I wanted to watch this movie twice before actually commenting on it, because a lot of thoughts from others did make me rethink how I felt about the film. As a casual fan of the short lived Birds of Prey
cartoon, I was pretty excited for this movie. But I was a little confused, because Harley wasn't exactly aligned with them in the show. Maybe she would have been if the show got the chance to run longer. I would have loved a Harley Quinn redemption arc. In the television show, Oracle was the main character. I don't think Harley necessarily owes Oracle an apology, but they have a lot to talk about.
To be fair, I don't really read any comics about any of these people; outside of their occasional parts in Batman stories, but more on that later. I don't think it's really fair for me to judge their character portrayals like I can with Batman or a Teen Titans movie. From the little I do know, I feel like there was a lot of missed opportunities, especially with Cassandra Cain's character. I liked how she was kind of the "baby yoda" of the group. But, as a reader of Teen Titans and Batman, I feel like there could have been a lot more done with her character in the DCEU. I don't feel like she is miscast. I actually love the multicultural cast, because in a big city like Gotham, it's more realistic that way. Also, like..I'm a cosplayer and I think that WOC that like these characters will automatically have a "leg up" with their cosplays.

For example, the first time I cosplayed Starfire, people weren't used to the idea of Starfire being black. Even though she gets her power from ultraviolet radiation aka THE SUN. Side note: I feel like shaking the table so, I'm just gonna say it. Every character that gets their power from the sun should at the very least be tanned. A super white person getting their powers from the sun, something known to darken skin? It's just not realistic baby! Anyway, back to what I was talking about....People would be like that's such an *interesting* take on Starfire. Like, I know my tone is difficult to read via text, but it was a microagression. Now that we have a few more WOC characters, maybe some of that will simmer down. I really aprrecaited how obvious Jurnee Smollet-Bell's preformance of Black Canary was mostly inspired by Injustice. As always, it's Neatherealm Studios stan hours.
Sadly, I just don't see how Cassandra Cain is going to be a Batgirl after this movie. And I honestly don't feel like it was worth it. I think Ella Jay Basco did an amazing job. This is not a dig at her, it's more disappointment with the story that was told for Cassandra. There was so much potential. I hope I am surprised in the future but...
THE DCEU is known to be a mess compared to the MCU, but I think a lot of that is just good marketing from the later. Because, I enjoy DC movies for the most part. It's kind of like how I feel about Mortal Kombat. Yeah, I have some issues with the story, but at the end of the day, I just want them to fight. I'm not expecting some amazing story, and if there is one, I'm very shocked and happy. I thought Black Mask was a very intriguing villain and I'm actually going to finish playing Arkham Asylum because I've heard he is in it. I doubt the BDSM teas are going to be in the game, but whatever. I also have some New 52s I've never opened (because I am lazy) that I'm really thinking about reading now. My favorite Batman rogue was Catwoman, but sis might just get replaced. Side note: Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Ewan Mcgregor in the same movie? Ew. I really thought about not seeing the movie based on that alone. I know it's technically not any of my business. but I feel strongly about stuff like that. I've never seen Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I think Jena Malone would have made a great Huntress.
I really enjoyed the *remix* of the character's costumes, but I feel like it was all a marketing ploy. Same with the soundtrack. I love all the songs! But there were more black women on the soundtrack than in the f*cking movie. And, I'm not gonna name any names. I'm not going to shade anyone, but the swagger jackering of Rico Nasty was unacceptable. Rico would have been perfect for this soundtrack, because this has been her shtick for a very long time. And the person that did it, really could have been a real icy addition to Diamonds, as that is her shitck. I really like that we have so many women in rap these days, and there should have been room for everyone. But if there was an original song for Rico I would have loved to have it feature Halsey so be the "rock song" compliment to the "pop song" Diamonds.
Luckily, I don't have ex boyfriends. If we break up, idk you. So, I really don't know what it's like to go through a bad break up, but I'm told the story of a woman going through the end of an abusive relationship very well. That made me very happy because I hate (HATE!) seeing people call Joker and Harley relationship goals. Nothing about them is normal. This is a Harley x Pamela stan blog. It always baffles me that y'all are on Blue Ivy Carter's internet spreading this nonsense. Like, if you have to have her paired with a man, why not Deadshot? I mean, I know why y'all don't, but why? He's still a villain, but he's not as bad as Mr. J. I hate Slade as much as the next person, but I think he would be better for Harley too. I also stan Ready Player One so I loved when the taste JUMPED OUT in the trailer. Even if it was for a second and another Harley is with The Joker in a different part of the movie.
Even though I liked this movie so much, I think my idea for a Harley Quinn movie would have been better. In fact, this is the direction I thought they were going to go in for the movie based on the casting. I didn't think they were going to do Birds of Prey. I thought they were going to have Harley and her Gang of Harleys.
Harley is fresh off working with the Suicide Squad and breaking up with Mr. J. She decides she would rather do good things than evil things. But, the lasting effects of what the Joker did to has the lines of good and evil kind of blurred. So, she recruits a Gang of Harleys to help her with her adventures. Eventually, she gets kidnapped by Black Mask (similar to the movie lol) and the Gang of Harleys try to rescue her, but the Birds of Prey get there first. At first the BOP aren't sure of what to do, because Harley is like, a bad guy, right? Harley convinces them that she's trying to change and even vouch for her when she gets arrested by Renee Montoya. But, Amanda Wallers like "uhm, absolutely f*cking not" and takes Harley back to Arkham, which sets up Suicide Squad 2. Montoya leaves the police, and joins the BOP. That could have set up a spin off television show on HBOMax, the upcoming streaming service.
In that show, Renee Montoya and the BOP now are battling the Gang of Harleys, who want revenge for Harley getting locked up. The BOP also have to worry about all the people who sympathize with Harley, who dress up like her on their "we are all clowns" bullsh*t like men in real life have done with The Joker
I didn't put the obvious one, because I guess he never said that. I feel like that is a mandala effect but, whatever. And I really liked that some people felt like the Joaquin Joker was supposed to make people feel bad for people like him. Even though I don't exactly agree with THAT statement I do feel like the general public is so freaking close to getting the point of Harley Quinn. And what I feel that she stands for in a post #metoo era. We as a society need to have a real conversation about this that transcends slacktivisim and white feminism. But, that's not really what my blog is about so I don't think I'll talk about it outside this blog post.
Overall, I feel like this movie got grouped in with the Charlie's Angels and Ghostbusters reboots. And, I don't think it's fair. It's not the best movie ever made, but like Suicide Squad, it was fun! And Harley Quinn is literally a clown! So, I don't know why people expected an overly serious movie. I like the mix of serious and campy. I liked it enough to see it twice! I thought the action scenes were some of the best ones that DC has put out in recent memory. Another thing I liked was the cinematography. I would follow and Instagram account with that aesthetic.
I still think that my idea is better, but I don't like being wrong. I don't think anyone does. I think that people are seeing a mostly female cast, with a female writer, and female, director, and a Batman movie with no Batman or Joker and being prejudiced. Birds of Prey was good, you guys are just mean. Bring on Gotham City Sirens. Poison Ivy gang RISE UP.
cartoon, I was pretty excited for this movie. But I was a little confused, because Harley wasn't exactly aligned with them in the show. Maybe she would have been if the show got the chance to run longer. I would have loved a Harley Quinn redemption arc. In the television show, Oracle was the main character. I don't think Harley necessarily owes Oracle an apology, but they have a lot to talk about.
To be fair, I don't really read any comics about any of these people; outside of their occasional parts in Batman stories, but more on that later. I don't think it's really fair for me to judge their character portrayals like I can with Batman or a Teen Titans movie. From the little I do know, I feel like there was a lot of missed opportunities, especially with Cassandra Cain's character. I liked how she was kind of the "baby yoda" of the group. But, as a reader of Teen Titans and Batman, I feel like there could have been a lot more done with her character in the DCEU. I don't feel like she is miscast. I actually love the multicultural cast, because in a big city like Gotham, it's more realistic that way. Also, like..I'm a cosplayer and I think that WOC that like these characters will automatically have a "leg up" with their cosplays.

