It's Lost Media week over here! I am obsessed with lost media and I think that London After Midnight was my first post on here. I don't really remember. I could go check, but I am honestly to lazy to do so. Lost Media is a form of media that just disappears into thin air for whatever reason. Occasionally they are found, but for the most part, they live on in our memories. I think sometimes they are mistaken for Mandela effects. I think if we talked about things more, we would all realize that we moved to a different dimension in 2012. I'm like, half kidding. Has anything felt real since 2012? I think not!
Anyway, here is some lost media that I hope is found one day.
Batman: A Death In the Family.
So, I'm sure you are calling me all kinds of dumbass right now. A Death in the Family isn't lost. And, you're right. It's a pretty iconic story line. BUT there was a 1800 number that you could call in and decide what happened to Robin (Jason Todd) and some people obviously wanted to Robin to live. Actually a lot of people did. So much that they made a version of the story where Jason survived. I found a picture of a bit of the comic on the lost media site I be on far too much lmao. Deep down, I feel like there is not a complete alternate comic book, but I do think they at least story boarded it, and that's what I would like to see. I want to see how that would have hypothetically worked out. Maybe one day DC can do a What If series like Marvel has and Jason Todd can live there. Canonically, he can stay dead. I don't like Jason like that. In this house we stan Dick Grayson.
I collect comics and that's the only reason I'm interested in seeing this. For a story standpoint, I'm glad Jason died horribly. I don't really care for him. I didn't like his version of Robin and believe he is Red X. I don't even like him on the live action titans TV show. But he does look kind of adorable in the Robin costume. We hate to see it. I don't like him as a character, Red Hood, Red X, or otherwise. Dying is the most interesting thing he's done. Wow, that sounded like a Panic at the Disco song title.
I also feel like the whole crowbar thing is one of those definitive Joker moments that make him batsh*t crazy and irredeemable. I really hope that it's one of his fatalities as a Mortal Kombat DLC character. I do feel the crowbar is one of the most iconic things he has done. Not sure which Joker he is, but I am going to assume he is Injustice Joker so maybe he will just have the same moves as that game. The Joker is one of my favorite bad guys because he's evil for what often feels like no reason at all. He doesn't have a redemption story because there are just some things that you don't come back from.
Some people don't deserve (or want) redemption. I spoke with my friend about this recently. I don't like most Batman movies because it's impossible to play the chaotic joker evil that will be faithful to the comics that I love so much. I don't believe a human being can play The Joker. I'm not sure if The Joker is a human being to begin with. But, I'll have more on that later.
Her (Samantha Morton version)
Speaking of Jokers, Joaquin Phoenix really did that in Her. Her is not a horror to most people, it's basically about a dude falling in love with Siri/Cortana/Alexa. I've already told y'all, AI getting their own personality/mind of their own is going to kill us all. Despite that obvious fact, the movie is really good. I don't even like romance movies in general. But when they have a unique take, I think they are worth watching. Another movie I like that is a little similar to this is called Lars and the Real Girl. I also like the movie May, but that movie is more horror than romance.
Something really cool about Her is that my least favorite Japanese actress Scarlett Johansson was not the original voice of Her. Samantha Morton was, that's why the virtual assistant is named Samantha!
They added the Woody Allen apologist in post production. I am not a fan of the weakest avenger and would love a version with out her involved. I think Samantha Morton has a very nice speaking voice. I saw her on The Walking Dead one of those brief times where I was giving the show another chance. It didn't last long, and I no longer watch the show, but I have listened to her in other shows and movies as well. I do think Scarlet the iconic tree has a nice speaking voice, but I am so over her and her microaggressions. And I hope her google alerts go off every time I talk about how much I don't like her.
The First Dracula
The Russians did not beat us in the Space Race, but they did beat us in making the first Dracula film. In my opinion, far more important. The film became lost at some point. I don't know what happened or why. I'm not even sure what the movie is about, except that it is an adaptation of the Bram Stoker story. I'm not sure of how accurate or loose the adaptation is. I don't know anything and that is why I am so interested. Some people don't even think it's real. But I am leaning towards it just being lost/accidentally destroyed just because the film is about 100 years old. Some people have theorized that it could have been destroyed during the Russian Civil War.
