Well, well, well, if it isn't Miss "Get noticed by Shudder and then completely go ghost" (that's me). Anyway, 2020 has been a complete dumpster fire for me, so it's hard for me to want to write about horror. It's like, you want horror? Turn on the news!
I have been busy, and by busy, I mean checking my email like 30 times a day to see if a certain publishing company got back to me. Hopefully, you will all get to see the novel I wrote published soon. I've also been rewatching a lot of my favorite animes, because, why not? Why so many of y'all are having a Hot Girl Summer I am properly social distancing and having a Hot Girl Bummer. I'm just a bit pissed at everyone!
I think with all that is going on outside, that rewatching shows and movies where I already know what happens is comforting. This year has been unpredictable in pretty much every way. The government admitted that aliens are real, and the former lead singer of Blink 182 was the whistle blower on that. This year also has felt much longer than any other year ever. Little Richard died this year....that feels like a million years ago. But the MURDER HORNETS feel like yesterday. Breonna Taylor's unjust murder doesn't even seem like it happened in this decade the way that y'all have turned it into a meme.
So, since I've watched some of these like two or three times in the 100+ days I've been in my house. To keep myself entertained, I've decided to watch them with my bats*it theories in mind. I like to think they are pretty original like you're not about to read that All Might is Deku's real dad, because, duh. Light became a Shinigami... We know man, we know!!!
- Senku was created by Byakuya (this has manga spoilers)
These two look alike! Like they look too alike to not share DNA. I know that Senku straight up says that he isn't related by blood to his dad. But, if Senku was created and not born, that is a technicality I could see Senku making.
It could be argued that they look alike because they are both Japanese, but none of the other Japanese people in this anime look alike unless they are related. Taiju and Tsukasa do not look alike outside of having the same (common) hair color. But, Suika looks like a young Kohaku because they are (inbred) related.
So, why am I supposed to believe with my galaxy sized brain that Byakuya, as a single parent was able to adopt a little onion headed baby that looks JUST like him. I've actually been reading up on Japanese adoption, as it's different from American adoption. It's interesting as heck and low key better in some, but not all ways.
You know how in Made In Abyss Miss Riko is obsessed with the abyss and Ozen tells her it's because it's where she came from? I think something similar is going with Senku. He is obsessed with Space because subconsciously he knows something could be there for him. We know Senku was able to send things to space, what if he wasn't the only one that could?
Byakuya was a genius in his own right. You have to be super smart to not only be a professor but an astronaut. They don't let any old jabroni into space. However, I did watch a pretty cool movie about that.
Senku's dad had to know a fair amount about space to not only become an astronaut, but know the basics of what Senku needed to send thigns to space.
I do think that Byakuya was smart enough to clone himself. And it's possible that maybe he was smart enough to know something bad was going to happen and knew that it was time to get out of dodge. I also think he was smart enough to know that Senku would be able to be smart enough to not only get out of the stone, but smart enough to find out why everyone became stone. Why, why, why? I'm not familiar with clone making. But I am familiar with trying to make something and it coming out wrong the first time.
And let's have ourselves a hypothetical, if you were created and then abandoned? What's the one question you would scream for all of the universe to hear?
02. Riko and Reg went through Hell, but like, literally. (No manga spoilers)
Yeah, it sounds weird, but hear me out. For a long time, I thought my ultimate fear, A Saarlac pit was at the bottom of the Abyss. Which would make sense. Once you get to the bottom of the netherworld, you're not coming back up. It's apparently impossible. We've seen Bondrewd yeet orphaned children up and down the levels of the Abyss to find out how to make it possible. Hate that! So, I'm going to assume that he pursued other avenues and then eventually became criminally insane.Then, started his orphan yeeting scheme.
And what's at the bottom of N*ggerboy's literbox? I think we've already seen it. This scene in the opening credits match anything we've seen in the anime, why animate it? The bottom is called the final Maelstrom. And in this random opening scene we see Riko at the bottom, eyes closed. Her expression can be read as pensive and/or resigned to her fate. I think she looks sad. Whatever is going on with her isn't relevant to what I'm currently talking about, so we'll just let our girl be for now. Okay, actu

Let's go over the layers of Hell and the Layers of the Abyss that we have seen in the Anime so far. I am very behind on the Manga and haven't seen the movie.
