Say what you want, but I like Lil Uzi Vert. His newish video is an homage to Blade! I thought that was totally cool, because Blade is a very #onbrand character for me to like. He was created by Marv Wolfman, he's a vampire slayer, Ryan Reynolds is a part of the trilogy, and it was the first Marvel superhero movie I remember seeing. Oh, and he is and has always been Black. That's important to me ass a black person, because as a child I was under the impression "we" "couldn't" be superheros. Or hell, even vampire slayers. The two Black slayers in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (one of my favorite shows of all time) died almost immediately. So, I stan, ok! I like Lil Uzi Vert, and I love Blade. Two Bl-Emos that are apologetically themselves. Now that we have a lot (ok, maybe too many) big budget superhero movies these days. But we have not had very many movies with a black lead. But, it IS worth noting that Into the Spiderverse and Black Panther both BANG and are among the best of the best.
Anyway, I have noticed a trend with making already established characters another race. And even though it has happened with people of other races, black people playing traditionally white characters have to deal with so much uglyness. Even Starfire, who isn't even a human has been claimed by white people even though I think she gives off POC energy, if anything. And, I have met both of her creators. I didn't receive any microaggressions or anything like that. So, I really think the line of thinking when creating Starfire was "what if Red Sonja looked like a Black Woman?"
I've always felt Starfire looked like a Black girl. I think it's because I have always identified with her character because I'm kind of ~quirky~ and actually, you know what, never mind, I'm not putting my trauma on here lol. A cool thing about Raven from Teen Titans, is that she was originally Black! However, the creators felt like it was kind of #shady to name a black person after a black animal, which is still kind of shady considering Raven first showed up in 1980 and Black Panther first appreared in 1966. Also, Falcon came about in 1969. Yikes. So, like....I've having HUGE mandala effect going on, because I can't find anything to confirm this anymore. But I remember seeing a mock up of Raven where Perez said she was African American, and Marv Wolfman being like "don't name her after an animal if she's going to be Black." I'm not the type of people to go out of my way to call white people woke. So, I don't think this is a thing I would make up. If it was wouldn't I have it be Starfire or Wondergirl? The characters that I like! Idk y'all, I hit my head in a car accident. That's why my blogging has been sporadic. It's hard for me to do some things.
I think that is one of the reasons they chose Kevin Michael Richardson to voice Trigon. He is a very prolific African American voice actor. And, he "sounds" black. Something cool to think about is that her mother was voived by Virginia Madsen. This is only interesting because Madsen's most known role is in Candyman, where her character falls victim to a black supernatural entity. Just like Raven's mom!
It's not that important to me, because Raven is not very high on my list of favorite characters. I just like being right lol. Anyway, this is what "evil" Raven looks like. Make of it what you will. It's not that serious. Ironically that is the point of the post.
I'm over it fam. I'm tired, chief. Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good. I am so over arguing about this with people. I don't want to explain to people that a mermaid, a mythical creature very important to African Diaspora culture by way of Mami Wata, Yemeya, Aycayia, can be Black in a movie where the sidekick is a Jamaican crab. I don't want to question my ability to be seen as equal when people are complaining about all the "changes" to Domino when she is fundamentally the same person except her skin looks different. I don't want to hear y'all complain about Zendaya being MJ when baby girl is half white to begin with! Like, the fact that it's out of the realm of possibility for some people to think a boy from Queens, New York cannot like a half black girl is just....wild. The actress that played Liz was also half white like some people just hate black girls so much. They don't even have to be mono-racially black. What a bunch of weirdos!
Here's a cool personal anecdote, my first ever boyfriend dresses up like Spiderman for children in hospitals. Sooooo, I guess Spiderman liking half Black girls has always seemed reasonable to me. Click here for ways to support Critical Care Comics
Like I don't wanna fight over this. They are just movies. I'm tired. It's actually comprising my love for cinema, television, streaming ect. At this point, I would rather see black heroes who were already black to be seen on the big screen, or streaming services. These are some of the black characters that I think need more attention.
5. Malice