It really makes you wonder what kind of ridiculousness we Americans lost during our civil war. What thing is a future blogger going to be pissed about when they realize the "first" version of something they were obsessed with was destroyed because people are dumb? Someone recreated "Drakula" and tried to pass it off as authentic. But, if you've seen other silent films, you would know the people are moving far too fast for it to be from the silent actors. I would LOVE too see a silent horror movie made today using the film technique/style/aesthetic from the silent era. Elephant murder organizer Thomas Edison's Frankenstein is still frigging scary.
If you're interested in a surviving Russian silent film, The Portrait is pretty interesting.
Charles Manson and the Beach Boys
First of all, Charles Manson was an asshole. I know everyone is familiar with the things he did and influenced. I'm not going to go over it, like... I know you know. Anyway, I have heard people trying to rationalize the Tate/LaBianca murders by saying that the "hippie scene" ostracized Manson and that's why he wanted to end the summer of love.
This isn't true, it's not the sole reason and I'm sick over people overlooking that this jerk wanted to start a whole race war, and other terrible things. He was gross. Even if he "didn't fit in" with hippies, that's not a reason to organize the killing of people. When he was somewhat "friendsly" with The Beach Boys. He recorded a few songs with them. I think it would be interesting to see/listen to those recordings. Especially because Charles Manson is dead now, and he cannot profit off of them in any way. Never Learn Not To Love by The Beach Boys is plagiarized from a Charles Manson song. Manson actually threatened Dennis Wilson's life over this. Manson did not just snap one day. He was always a vengeful person.
It's also important to remember that a lot of people think that Dennis Wilson suffered from"guilt by association" and that was probably a factor in to his lethal downward spiral. Dennis Wilson is a victim too. He's dead now, and the release of this would not be able to trigger him emotionally. TBH, the only Manson movie I would want to see is from Dennis Wilson's point of view. Charismatic narcissists are some of the scariest people on earth. I know that's taboo to say, especially because I suffer from depression and some people find that scary. But a huge source of my depression is from living with a charismatic narcissist in my teen years so I know wtf I'm taking about. I think that the release of these tapes would be beneficial to people studying psychology and people who are, for lack of a better word "gullible". Some people (aka me) are too oblivious to people's intentions because they like to see the good in people. Wilson was used. Manson wanted to be famous. BTW, everyone in the Beach Boys claims these tapes don't exist. Steve Desper, The Beach Boys sound engineer says that they do. He would know better than anyone since he was likely the person that recorded them. Manson himself said they did in his autobiography, but his word means literally nothing to me. Some people claim that bootlegs are out there. I think that the tapes were destroyed decades ago. Too bad!
Cleopatra (1917)
As an aficionado of all things extra, and some one who makes an effort to be smart and sexy, I've always felt some sort of #kin with Cleopatra. But I know there is kind of a stereotype with African Americans being obsessed with Egypt so I kind of keep it to myself. I, (unlike most people) am not an idiot and know that Cleopatra was not Black like most of the prominent Egyptian rulers, but the stereotype is still there. I also feel like the Luxor is haunted, or else I would make that a part of my Instagram aesthetic. Since the creeps in my DMs swear I am exotic when I'm just a light skinned black-ish girl, I think it would look kind of cool. But I don't think I am exotic. My kids are exotic. I am not.
I also try not to gas up white women because they get enough attention. I would much prefer to talk about how pretty Nefertiti was. Most people consider Cleopatra to be beautiful because of movies. But, she was probably a little bit ugly. Babygirl was very, very inbred
I do enjoy watching films with Cleopatra in them. I am interested in her, and I also like a lot of the #glamour and drama associated with her. One of the earlier films depicting Cleopatra is partially lost.
This version of Cleo is played by Theda Bara. Theda is also remembered as one of cinema's first sex symbols, and her nickname was The Vamp, so she's a mood.
