I'm not even sure how to start this, because explaining it sounds so bizarre. I told Tre about this and he was like, wow wtf. Anyway, when I was little, I remember hearing a story about a family that moved to a place with a haunted shed. The pictures in my mind were pretty crude and fuzzy, almost like an old VHS tape. The animation in my head reminded me of Schoolhouse Rock But the thing is, I spent most of my childhood with my grandma and I just could not imagine her letting me watch something like that. She didn't even like when I watched "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" as a child. I still would lol, but it made her uncomfortable. The only horror things we watched was was Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And, she didn't watch that with me. I just walked in the room, during THAT moment in "The Gift". Which obviously really emotionally affected me, and I had to know what was next. Another place I watched a lot of VHS stuff was the after school program at my church and tbh, I don't see that making sense either. That's far too morbid.
I can't remember the time period I heard/saw the story. Which was another reason I thought that it might not have been from a television show. I was able kind of remember the voice. It was kind of southern sounding. Which led me to believe that maybe, it wasn't an episode of a television show. It really could have just been a story my grandfather told me. He was from Tennessee, and while I don't really remember him having a really serious accent, I thought maybe he was putting on some kind of theatrics. Before he got sick he would do stuff like that.I kind of rationalized it as maybe he told the story so well that I imagined the pictures myself. I watched Schoolhouse Rock to fall asleep when I was in elementary school often to try and help my math skills. I fell asleep around the "6" song and y'all, that's really where I clock out when it comes to memorizing times tables. I gave up on finding the cartoon, because I thought there was no cartoon. I still thought about it from time to time, mostly because the story was like, super friggin' dark. Some traveler from the other side of the country was going west, and these like, bandit cowboys robbed and killed him. Then, a house was built over the shallow grave and the ghost was messing with the family. I was like "wow, this probably was when my grandpa started suffering from Alzheimer's because wtf."I still had my doubts about him telling me this, but I couldn't think of any other way I would know that.
Another reason why I thought maybe this was just pictures in my head and not a cartoon, was that I remembered a part two. It was a very faithful adaptation of "The Youth Who Could Not Shiver and Shake." When I say faithful, I am not exaggerating. And, most stories by The Brother's Grimm are very darksided. I did not even read this particular story until I was at least thirteen, when my grandma purchased a beautiful leatherbound book of The Brother's Grimm Stories. I still have it too! I love fairy tales! This particular story is a bit obscure and so I didn't think that anyone would bother making a cartoon of it. It's not like Snow White or Little Red Riding Hood. There's really not a way to make the story less scary without ruining the integrity of the story. I chalked the entire thing up to having a good imagination before mental illness ruined my life
And, wow, the universe really pulled through this week because I have been thinking about this story/cartoon a lot in the past few months. The story, from what I could remember sounded like something that you would read in Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. So, I reread those to my kids. Ok, I read like three to them, because Ken got scared. I read the the rest to myself. It wasn't in there. I looked on the wikipedia page of Schoolhouse Rock to see if one of the animators did some kind of kiddie horror short at some point. Nothing. But then, I went on Youtube for a completely different reason, and the cartoon I have been thinking about was in the sidebar! Here it is! It's from Golden Videos and was released in 1991, another reason I don't know HOW I got to see it. But it explains the worn/old/fuzzy look of the cartoon.
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