I also think it would be cool to see a "bad" Dora Milaje, I'm pretty sure she would be nearly unstoppable. I also liked how they redeemed the character at the end. Too often, black female villains are hung up on high school handy-Js and die in burning buildings.
I would love to see a black villain as loved as Loki. I think that character could be Malice. Honestly, if movie Nakia ends up being some version of Malice, I would literally flip out. I actually hope that happens now.
We are about to have a Spawn-aissance. Homeboy is coming to Mortal Kombat , we are getting a movie, and a NEW cartoon. Oh, and don't freak out but it's about to be longest running creator owned comic. That's a HUGE deal.
However, I don't think that's enough. I want more Spawn toys. I totally get why there aren't. A lot of people aren't buying those kinds of toys for their kiddos. I bought my son a plush chest-burster for his birthday, so there are probably little kids that like Spawn. But, I don't want the toys for the kids, I want the toys for me. I imagine there's a lil conflict of interest because of McFarlane toys, but the fact that there is no Spawn Funko pop is annoying. I know this isn't the intention at all, but it makes ME feel like Spawn was a little bot left out/forgotten. I really hope with all of the fresh Spawn material, we get more Spawn merchandise. I want to show my love and appreciation next to all my other stuff! They don't have to be Funko pops, I'll take anything. Except for the Macfarlane action figure I already have.
3. Blade
So, I have been told by many that this is stupid, but I don't care. This is how I want Blade to come to the MCU. As you all know, I am a big fan of vampires so....yeah.
In Black Panther 2, Killmonger's body washes up and is returned to T'Challa, his closest living relative. They decide to bury him in Oakland, next to his dad. Or next to the outreach center, whatever, it doesn't matter. All that matters is he is in the US.

Now, where does Blade fall into all of this? WELL, in the comics, Dr. Strange tried to resurrect his brother with magic and turned him into a vampire. I think, the MCU could make Killmonger the vampire instead of Victor. It would make MCU Dr. Strange more interesting to me. Also, imagining a vampire Killmonger running amok is all I have ever wanted in a movie, and also in my life. That's probably why I like Lil Uzi Vert so much. The Black Emos are finally rising!
No one really knows how to deal with a vampire. So, for like, the last fifteen minutes is them trying to figure out how to take on vampires, something the MCU has not done before. Because, obviously Erik made and linked up with other vampires. Then, someone speaks out from the darkness, and says something along the lines of
"There are worse things out tonight than vampires"
and T'challa's like "like what?"
and then, Blade steps out from the shadows and says "Like me."
End of movie! Next movie is Blade thank you Disney, I will take my check now.
2. Bumblebee

Bumblebee is so important to DC. She is the second black female superhero. The first is Nubia, and if Nubia was to have a big part in anything people that don't read comics would say that they are trying to replace Wonder Woman/Diana. Bumblebee stands alone, and I think she is pretty great! I wouldn't be upset if she was a frequent guest on Titans either. I do think she deserves a live action show. I find Karen to be very interesting because she doesn't have superpowers. Actually, there are a lot of people I want to see on Titans. That could be a different blog.
1. Static Shock
You know how we all love Spiderman? He is just someone that is universally liked? I have never met a person that didn't like Spiderman. At worst, they say they don't follow comic book stuff. But, at the very least, they know who he is.
Dc needs to take that model and apply it to Virgil. With all of the ~love~ of the early 2000s, I think it's hella weird that people don't talk about Static Shock the same way they talk about Spiderman, the original Teen Titans cartoon, or even Danny Phantom. The show was so cute and my favorite episodes were the crossovers. Instead of making #dark and #gritty things, I would love to see a fun and cute movie with Static Shock and Gear. I know DC has in it them. I really enjoyed Shazam! The real world is horrible enough, not every superhero movie needs to be angsty and depressing. Some parts of Shazam were a little dramatic, and I cannot fully stan Shazam, because he is a Raiden main, but I did really like the movie and I left the theater feeling happy. Something that does not happen a lot because I mostly see horror movies lol.Despite Static Shocks powers, I think he would do the right thing and not be a Raiden main. I am currently a Kabal main. I know most of y'all aren't that cool.Speaking of Neatherrealm Studios, I recently found out that Static Shock was going to be in Injustice 2. I'm calling the police, I'm calling Kabal!
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