This October, I wanted to do something a little different from previous years and do "themed" weeks. The first week is Mortal Kombat. I know people want me to make a twitch to watch me play, but I'm not really comfortable with that. I cuss too much while playing and at times can be a sore loser. I don't want anyone to see that! I thought this was a fair compromise! I love you guys so much and I am so thankful people still read this blog.
I started this blog because one the first of October, I was posting very intricate lists on Facebook about horror movies. I was hoping that people would broaden their horizons when it came to horror. It really felt like everyone was talking about the same movies, when there is so much horror out their to explore.
But then, the first day of October was no longer associated with the start of the spooky season. At least not where I live. 1 October means something different to me now. I was really affected by it. I don't want to go into why, because I know some people that read my blog also have PTSD from this.
I didn't want to talk about horror anymore. I wasn't feeling it. I felt selfish for wanting to talk about blood and guts when my peers had literally been shot at. Someone I went to school with was being accused of helping the person that did this to people that I cared about. He had to go on television for the nation to appreciate him as the hero he is. Then, as I saw the lines of a blood donation truck literally wrap around, it kind of clicked inside of me. He should not be able to take away more things that we love. As much as we tend to struggle with this at times, at the end of the day, the valley is a community. This is my home, I belong here. Everyone has a place, and I deserved a space in my community. I have lived in Las Vegas for a long time. But I never felt like I belonged here until that day. I always felt like a Californian outsider. Seeing how everyone got together to help people regardless if they knew them let me know I belonged. Something I have never really felt before in life.
So I started a blog. It's not like I had not started blogs before. I really enjoy writing, but I struggled with writing things people wanted to read, because my heart was not truly in it. I just wrote what people thought they wanted me to write because I wanted a popular blog.
It's been three Halloweens. I don't consider this blog to be popular, but I do feel like I have found my niche and a hobby that doesn't make me depressed. I am so thankful for the people that read my blog and let me know the things they want to read about. I still struggle with feelings of belonging to a group. But, I'm starting to feel like the horror community has my back.
Ok. So, enough of the cornball shit, let's talk about the things I want them to add Mortal Kombat! I wrote this like three weeks ago and I didn't know about Cassie's Halloween Harley! I love it. I love the shout out to Poison Ivy. Ugh, their MINDS!
Netherrealm Studios has already said they have y e a r s of Kontent for this game. I am currently 92% complete with this game. So, I made a list of things I want to see added to the game.
001. Ed Boon Scorpion Skin
Honestly, everyone is just mean. I'm not really a "this is racist against white people" kind of person, but it is kind of messed up people are making fun of his accent. He is obviously a very smart man that speaks at least two languages. Do better. I think it would be really cool. I have a feeling Scorpion is going to end up being the "Big Bad" of the next game, so if they can't or don't want to do it for MK11, maybe they can for 12.
The power of his eyebrows alone.... 10/10 would main.
002. Klassic Cassie skins
Why did they make Cassie's clothes so generic and ugly this time around? I thought her MKX clothing options were so cute, even though they were not my personal style at all. My husband's gun toting waifu lost her personality and everything that made her special.
I thought it was going to be relevant to the story. I mean, in Mortal Kombat X her dad almost died in front of her AND she fought a god...and won! Her BFF is getting married and probably not spending as much time as with her. If you didn't read the comics, you might not know that they are literally play cousins. Go best friend.

I like Cassie's arcade mode personality, but I do wish she had the same voice she had before, in addition to her old style.

003. 21 Savage Announcer voice
Listen, I'm an empath. I can feel you cringing over the screen. But hear me out. Do you want to know a better love story than Twilight?
Hip Hop and Mortal Kombat. And it's literally always been this way. Low key baes.
Maybe I am coming from a biased place because my Grandfather was stationed in Japan and so my Grandmother, Dad, and uncles are kind of into Japanese culture. My uncle is who introduced me to anime and my grandma was someone that really helped and encouraged me to keep up with learning Japanese even though I really struggled in school with it.
At the same time, I only play Mortal Kombat with two people. One being my husband, he's Korean if you didn't know lmao. I also have played with my friend Austin and he is Black. I literally only talk about Mortal Kombat with other black people...Unless I'm at a convention and people remember my Mileena kosplay. My impact, I know. Starfire who? Misty Knight who? I'm only Mileena. lol
Have y'all seen who they picked as Mileena? *cackles* Mortal Kombat is a very Black thing.
I know I went off on a tangent. Mostly because I don't have a lot of reasons for wanting 21 Savage to do an announcer voice. I just think hearing "issa fatality" would push my death back a couple of years. 21 Savage has also referenced Freddy AND Jason in his music. Two guest Characters on Mortal Kombat.
Do you guys like the Johnny Cage announcer voice? I do! I don't appreciate that he calls Kabal ugly. Side note: I really, really, want to know who the face model if Kabal is. If I ever went to Netherrealm Studios that would be one of the first things I ask... For research purposes.
004. F R I E N D S H I P S & F A T A L I T I E S
I'm not that great at playing online. I did pretty decent in the most recent Kombat League. In the rare occasion that I did win, I would try my best to do a fatality or a brutality. In my opinion, which may be an unpopular one, I think an actual finish is more "respectable". Like.... It gives the other person a more honorable death I guess.
I play Jade and Kabal in the Kombat League. I personally have not gotten bored of Kabal doing the teeth thing. I know some people think his face changes depending on who he is doing it to. But I think the face depends on how close you were to losing. I think the smile is more of him actually winning a match where he almost lost. That's been my experience, and I almost lose a lot.
But, I can totally see how some people can get tired of looking at the same thing over and over again. It's why Leonardo Dicaprio refuses to date anyone over 25 for longer than three years. Like, I get it. I also really miss the stage fatalities. And it's not like the opportunities aren't there. Theoretically, you could throw someone to that dinosaur in the Chaotian Age. Or a Kytinn could drag the losing Kombatant away. Throw someone into the Sea of Blood Raiden style. There are things I also want friendships to come back in some kind of way. Kotal Kahn technically has an animality if you think about it. He has a brutality where he turns into the panther. Erron Black has a brutality where he blows himself up with his own dynamite stick. Kind of like a Hara Kiri. The first time I did that one was on accident and I was shook. I think it would be cool to give someone a friendship.


006. My DLC List
I have literally no self control, so I won't be putting people that I want that I already know are coming.
- KIRA (No Kobra. He's dead, y'all)
- Hotaru
- Rain
- Cyrax
- Mileena is my favorite character, and I don't want her back because y'all do NOT know how to act. It's embarrassing to like Mileena now because of a few loud entitled people.
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