Speaking of television, I might just start watching American Horror Story again. I kind of fell off after Hotel. I did watch Roanoke on Hulu, and liked it a lot. It hasn't really been must see television for me. Even Freak Show was kind of pushing it. I would rather watch Breaking Bad reruns and scream.
When I first started this blog ten thousand years ago, I begun writing what I thought would be the perfect American Horror Story. I had a really good idea, but I didn't know how to end it. You know, like the actual American Horror Story (or Scream Queens, or, Nip/Tuck, or Glee, or The New Normal). So, I just kind of put it on the back burner. Low and behold, We are finally getting a series similar to what I envisioned but couldn't finish. Honestly, my own novels got in the way, and they have priority over this blog. Anyway, I hope you enjoy what I tried to write like....two-ish years ago.It was one of my first ideas to post. So I'm gonna say two years.
When I was in sixth grade, the entire grade went to Camp Palomar for what was known as “sixth grade camp”. It was seen as a right of passage to a lot of kids in San Diego. I have always been a lover of nature, and went to camp with my church every summer,and it was the happiest times of my life. My school went to camp after those really terrible fires almost destroyed my home, so camp was a nice autumn escape from my real life.
My favorite part of sixth grade camp was the scary stories that we were told before we went back to the cabins. Like I said, I went to a religious camp prior to this so we were obviously not telling scary stories. One time, there was some kind of play where someone was playing The Devil and it was TRAUMATIZING AF,but other than that, nothing really scary. The concept of “scary stories around a campfire” was something I had only seen on TV.
When I saw the promos for the new season of American Horror Story on snapchat, the first thing I noticed was that they didn’t have a particular theme. It’s almost as if different stories are being told. The only theme linking them was that you got the vibe that the area was deserted, or at least out of the way…Like a camping destination. I don’t know how old you guys are, and I know this is going to “reveal” my age lol. But when I was a child, Nickelodeon had a show called “Are You Afraid Of the Dark?”. It was sort of a nineties kid version of The Twilight Zone. A group of preteens met up at night to tell stories around a campfire. I think this is what the next season of American Horror Story is going to be about. Children around a campfire being told scary stories by their camp counsellors. This is why there isn’t a theme. Every episode will tell a different story. This is why it takes place in the past and present. This is why it features children, but not heavily. Ryan Murphy said at Paleyfest : “If you look at horror tropes, the innocence of children, that sort of wide-eyed entryway into some world is always very dramatic and satisfying” My personal hope was that they were going to focus on scary things that are exclusive to California. I thought that was going to happen, because of the promo featuring the baby bassinet that had a “pig” mobile. Charles Manson’s followers wrote PIG on the wall with the blood of Sharon Tate and her unborn baby, named Paul. However, with the inclusion of “Croatian”, I assume we are going to the other coast too. Also, today* is the anniversary the death of Sharon Tate and her friends. Please keep them in your thoughts.
*Today is not the anniversary of Helter Skelter, but the day I made the post originally...it was. You all know I love vintage fashion and Sharon Tate was on of the GOATs. And it’s so shitty that I can’t google pictures of Sharon Tate without seeing her post Death pictures. This might be taboo to say, but I’m literally so happy Charles Manson is dead. I’m making a real effort to not make my blog like a social justice type of thing, but many people forget Charles Manson was a rapist, a racist, a sex trafficker, and likely a murderer. He was an example of everything bad about human beings and I know this is impossible, but I wish he would fade into obscurity.
Moving on, recently I decided to revisit my summer camp idea. Ryan Murphy if you’re reading this I am totally available to write the scripts lol.
Episode One- Marty Greenwell, a child that just moved to California from Florida with his father after a divorce. He has had very little opportunity to make make friends because it’s summertime, all the kids are at camp. Marty’s father drops him off at camp with the others and he bunks with Brandon, a popular kid who happens to go to the same school he’ll be going to.
Their counselor, Carter seems to be on edge. Brandon and Marty cannot figure out why he’s acting so weird. Brandon says he was nice last week. Now, he seems paranoid.
*something* is watching them. Later that night, Carter tells the campers in his cabin a scary story. “When the Padres attempted to take San Diego from the Native Americans, they hid treasure in the woods. The same woods that the camp is located in. The Padres sold their souls to The Devil to keep the treasure away from the Native Americans. The Padres were granted immortality, and they guard their treasure for eternity. But, immortality comes at a price. They are immortal, but their bodies are not. So, on dark nights like these, they look for bodies to inhabit. Obviously, they prefer young bodies, because they last longer. So, watch out.... The Padres will give your soul away to have your body.”
Carter pours water on the fire and it makes sinister looking smoke. Tells the boys good isn’t and says he’s going for a walk. Brandon tells Marty he’s probably going to see his girlfriend Theresa, who is a counselor for the girls. Carter does go to see Theresa, instead of hooking up like she expects...he kills her! With a blow to the head. Carter drags Theresa’s body to an undisclosed part of the forest. He finally drops her corpse, and blood from the back of her head moves like a stream and the camera is following the blood, until it hits a skeleton. The skeleton is wearing A LOT of gold......Theresa begins to laugh and it progressively gets louder. Kyle wakes up, and wakes up Brandon. He asks if he heard “that”, and Brandon says, “No. I was asleep.”
Marty lays back down but out of the corner of his eye, he sees Carter wiping blood off of his hands. Marty gasps and shuts his eyes,
Episode Two- the next day, Carter asks Marty why he was awake late at night. Marty asks him where he went. Carter ignores this and and lectures him about the importance of sleep, because he needs to stay healthy. Theresa brings her campers to join the boys for a lunch and a hike. Marty gets introduced to Chloe Stapleton
Chloe is a camper and Theresa is her camp counselor. Chole's parent's are divorced too and Chole and Kyle bond over that. Chloe also tells them that Thersea is acting weird. Chole thinks the Padres are real and they got Theresa! Brandon tells her that she's being stupid. Chole says she knows the Padres are real they took her dad away when she was young. She never saw him again.Brandon says that's just the Native American version of someone's dad going out for a "pack of smokes." Chloe insists that she knows wtf she's talking about. Marty beleives her.
The group goes on a hike and Chole points to a cabin in the distance. She says that's where "they" took her dad. Brandon still does not believe her and kind of bullies Marty into saying that she only wants to scare them. Chole gets angry and storms off. She is not seen at dinner, the nighttime campfire, or for breakfast.
The next day, "Theresa" goes the administration building...and says one of her campers are missing. "I know" The camp director says. He uses his hand, which is covered in gold rings and bracelets, to light a cigarette.
Okay, that's all I "officially" have. I do know how things end. But the middle is a little tricky. I'm actually thinking of making this a shorty story. Idk. I am just excited that we are finally getting a camp season! I love the cool homages to some of my favorite eighties horror movies. But that's a post for another day.
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