourglass to improve the lives of her people. Interesting. Anyway I cannot stand D'vorah so I don't feel any type of way toward the ending.
Erron Black
Erron was my main when I first began playing MK11, so I was excited to see his ending again. I really wish NRS stuck with their original plan and made Erron a girl. I think that would have been cool to see.

I don't play Erron as much anymore, because I'm more focused on the Kombat League and my crippling depression. But in my opinion, this is the most chaotic neutral thing I've witnessed in a while. I like it.
Speaking of rachet white men, this is what happened with the prototype. Kano cuts a deal with Kronika...Suprise, suprise. So Kronika gives him the power to shape time anyway he wants, and he chooses Mother Daughter Death Matches. Kano thinks that getting everything you've ever wanted is boring. I think he felt unfullfilled because he wanted stuff like Mother Daughter Death Matches.
Kano decides that he would rather work for the things he wants instead of just getting them. So he changes it so he actually has to put in the effort to get the things that he wants. Good for him...Bad for literally everyone else. Kano remarks that he does not always win, but when it does win it's something good that he is proud of.

I was actually really shocked he didn't bring his past self back because you know what...I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable. But I guess it's the age old question... I am firmly on the "No, because what if my clone is evil?" side in case you ever wondered. I used to feel a very different way. Then I saw US and was like "Nah, I'm good."

Because, that would put me at a crossroads. Like, he wants to protect this time line which contains the life he has built for himself, but he doesn't wanna turn into a revenant. If he had a chapter in the story line, I think that it would be cool for him to have to make that choice and ultimately serve Kronika, because he doesn't want to get burned and eventually die horribly. It would be a cool callback to his past participation where he *was* good (well, goodish I do not partake in police propaganda) then became bad.
That would have literally no impact on the story, except it woulld have an extra chapter. Kano could just be like "hayyyy btw, Sindel didn't burn you, 'Sonya' did". That's another reason I didn't like his part in the story. I know that Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm isn't Kanon (or good), but I just don't want Sonya and Kabal to be eniemes!
I didn't like his tower ending, but I did like that he gave control of time back to Kronika. I don't think I have said how I feel about the current Mortal Kombat timeline with all it's retcons and lack of Mileena, but I think things would be better if they just started over.
I'm just going to say it. I am just really not feelin' the Sareena ship. I liked that he took Kano down, because I don't really care for Kano like that. But for Sareena? I don't get it. I thought she defected to the good side. Before that wasn't Noob Saibot her lil boo thang? If I was writing Kabal's ending and I HAD to give him a romantic interest it would have been an Earthrealm woman that he was dating before he got burned that just never found out what had happened to her. He looked in the hourglass and saw she was unhappy with life and made it so they were together. Living in the same comforts as the original tower ending. I just find it difficult to beleive he had no life outside of Black Dragon/Red Dragon/Police stuff. Kind of like Cassie's lil friend Dylan, or Jax's wife Vera....these people have lives outside of Mortal Kombat stuff. Or he could have dated Kira, maybe? Where's she at?
Liu Kang
They really could have kept this ending! Liu Kang and Kitana were like...my first OTP before I even knew what that meant. If that makes sense lol. I really, really just want them to be together and happy. That's why I liked the story mode ending for them. I got the "good" ending where Liu Kang and Kitana are going to shape time together. I did not like looking at De-Godded Raiden. A very cursed image, TBH! I did not like the tower ending, I want them to be happy! Even though I would prefer them not to be revenants, at least they were together. Revenant Kitanta was T H R I V I N G. She had her mom, her BDE-having man, her bff, and no Mileena. That's why I wasn't too suprised in MKX when she high key implied she liked being evil.

