So much Mortal Kombat stuff is coming! We just keep winning! I know a lot of people were like, super pissed about how the Scorpion's Revenge movie ignored a lot of canon. I could say I get it....But I don't. Kronika already said she made infinite timelines to try to get things the way she wanted them. So, like, this is just a different timeline. Canon no longer matters to me. I personally don't consider canon to be important. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I really liked the movie. I livetweeted it here. This really gave me a new perspective on Scorpion and I empathize with him a little more. But I will never be hyped to play against a Scorpion in the Kombat League.
Lately, I've been trying to get back on schedule. It's really hard for me. Coronavirus, like Kronika has made time not matter to me anymore. But, it was getting really bad. I was going to bed at like, eight and waking up at two. Which is bad to begin with! However, last night, I went to bed around three and woke up at ten. Just in time to see the cool teaser trailer that was posted for Mortal Kombat: Aftermath. If you didn't waste forty seconds of your life watching it, you can waste thirty seconds reading what happened.
Right after defeating Kronika, Liu Kang, with the help of Raiden (I guess the Kitana ending isn't what they're going with, rude) begin to move the sands of time the way they see fit. In the distances, They hear
Thunderstruck (ba bum tiss), Raiden says "Shang Tsung?"
And, I have questions! The biggest one being: Who TF is with Shang Tsung?
I have several different scenarios. Here are a few of them. I know a lot of people think Fujin is there, but I don't. If I saw my BFF (Raiden and Fujin might actually be brothers btw) , that I thought was dead, I would acknowledge them first. And personally, I don't see Fujin working with Shang Tsung under any circumstances. We didn't even get a proper Dark Raiden. I don't see Shang Tsung turning good or Fujin turning evil.Or at least turning against Raiden.
01. Sindel, Shang Tsung, and Nightwolf.
Our original non guest DLC players. I think the person on the left has Sindel's slicked down hair and this person has a lot of hips. I'm jealous. I would play the worlds smallest violin, but it's actually my skeleton. I do think the person walks "like" a man, but you never know!
New chapters are supposedly coming, and I think giving these three chapters would make a lot of sense. They were missing like sore thumbs or whatever from the story. I wanted to see Revanant Sindel and Revenant Kitana together. In MKX Sindel gloats to Cassie that her and Kitana are together again, so, it would have been nice to see. Do you think Revenat Sindel is as power hungry as MK11 Sindel? Do you think she #triedit or do you think she let Liu Kang and Kitana be the rulers of the Netherealm?
As for the homie on the right, I think it looks like Nightwolf, you can even see his arrow near his head. I would like to see it pan out like Shang Tsung is all "Lui Kang you forgot about a few people", and then the Mortal Kombat DLC 2 people come out of the portal and then the guests come. Raiden's like "Who are they?" and then like a banner saying the date of the release of the new Kombat Pack. I don't think it's gonna pan out like that. I'm not telling them how to do their job lol.
02. Reiko, Shang Tsung, and Havik
So, I....may have peeked at a leak. So, yeah. Him being there makes sense if the leak is actually real. I personally want Havik in the game because I think he would have a fun moveset. The arrow looking thing can be an arrow in him. I mean, it's Havik, why not? It could also he the handle of his Morning Star. I think it would be super interesting to think that Liu Kang and Raiden f*cked up time so bad that even Havik was like, okay, enough is enough.
Another thing I think would be interesting is if Shang Tsung wanted to try and start another Mortal Kombat Tournament. But this time, it's for control of the hourglass. Since Liu Kang ruined time, Reiko is the leader of Outworld, not Shao Khan, Kotal Khan, or Kitana. Maybe it's not Reiko, maybe it's Hotaru and Havik complaining that their realms were left out of MK11 and it's not fair. Lmao.
03. Kenshi (or Kung Jin), Shang Tsung, and Takeda
Bro, hear me out. I know that DLC characters don't return. But, technically, we are at the begining of time. So maybe that cancels out that rule. ~Technically~ Mortal Kombat 2011 didn't happen (yet). Kronika erased it from time. I think that puts everyone possible on the table. Some people (not me, obviously) were upset to see Kenshi's fate in the Krypt.
I was curious to see how that even happened, or why Kenshi was even over there. Was Shang Tsung sheltering the Red Dragon for some reason? As far as Takeda goes, in the comics Takeda does use a katana, So maybe thats what that thing on the left is. Maybe he is holding his father's sento. Takeda does have that high hairstyle in the most recent interpretations of him. so maybe the person's head is shaped that way because of the hair and headband. It's also possible that Takeda is on the left and Kung Jin is on the right. I really don't think it's cool that there is going to be a game with Cassie, Jacqui, and (possibly) Takeda, but no Kung Jin. And I don't even like Kung Jin. I was actually thinking of him the other day. In the towers, Cassie says Kung Jin went back to the White Lotus but uh, they're dead. So he's not there, because he also was texting Cassie in the towers. Where is Kung Jin?
04. Reptile, Ermac, and Rain
Where's Shang Tsung? He's Ermac now. In his tower ending in Mortal Kombat X, Ermac is killed by who we assume is Shang Tsung. Shang Tsung confirms that it was him in MK11's towers when speaking with Kitana prior to fighting. Maybe I'm dumb, but the whole "cease Liu Kang, blah blah blah..." sounded nothing like Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa. Maybe I was so hopped tf up on adrenaline that I'm not listening correctly, but, it honestly sounds
completely different to me. I think the person on the right could be Ermac just based on the fact that the person on the left doesn't have visible feet. So, they hypothetically could be floating. And, like Ermac, sometimes Rain is in the Krypt. So is Reptile if you use Kenshi's blindfold. Rain and Reptile are at Shang Tsung's island with absolutely no explanation. Maybe the new chapters will explain it. It would be cool to see Lui Kang vs every Ninja ever. That would be a fun game. Not like a full scale game...Maybe like a mini game in Mortal Kombat Mobile. I'm doing the Black Dragon Tower right now, and that's really fun. .I would totally play a "Tower of Tsung" where you fight the classic ninjas and at the end you get a diamond Shang Tsung card. I do think it's kind of redundant because we have Kosplay Jacqui Briggs (my personal favorite card), but Shang Tsung is the original cosplayer lol.
Some people are really irritating about Rain! I'm not affiliated with them lmao. I do love the character, but not enough to harass people over it. I don't even like Kabal enough if we're being real. I just don't think it's that serious.
I want all the "original" ninjas in the actual game. MK11 kinda felt like the end of an era. It felt weird to me to exclude them. But, I'm an older person that remembers playing on the big cabinets. I would have been nice to see them again before the "new era". Even if they would have probably ended up being jobbers. I suppose some people probably feel that way too if their faves were left out, so maybe I am speaking from a subjective viewpoint instead of an objective one. Whatever, who cares.
05.Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, and Shinok
This is not what's actually going on. Just what I want to happen.
Anyway, I've looked at the trailer so many times that I hate it now, what do you guys think?
Lately, I've been trying to get back on schedule. It's really hard for me. Coronavirus, like Kronika has made time not matter to me anymore. But, it was getting really bad. I was going to bed at like, eight and waking up at two. Which is bad to begin with! However, last night, I went to bed around three and woke up at ten. Just in time to see the cool teaser trailer that was posted for Mortal Kombat: Aftermath. If you didn't waste forty seconds of your life watching it, you can waste thirty seconds reading what happened.
Right after defeating Kronika, Liu Kang, with the help of Raiden (I guess the Kitana ending isn't what they're going with, rude) begin to move the sands of time the way they see fit. In the distances, They hear
"Cease Liu Kang, before you doom us all!
Thunderstruck (ba bum tiss), Raiden says "Shang Tsung?"
And, I have questions! The biggest one being: Who TF is with Shang Tsung?