The movie was directed by J. Gordon Edwards and the entire thing cost 500,000 of old timey money to make. In modern times, that's over nine million dollars. Between the stupid Hays Code, the fire in the 1930s at Fox studios, another freakin' fire in New York that destroyed a good chunk of the movie only 20 seconds of this 125 minute movie exist.
Since a lot of the movie was destroyed via fire, there is not much that can actually BE found. But, this film was made by Fox. Which means it's now owned by America's Mouse overlord. For the most part, I am a little wary of remakes now. Especially ones by Di$ney. I used to feel differently, but now it seems like everything out right now is a reboot or remake. I'm tired. But, I do think that Disney should look into remaking this film. I know Hollywood has been trying to make another Cleopatra film for a long time. I think there is no time as good as now to utilize what is left of this film as source material. They can use the 1917 version in the opening credits or ending credits.
From what I have seen, the movie is so beautiful and you can tell the people that made it worked so hard. I literally lose my sh*t every time I see the costumes because I think they are so beautiful. I have taken a step back from fashion for undisclosed reasons, but I do predict this look is going to come back in style soon. The 1920s silhouette + a scene revival. Let the Rawring Twenties begin!
Anyway, here is some lost media that I hope is found one day.
Batman: A Death In the Family.
So, I'm sure you are calling me all kinds of dumbass right now. A Death in the Family isn't lost. And, you're right. It's a pretty iconic story line. BUT there was a 1800 number that you could call in and decide what happened to Robin (Jason Todd) and some people obviously wanted to Robin to live. Actually a lot of people did. So much that they made a version of the story where Jason survived. I found a picture of a bit of the comic on the lost media site I be on far too much lmao. Deep down, I feel like there is not a complete alternate comic book, but I do think they at least story boarded it, and that's what I would like to see. I want to see how that would have hypothetically worked out. Maybe one day DC can do a What If series like Marvel has and Jason Todd can live there. Canonically, he can stay dead. I don't like Jason like that. In this house we stan Dick Grayson.
I also feel like the whole crowbar thing is one of those definitive Joker moments that make him batsh*t crazy and irredeemable. I really hope that it's one of his fatalities as a Mortal Kombat DLC character. I do feel the crowbar is one of the most iconic things he has done. Not sure which Joker he is, but I am going to assume he is Injustice Joker so maybe he will just have the same moves as that game. The Joker is one of my favorite bad guys because he's evil for what often feels like no reason at all. He doesn't have a redemption story because there are just some things that you don't come back from.
Some people don't deserve (or want) redemption. I spoke with my friend about this recently. I don't like most Batman movies because it's impossible to play the chaotic joker evil that will be faithful to the comics that I love so much. I don't believe a human being can play The Joker. I'm not sure if The Joker is a human being to begin with. But, I'll have more on that later.
Her (Samantha Morton version)
Speaking of Jokers, Joaquin Phoenix really did that in Her. Her is not a horror to most people, it's basically about a dude falling in love with Siri/Cortana/Alexa. I've already told y'all, AI getting their own personality/mind of their own is going to kill us all. Despite that obvious fact, the movie is really good. I don't even like romance movies in general. But when they have a unique take, I think they are worth watching. Another movie I like that is a little similar to this is called Lars and the Real Girl. I also like the movie May, but that movie is more horror than romance.
Something really cool about Her is that my least favorite Japanese actress Scarlett Johansson was not the original voice of Her. Samantha Morton was, that's why the virtual assistant is named Samantha!
They added the Woody Allen apologist in post production. I am not a fan of the weakest avenger and would love a version with out her involved. I think Samantha Morton has a very nice speaking voice. I saw her on The Walking Dead one of those brief times where I was giving the show another chance. It didn't last long, and I no longer watch the show, but I have listened to her in other shows and movies as well. I do think Scarlet the iconic tree has a nice speaking voice, but I am so over her and her microaggressions. And I hope her google alerts go off every time I talk about how much I don't like her.