Yo!!! I went back to my home town this year and Kitana's ending had me in my feelings. It's such a shitty feeling to go back to where you came from to find out that you are totally isolated from it. It hurts. I liked that her ending didn't dwell on the past like a lot of other people's did. While she did eventually learn things about Edenia, she is also Outworlds Khan. Bad Bitches Only.
I think that's a very good attitude to have when it comes to your past. It's important to acknowledge it, but it's also important to do what you can to make a good present and future. When I eventually take over the world, I am going to apply some (but not all bc tbh what a mess) Californian principles to my rule.
Kung Lao

Everytime I think about Jade and Kotal Khan being together I literally want to throw up. So I thought it was cool that she listened to her heart and chose her best friend over him. We have decided to stan forever. She restored Edenia and made it so Shao Khan never destroyed it. Jade and Kitana had a fun and happy childhood. But, Jade always kind of felt she was different.When Jade was an adult she became the protector of Edenian. I imagine she is much more proficent at her job than the protector of Earthrealm.... She was able to beat Shinok AND Cetrion. At the same time.
I love Jade. And I love that she got to be black-ish again. We can argue all you want, but childhood pictures of Alexis show that I know wtf I'm talking about.
I am excited to cosplay her in the future. The outfit I think I'm going to pick is her "Chosen of Argus" getup.
Argus was a God of Edenia! He is Rain's dad.
And you must know, that I really like Rain too.I like all the Edenians, even Tanya, Dagon, and Taven.

In Skarlet's ending she becomes 10000% that bitch and binds the Blood Code to the sands of time. Now everyone, including Shao Khan, is either a servant of Skarlet or a blood sacrifice for Skarlet.
Kotal Khan
Ok, let me put y'all on real quick. There's this face mask called Aztec healing clay which is a really good mask if you have acne. I am pretty sure this is what Koal uses to make his skin green. It makes my skin green, but it also makes my skin really tight. I'm in a bad mood towards the end of wearing the mask. So, I think that the "tight" feeling I feel is why Kotal Khan is so.....weird. I can't explain it. He has a real flip flop personality that really rubs me the wrong way. Jade deserves better.
Kronika tried to tempt Kotal into sparing her and in return he and Jade would rule forever.
He rejected that. Instead he listens to people bed for him to rewrite thier history and he refuses.
Stuff like this....is why he got beat up in his reveal trailer.
It's rewind time! But Geras is #overit and just wants to die....relatable.
So Geras makes one final and perfect timeline. I'm gonna assume that means no more wrestling presidents. Anyway, mortals didn't want to follow their paths. He totally got why Kronika was #likethat. He decides that mortals do not need (or deserve) a Time Lord. He sacrifces himself so the hourglass runs itself. Which really makes me wish Geras bled sand instead of blood. Oh well.
I found Geras to be boring....but the face model....
Theydies and gentlegays, NSR really snapped on this one.
Well this lil shithead pointed out that his people were considered the lowest of the low. He felt that what Kronika was offering him was not enough to compensate for what his people have suffered. They built things like the Koliseum and the palace, as slaves. Everything he took for Shao Khan was owed to his people, in his opinon. Then, he decided that he deserved all the money and the treasures because the other Nnaknandans did not help him with his job...because they were, ya know.....slaves... So he is the Khan and he is taking all the realms....by Mortal Kombat!
I am very excited to play as Nightwolf because his revanant actually looks scary.
Like, this is literally my sleep paralysis demon. I love it. I don't use any of the revanant skins, because I think they are ugly in a bad way. But I'm going to use this one because it's ugly in a good way.

I have already seen Nightwolf's tower ending, so I just wanna say spoiler alert again. Since it is not in the game yet. I wouldn't want anyone to be spoiled. I generally don't care about spoilers, but I was a little ticked off when I randomly saw the screencap of D'vorah killing Scorpion.
Nightwolf recounts his life and how he almost sold out his tribe to Kano and the Black Dragon. He wanted to get out of poverty. Ultimatley does not steal his tribe's treasures/relics. Kano kills him for it. The Great Spirit brings him back to life as Nightwolf, the protector of the Matoka.
Unfortunatly, he cannot be Nightwolf and the Keeper of Time. The Great Spirit, tells him to be the Keeper of Time so he can restore history. "Nightwolf" does not belong to just him. It belongs to the Matoka.
The next Nightwolf is a woman! When I saw that I was S H O O K. The Great Spirit is also a woman, I think that's neat too.
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