Sadly, I just don't see how Cassandra Cain is going to be a Batgirl after this movie. And I honestly don't feel like it was worth it. I think Ella Jay Basco did an amazing job. This is not a dig at her, it's more disappointment with the story that was told for Cassandra. There was so much potential. I hope I am surprised in the future but...

I really enjoyed the *remix* of the character's costumes, but I feel like it was all a marketing ploy. Same with the soundtrack. I love all the songs! But there were more black women on the soundtrack than in the f*cking movie. And, I'm not gonna name any names. I'm not going to shade anyone, but the swagger jackering of Rico Nasty was unacceptable. Rico would have been perfect for this soundtrack, because this has been her shtick for a very long time. And the person that did it, really could have been a real icy addition to Diamonds, as that is her shitck. I really like that we have so many women in rap these days, and there should have been room for everyone. But if there was an original song for Rico I would have loved to have it feature Halsey so be the "rock song" compliment to the "pop song" Diamonds.

Even though I liked this movie so much, I think my idea for a Harley Quinn movie would have been better. In fact, this is the direction I thought they were going to go in for the movie based on the casting. I didn't think they were going to do Birds of Prey. I thought they were going to have Harley and her Gang of Harleys.
Ok so, if you haven't read these comics, here's more or less what's going on. Harley Quinn is now a vigilante for justice and recruits different people around New York City to help her out. In the first issue, Harley gets kidnapped and the gang works together to rescue her.
This is how I think the movie should have gone.

We live in a society™. That society is so cruel to women. Especially mentally ill women. Cuz like, let's be real for a second here. I'm sure every woman that likes men has done some stupid things for at least one men. And soooo many women are in domestic violence situations. Harley got out of one and in my version of the movie, she was actively trying to be a better person. But Harley is mentally ill; and in the nature v nurture argument, it was nurture that makes her the way she is. I feel like Harley is to be pitied, and the DCEU version of The Joker is to be punished. Instead, we were the ones punished with Jared Leto playing The Joker (sorry, I had to).
Overall, I feel like this movie got grouped in with the Charlie's Angels and Ghostbusters reboots. And, I don't think it's fair. It's not the best movie ever made, but like Suicide Squad, it was fun! And Harley Quinn is literally a clown! So, I don't know why people expected an overly serious movie. I like the mix of serious and campy. I liked it enough to see it twice! I thought the action scenes were some of the best ones that DC has put out in recent memory. Another thing I liked was the cinematography. I would follow and Instagram account with that aesthetic.
I still think that my idea is better, but I don't like being wrong. I don't think anyone does. I think that people are seeing a mostly female cast, with a female writer, and female, director, and a Batman movie with no Batman or Joker and being prejudiced. Birds of Prey was good, you guys are just mean. Bring on Gotham City Sirens. Poison Ivy gang RISE UP.
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