1.Apollo Moon Landing Tapes

2. Armin Meiwes Dismemberment tape
Armin Meiwes went on a cannibal chatroom and met another man who desired to be killed and eaten. That happens and Meiwes recorded himself butchering the man's body. I have seen what could be real screenshots. I personally don't think that they are real. I've seen documentaries of the crime and Meiwes home did not look like that in my opinion. In regards to the "crime", I don't know how I feel. Part of me is like "wow, super taboo bro." But the other part of me is like if someone literally asks you to kill them, is it a crime? That's a discussion I'm probably not smart enough to have with anyone.
I am pro euthanasia and have been since I was a child. So, idk y'all! Meiwes and his victim, Bernd Brandes ate Brandes' penis together. So I feel like it's just a case of two severely mentally ill people coming together in a very bad way.I think that Armin Meiwes belongs in a mental health facility. He's not like, Hannibal Lecter. He is very sick and tbh not very smart, as he tried to do this to another person on the same site and got caught. Meiwes is a vegetarian now btw.
3. "Groupie", a short film by Marilyn Manson
I'm kind of conflicted about my feelings on Marilyn Mason as like, a person. Because, I am a big fan of Evan Rachel Wood, and I pay attention to timelines. Until anything is confirmed, I don't feel okay with saying what I think. But, I am not going to pretend like I don't like any of his songs.
So, uh. I am not sure where to start, because this one is like, a lot. So, only three people have seen this. One being Manson, obv. The other two are his manager and Andy Dick. The manager told him to destroy the film because it's that bad. He considered it career ending AT BEST.
Marilyn Manson has an #edgy version of Alice in Wonderland that is currently and probably permanently in development hell. He used Groupie in the press kit for the movie. So it exists and I hope no one is ever able to see it. The picture I chose to represent this part is from Phantasmagoria:The Visions of Lewis Carroll. There are pictures from Groupie, but I don't want to post them here because I am not sure the "groupie" really could consent to them film since we don't know who she is.
4. Issei Sagawa audio
Perhaps you have viewed the Vice Documentary on this dude. If you have not, I'll give you the cliffnotes. Japanese man kills and eats classmate. He recorded this, and it's assumed the audio is with the french police. If you want to know more about his psyche, you can read his book. But I do not believe that people should profit off of their crimes, so I will not link it! I also believe he is still mentally ill as he plans to eat another person.
This tape being "lost" is a double edged sword. Because, when I think about no one being able to hear this disgusting act, I'm like..."good." But, because the documents and the audio is "sealed", he was unable to be held in a mental institution because there was technically no evidence. If you think that's dumb, you're not alone. The real reason Issei Sagawa was able to escape proper justice after being deported was likely becau$e of intervention$ from hi$ parent$.
I did not put the victims name on here because if you google it, her death photos are shown. They are very graphic. And, this women was sexually assaulted, cannibalized, and dismembered in death. He stuffed her body in a suitcase. I think the least we can do is not be voyeurs to such a crime. She just wanted to help him with his homework.
5.Moors Murders Tapes
The day after Christmas, ten year old Lesley Ann Downey was abducted by a couple. Lesley would be tortured, raped, indecently photographed and eventually murdered. Thirteen minutes of Christmas songs and the absolute hell Lesley encountered was played so her mother could identify her voice.
The tapes and pictures are currently in the possession of the British Courts, they say they will never release them. Mostly out of respect to her family, but I'm pretty sure that Lesley being a ten year old child has a lot to do with their choice.
Transcript have been released and if you want to read them, you can here. I really don't think you should. But, I know some people are gonna google it anyway. I just wanna warn you that the link does have a picture of poor Lesley tied up.
6. Ted Danson Blackface Incident
So, this is obviously not up there with child murder and cannibalism. But, I still think it was a bad thing to do to a person. I love The Good Place as a show, and really hate that I think about this every time I watch it.
The story goes, Ted Danson was preforming at a roast of his mistress Whoopi Goldberg in The Friars Club. He preformed a minstrel show and was using "the word" with a hard R at least a dozen times.
I feel like this should have been a career ender. I don't want this piece of media to be found because I'm so sick of the same conversation. I'm sick of people doing things like these and having very little consequences. I know that if the audio came out people would try to excuse it in the name of comedy. If anything they'll halfheartedly "cancel" the racist until they do something cool. Look at Drake.
However, I think you can do racial comedy without doing blackface (or yellowface, redface, ect.) Good examples of this humor are comedians like Bill Burr, John Mulaney, and Ronny Chieng.
Bill Burr is married to a black woman and had the sense to not do blackface. Your proximity to blackness will never be an excuse for racism. Eminem would never. And if he did, he would apologize.
7.Steve Irwin Stingray tape
I do not wish to elaborate.
8. Lady Gaga's Do What U Want music video
Sing it with me y'all! It's the remix to ignition, send R. Kelly to prison.
9. Lostprophets "Somedays"
Sing it with me y'all. It's the remix to ignition, keep Ian Watkins in prison.
I really liked Lostprophets back in the day. They got me through some #things. So, I get pissed when I think about what a bastard the lead singer is. And I say IS and not was because prison is not reforming him. He is still committing the same crimes.
The music video for Somedays was filmed two weeks before Watkins was arrested for his disgusting sex crimes that included babies and animals. The other members of Lostprophets have formed a new band called No Devotion and the lead singer is now Geoff Rickly (From Thursday).
10. Britney Spears "Outrageous"
I love me some Britney Jean. But, I do notice that a lot of people are terrible and frequently ask where 'it' all went downhill. I've also noticed that the people that say stuff like this even after knowing all that we know tend to not be people that have been working since they were children. Your body can only take so much. LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!
While shooting this video, Britney injured her knee and had to undergo surgery on her ACL. Parts of the video have surfaced. Most notably on her greatest hits DVD. I don't want this video to surface because the footage of her falling is heartbreaking. Also, R. Kelly produced this song, so I have to skip it. Even though I liked the song when I was younger and didn't know anything about R. Kelly outside of Space Jam. My morals are more important. I think she, or the people in charge of her feel the same way I do because this song has only been preformed once. The only good thing to come from this video is the iconic gif of Britney Spears licking Snoop Dogg's face. Snoop was her love interest in the video for some reason. Outrageous indeed. #freebritney
Common misconception but the original "Make Me" video with Gerald Eazy is not lost. It's just a bad music video and they knew the song deserved better.
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