Ari Aster is back with a new movie that is sure to scare the Swedish out of me. I've been doing some research on where I come from and the easiest thing to figure out so far has been that my maiden name is very very Swedish. In fact, when I (nicely) talk about Bill's Skarsgard's girlfriend Alida, her last name will change to my maiden name. I always thought that was kind of cool, but ever really thought about why.
Anyway, I thought it was very cool that this film takes place in Sweden and the main characters seem to be American based on the trailer. If I went to Sweden, I also might get caught up in some scary stuff thinking that it's just "The culture". I have noticed that the more recent films regarding scary foreign cults tend to focus on ritualistic "wild" people.

That's something I really liked about Aster's previous film, Hereditary. All of the people in the cult seemed perfectly normal....in the day time. But when it was time to do scary cult stuff, these regular people were terrifying. The people in the trailer for Midsommar seem normal. At the start, the only weird things about them don't seem that weird. Like, you could brush them off and tell yourself "that's just how Swedish people are, I've never been to Sweden." Kind of like how when I went to Mexico and they served us the meat for the tacos in a cows head and I wanted to scream, but I also wanted to be woke, so I had to eat the cow brains even though I was terrified. It wasn't that bad after I got over it.

But man, I was a "vegetarian" for like five years, so it was hard to swallow, literally. But, some cultures do differnet things. I know that American's even think other American's food is weird depending on the region. I've been to a food truck festival where they served fried aligator! I also grew up in Las Vegas, and my first college was in a place where things actually closed! I was always so confused and did not appreciate that. They also closed liquor stores on weekends and I still think that is weird. I think other cultures are super cool, but I think some people could see these things as a great inconvenience. That's just how I imagine the American's in this movie are feeling.

There are two things I felt were a missed opportunity. Midsommar is a real holiday that falls on June 24, in observance of John the Baptist. It's also called Saint John's Eve. This film premieres on July third (in America). I think it should have premiered at the start of IRL Midsommar. The only redeeming quality of the remake of The Omen was that it premiered on 6/6/06. Speaking of Saint John's Day. The main character of this movie is named Christian. Kind of makes you think!
The other think that kind of disappointment me was that this has no relation to Paimon, the demon from Hereditary. While I would never want a sequel to Hereditary, it would be cool to hear about Paimon or Peter in passing.
The trailer for Midsommar has little to no exposition so I'm not entirely sure what the movie is actually about, which is how I like to go into movies. Something that kind of bothers me with modern horror films is that they show all the frightening bits in the trailer. I feel like this trailer gives us a glimpse of the tone of the movie instead. It's going to start out as a ~relationship drama~ kind of movie, and turn into a horror movie. Just like Hereditary was a ~family drama~ until things got real.

From what I can guess from the trailer is that the American's food and drinks were compromised somehow and they are all trippin' with the Swedish people. Maybe the Swedish people are on the psychedelics too, and it's just part of their culture, so they are having a much better trip. These people know what to expect. I do think the intention is to sacrifice the Americans
to Paimon.
Another part of me wonders if the main woman in this film (Dani?) is supposed to be related to them. Like maybe she was adopted or something. She blends in with them so well. I'm not sure if that's just the vibe or what. I'm not one of those people that think all white people look the same lmao, she really does look like the natives! Maybe she is like, the reincarnated version of whoever or whatever they are doing these rituals for.

What am I most excited for? My mans looking like a whole full course meal! But seriously, I was under the impression that Will Poulter left acting after Bandersnatch since y'all don't know how to act. I'm excited to see him in something new. After learning more about Will Poulter, I think he is a very nice person! I'm not saying he's invited to the cookout or anything, but I will save him a plate and he can eat in his car.
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