01. Sindel, Shang Tsung, and Nightwolf.
Our original non guest DLC players. I think the person on the left has Sindel's slicked down hair and this person has a lot of hips. I'm jealous. I would play the worlds smallest violin, but it's actually my skeleton. I do think the person walks "like" a man, but you never know!
New chapters are supposedly coming, and I think giving these three chapters would make a lot of sense. They were missing like sore thumbs or whatever from the story. I wanted to see Revanant Sindel and Revenant Kitana together. In MKX Sindel gloats to Cassie that her and Kitana are together again, so, it would have been nice to see. Do you think Revenat Sindel is as power hungry as MK11 Sindel? Do you think she #triedit or do you think she let Liu Kang and Kitana be the rulers of the Netherealm?
As for the homie on the right, I think it looks like Nightwolf, you can even see his arrow near his head. I would like to see it pan out like Shang Tsung is all "Lui Kang you forgot about a few people", and then the Mortal Kombat DLC 2 people come out of the portal and then the guests come. Raiden's like "Who are they?" and then like a banner saying the date of the release of the new Kombat Pack. I don't think it's gonna pan out like that. I'm not telling them how to do their job lol.
02. Reiko, Shang Tsung, and Havik

Another thing I think would be interesting is if Shang Tsung wanted to try and start another Mortal Kombat Tournament. But this time, it's for control of the hourglass. Since Liu Kang ruined time, Reiko is the leader of Outworld, not Shao Khan, Kotal Khan, or Kitana. Maybe it's not Reiko, maybe it's Hotaru and Havik complaining that their realms were left out of MK11 and it's not fair. Lmao.
03. Kenshi (or Kung Jin), Shang Tsung, and Takeda

I was curious to see how that even happened, or why Kenshi was even over there. Was Shang Tsung sheltering the Red Dragon for some reason? As far as Takeda goes, in the comics Takeda does use a katana, So maybe thats what that thing on the left is. Maybe he is holding his father's sento. Takeda does have that high hairstyle in the most recent interpretations of him. so maybe the person's head is shaped that way because of the hair and headband. It's also possible that Takeda is on the left and Kung Jin is on the right. I really don't think it's cool that there is going to be a game with Cassie, Jacqui, and (possibly) Takeda, but no Kung Jin. And I don't even like Kung Jin. I was actually thinking of him the other day. In the towers, Cassie says Kung Jin went back to the White Lotus but uh, they're dead. So he's not there, because he also was texting Cassie in the towers. Where is Kung Jin?
04. Reptile, Ermac, and Rain

I want all the "original" ninjas in the actual game. MK11 kinda felt like the end of an era. It felt weird to me to exclude them. But, I'm an older person that remembers playing on the big cabinets. I would have been nice to see them again before the "new era". Even if they would have probably ended up being jobbers. I suppose some people probably feel that way too if their faves were left out, so maybe I am speaking from a subjective viewpoint instead of an objective one. Whatever, who cares.
05.Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, and Shinok
This is not what's actually going on. Just what I want to happen.
Anyway, I've looked at the trailer so many times that I hate it now, what do you guys think?
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