Layer one: Limbo/Orth
I think this fits. Riko's life isn't exactly Hell, she has friends, a place to live, and didn't have to live like pre-hollow Nanachi. But it's not idyllic, she's is harshly punished and lives in an orphanage. It's just okay.
Layer two: Lust/The Forest of Temptation
Bruh, the name, also both places are windy AF! This is also the point that people stop looking for Red Whistles and treat them as dying by suicide because they are unable to handle this layer, but the lust was just too much.
Layer Three: Gluttony/The Great Fault
This is the layer where the Neritantan are first seen. And we see a lot of them meet their downfall via gluttony. The Amakagame preys on them by smelling of Baracocha fruit. Even the Amakagame looks like a giant stomach. However, in the biblical sense, gluttony is not JUST about food. It's taking more than you need because you want to make sure that no one else gets any. It's overindulgence.Which could possibly be represented by the pirate ship. The stereotype of pirates is that they are selfish and greedy. While that may or may not be true, I could see it being a metaphor. PS I tried to watch One Piece, I really did, but it's boring and ugly.
Layer Four: Greed/The Goblet of Giants
Giants are also synonymous with greed. Which I literally don't think is fair, and probably antisemitic in some way. This is where we are introduced to the Dreadful Experiment Arc. Which what else could could drive a thing like that? Greed! Also in the fourth layer we see a huge field of Eternal Fortune flowers. And what is often inside these flowers? These nightmare bugs called Amaranthine-Deceptors
that eat you from the inside out. There's a metaphor about greed in there somewhere.
Also, Nanachi tricked Reg into getting their lunch before helping Riko after...The incident.
Layer Five: Anger/Sea Of Corpses
Like I said, I have not reached this point completely. So, if these corpses are not metaphorical, I imagine they are quite angry about being dead. I assume that Nanachi is going to see Bondrewd in Dawn of the Deep Soul, and I imagine they are not happy with Bondrewd. He's fictional and I want to fight him. Maybe the sea of Corpses are the nightmare narehates that Bondrewd just left at the bottom of the elevator. Those poor babies are worse than dead imo.
Also, it's possible that the Sea of Corpses represents the River Styx, a river that has the deceased in the water. In the Divine Comedy, this is also on level/layer five. This is the place where you lose your humanity, which I will go into detail about what that means for Lyza, Nanachi, and Mitty.
Layer Six: Hersey/ The Capital of the Unreturned
This is the point of no return and it's physically impossible to come back up. That actually reminds me of the Blobfish, who apparently looks normal when it's deep in the ocean. But the strain of coming up makes it look very Mitty-like. HATE THAT!

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Layer Seven: The Final Maelstrom/Violence
Like I said, I haven't got to this part yet. But obviously some extreme violence is going to happen here. They are going to have to fight to get to the bottom. And I think they are going to have to fight White Whistles that haven't made it to the bottom yet. Oh? You thought this was the end of The Abyss? I don't think so. Partly because I want this theory that I put a lot of thought into to work out but also because when we see the map, they say its the current state of The Abyss. That can mean there is more to discover. But it could also mean that The Abyss is always changing and maybe layers appear and disappear. Wouldn't that be cool? In Dante's Inferno, this also where people that died by suicide are at. As a christian that struggles with self harm, that's not something I believe and I think it's much more likely that the people that contribute to people harming themselves are much more likely to be punished than people like me. Whether it be bullies, or mandated reporters like teachers or doctors, or parents who refuse to give help when able. I know that's not a popular opinion but whatever.
Layer Eight: Fraud
if I were writing this story, this would be the part where Reg gets his memories back and he remembers why he is actually helping Riko get to the bottom. He starts acting hella sketch and maybe even tries to fight against what he was sent to do, because he's grown to love Riko (and Nanachi) in a sibling way. But his programming won't let him. Reg was never human to begin with and he finally comes to terms with that. He couldn't lose his humanity, because he's not human.