The First Dracula
The Russians did not beat us in the Space Race, but they did beat us in making the first Dracula film. In my opinion, far more important. The film became lost at some point. I don't know what happened or why. I'm not even sure what the movie is about, except that it is an adaptation of the Bram Stoker story. I'm not sure of how accurate or loose the adaptation is. I don't know anything and that is why I am so interested. Some people don't even think it's real. But I am leaning towards it just being lost/accidentally destroyed just because the film is about 100 years old. Some people have theorized that it could have been destroyed during the Russian Civil War.
It really makes you wonder what kind of ridiculousness we Americans lost during our civil war. What thing is a future blogger going to be pissed about when they realize the "first" version of something they were obsessed with was destroyed because people are dumb? Someone recreated "Drakula" and tried to pass it off as authentic. But, if you've seen other silent films, you would know the people are moving far too fast for it to be from the silent actors. I would LOVE too see a silent horror movie made today using the film technique/style/aesthetic from the silent era. Elephant murder organizer Thomas Edison's Frankenstein is still frigging scary.
If you're interested in a surviving Russian silent film, The Portrait is pretty interesting.
Charles Manson and the Beach Boys
First of all, Charles Manson was an asshole. I know everyone is familiar with the things he did and influenced. I'm not going to go over it, like... I know you know. Anyway, I have heard people trying to rationalize the Tate/LaBianca murders by saying that the "hippie scene" ostracized Manson and that's why he wanted to end the summer of love.

It's also important to remember that a lot of people think that Dennis Wilson suffered from"guilt by association" and that was probably a factor in to his lethal downward spiral. Dennis Wilson is a victim too. He's dead now, and the release of this would not be able to trigger him emotionally. TBH, the only Manson movie I would want to see is from Dennis Wilson's point of view. Charismatic narcissists are some of the scariest people on earth. I know that's taboo to say, especially because I suffer from depression and some people find that scary. But a huge source of my depression is from living with a charismatic narcissist in my teen years so I know wtf I'm taking about. I think that the release of these tapes would be beneficial to people studying psychology and people who are, for lack of a better word "gullible". Some people (aka me) are too oblivious to people's intentions because they like to see the good in people. Wilson was used. Manson wanted to be famous. BTW, everyone in the Beach Boys claims these tapes don't exist. Steve Desper, The Beach Boys sound engineer says that they do. He would know better than anyone since he was likely the person that recorded them. Manson himself said they did in his autobiography, but his word means literally nothing to me. Some people claim that bootlegs are out there. I think that the tapes were destroyed decades ago. Too bad!
Cleopatra (1917)

I do enjoy watching films with Cleopatra in them. I am interested in her, and I also like a lot of the #glamour and drama associated with her. One of the earlier films depicting Cleopatra is partially lost.
This version of Cleo is played by Theda Bara. Theda is also remembered as one of cinema's first sex symbols, and her nickname was The Vamp, so she's a mood.
The movie was directed by J. Gordon Edwards and the entire thing cost 500,000 of old timey money to make. In modern times, that's over nine million dollars. Between the stupid Hays Code, the fire in the 1930s at Fox studios, another freakin' fire in New York that destroyed a good chunk of the movie only 20 seconds of this 125 minute movie exist.
Since a lot of the movie was destroyed via fire, there is not much that can actually BE found. But, this film was made by Fox. Which means it's now owned by America's Mouse overlord. For the most part, I am a little wary of remakes now. Especially ones by Di$ney. I used to feel differently, but now it seems like everything out right now is a reboot or remake. I'm tired. But, I do think that Disney should look into remaking this film. I know Hollywood has been trying to make another Cleopatra film for a long time. I think there is no time as good as now to utilize what is left of this film as source material. They can use the 1917 version in the opening credits or ending credits.
From what I have seen, the movie is so beautiful and you can tell the people that made it worked so hard. I literally lose my sh*t every time I see the costumes because I think they are so beautiful. I have taken a step back from fashion for undisclosed reasons, but I do predict this look is going to come back in style soon. The 1920s silhouette + a scene revival. Let the Rawring Twenties begin!
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