I actually canceled my Netflix account a while back. I was and am still mad they canceled The Get Down, Orange is the New Black was boring after Poussey died, and....There's only so many times you can watch the first season of Hemlock Grove without losing your marbles. I brought it back because I am super bored. Here are five movies I've watched on Netflix the past few days, and also what I think of them.
001. I Am Mother
I really liked this one. I really am quite afraid of artificial intelligence because I know eventually "they" are going to do some sh*t like this. This movie has an excellent twist. Since I am a very stable genius I guessed it almost immediately, but it was still cool to see it happen. Like Woman and Daughter literally look....you know what? Never mind. Just watch the movie. When Mother started running...yikes. I am not a robot person. Cyborgs are a case by case basis, Genos...Yes. Cyborg ...Yes. Kano...Hilarious, but at the end of the day, untrustworthy....Johnny Mnemonic...Absolutely not, which is odd, since his actor is some one I'd trust with my life. Cyborg Olympians....I stan. But I don't like robots in general. Except Wall E. Anyway, I Am Mother has an ending that is sad (to me). I think it's like Midsommar, where it seems like a happy ending at first, but then, after you think about it, it's a hard "yikes". Which is a pretty cool thing. most of us are in quarantine alone with our thoughts anyway. Let's add an existential crisis while we're at it.
002. The Outsider
Is Jared Leto....okay? He didn't have to do this movie and did anyway. This movie was boring even though it had a lot of elements I tend to like in the media I consume. I liked the aesthetic of the movie. But I felt they focused too much on that instead of making a good story. I did like that it was mostly in Japanese and used Japanese actors. I'm not even mad that there was a white guy lead, because it made sense to the story. Even though I was a little bored, after the movie I did do some reading about the Yakusa. So, I can't really hate on something that makes me want to learn more. If you want to see an absolute bonkers and violent movie about the Yakusa, you're better off watching Ichi the Killer. The Outsider is more of a crime drama. When I first clicked on it, I was a little afraid that Nick (Jared Leto) was going to be like half Japanese or something, but it's not like that. Nick is a boring white man. And he's so boring, that I really didn't care about him as a character. They could have made him more interesting by exploring WHY he is an outsider. I mean obviously he is a white man but like...they could have gone more into it. Especially given the post war time period.
003. The Platform/El Hoyo
This is a movie I probably won't rewatch, however I think it is very relevant in these ~trying times~. Also, I hate (!!!!) listening to people eat and this movie was like a total sensory overload. The movie is good, I'm just sensitive. And, I have never and probably never will talk about my true and complete views about economics on here but if this movie isn't how I see capitalism and socialism...idk what else to tell you.
Anyway, this movie is like Hunger Games meets Starve meets Snowpiercer meets Cube. I watched this one after I Am Mother and I'm just like...Mayber Mother had a point lol. Also, I'm not gonna be "that girl", so yeah the dog dies in this one. Also....A lot of poop stuff here. The ending might piss you off, but it is what it is. As far as Netflix movies goes, I do think this is the creme de la creme because there is a lot of not so good stuff on there.
001. I Am Mother
002. The Outsider
Is Jared Leto....okay? He didn't have to do this movie and did anyway. This movie was boring even though it had a lot of elements I tend to like in the media I consume. I liked the aesthetic of the movie. But I felt they focused too much on that instead of making a good story. I did like that it was mostly in Japanese and used Japanese actors. I'm not even mad that there was a white guy lead, because it made sense to the story. Even though I was a little bored, after the movie I did do some reading about the Yakusa. So, I can't really hate on something that makes me want to learn more. If you want to see an absolute bonkers and violent movie about the Yakusa, you're better off watching Ichi the Killer. The Outsider is more of a crime drama. When I first clicked on it, I was a little afraid that Nick (Jared Leto) was going to be like half Japanese or something, but it's not like that. Nick is a boring white man. And he's so boring, that I really didn't care about him as a character. They could have made him more interesting by exploring WHY he is an outsider. I mean obviously he is a white man but like...they could have gone more into it. Especially given the post war time period.
003. The Platform/El Hoyo
This is a movie I probably won't rewatch, however I think it is very relevant in these ~trying times~. Also, I hate (!!!!) listening to people eat and this movie was like a total sensory overload. The movie is good, I'm just sensitive. And, I have never and probably never will talk about my true and complete views about economics on here but if this movie isn't how I see capitalism and socialism...idk what else to tell you.

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