Riko finds out about Reg's accidental fraud (which is technically her fault). Riko doesn't believe it because they've been through so much together. But *something* happens and Reg activates his incinerator and while he's passed out, Riko and Reg get separated. (Where's Nanachi in all of this? idk ok)
Riko goes to meet her mother, alone.
Layer Nine: Treachery
Did y'all honestly think someone called Lyza the Annihilator was going to Heaven? A cursed Lyza believes that she needs Riko to go even further down into the Abyss. Lyza tells Riko what's "down there" is something more beautiful than she can comprehend and she needs Riko to get in. Riko says no, because she is afrid of her mother. She has mutated into something that is so far past human that she can't trust her. And for good reason, because Lyza was planning on killing Riko, truly returning her to The Abyss. At the very last second, Reg appears and activates his incinerator on Lyza. Now, Riko carries an unconscious Reg to the final, final layer. It's underwater, but Riko can breathe. But she's so tired. With her life's mission, to go to the bottom of The Abyss completed, she can rest. And she's so tired. So tired, that after an undetermined amount of time, Reg accepts that Riko is not waking up. He makes his way back up.
Several years have passed. Shiggy and Nat are adults. Reg tells them everything that he saw, and what happened to Riko. Shiggy, Nat, and Reg make sure everyone knows about Riko and she is celebrated in the City and Lyza is eventually forgotten.
So, yeah...that was way longer and heavier than planner so here's some goofball shit from here on out.
Jesse and James are clones.
I'm aware people think that Ash is in a coma, but I have always thought that was moronic.
However, Jesse and James regularly get shot into the sky and always return like nothing happened. They never even learn thier lesson. They almost always manage to get blasted off into the sky. It's because it's a different Jesse and James in every episode. They have no prior experience to aviod the same mistakes.
Jesse's mother worked for Team Rocket and disspeared in the Andes Mountains looking for Mew. So we know that despite Jesse's tough childhood (she was so poor she had to eat snow and she was in a biker gang with James lmao) she always had a link to Team Rocket.
And James' parents probably knew Giovanni because they were all rich. And, maybe, just maybe, James knows Jesse is a clone. He grew up with Jessabelle after all.
We know that Team Rocket has the technology to make human clones because Ambertwo exisited, Mewtwo's friend was a human clone. While Ambertwo didn't live very long, she was still a clone. And, if my theory is right, the Jesse and James clones don't live very long either. I think that Giovanni was "fine tuning" the clones which is why Jesse and James keep having to try and capture Pikachu. In Giovanni's mind, it shouldn't be that hard. Because Giovanni didn't always recognize that Pikachu was an exceptional Pikachu. And, I think when he did, he wanted to clone the lil electric rat.When Jesse and James get black unifroms, they are different. Still kind of stupid, but a little more competent. Could it be that Giovanni is advancing in his cloning experiements?
Joseph Gribble is an alien
King of the Hill is one of my favorite animes. Sorry not sorry. Anyway, in the episode Of Mice and Green Little Men, Dale thinks that Nancy was inseminated with alien DNA. Joseph and Bobby go to Marfa, Texas to see the Marfa Lights so Joseph goes to meet his real family and get some answers. Hank convinces Dale that even if Joseph has DNA, Dale is Joseph's father in every other way.
But this is my theory. Aliens exist, as we know now in 2020. And, I think that aliens did impregnate Nancy, but they alterend the DNA to look like the other person in the bed. Which would have been John Redcorn. As we see in the series, John is a slut and only managed to produce two kids? That's super hard to beleive. What kind of idiot isn't pulling out of another man's wife? I just don't think a man with multiple partners like that would like, not use a condom. John was slutty, but henever came across as stupid.
If Joseph was an alien, his obsession with fire would make sense. Fire burns differently in space. And Ken asked me to look that up like two weeks ago, so maybe he's an alien too. Of Mice and Little Green Men is one of my favorite episodes because my dad wasn't my birth dad either. He died this year and I am suffering.
But yeah, I'm watching Psychopass right now. What are you guys watching?
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