Are you too scared, apathetic, or lazy to watch The Ring’s complete film collection? Don’t worry, I got you! Today’s What The Franchise is centered on the best j-horror remake, The Ring.
The Ring (2002)- An American remake of the Japanese horror film Ringu directed by Hideo Nakata. The Japanese film was based on a horror/mystery novel by Kōji Suzuki. The American version is directed by Gore Verbinski and stars Naomi Watts.
The movie begins with two teenagers named Katie and Becca discussing an urban legend regarding a cursed videotape. Katie said she watched it a week ago and she was told by a mysterious phone call that she would die seven days later. Becca thinks the former is just trying to scare her. However, the teen DOES die and the sight of her body drives her friend insane.
At the girl (Katie’s) funeral, her mother asks her sister, Rachel to investigate what killed Katie. Rachel visits the place where Katie and her friends watched the tape, The Shelter Mountain Inn. Rachel watches the tape, in the same cabin Kate did. There’s a lot of disturbing sounds and images.
Aiden stays with his auntie (Katie’s Mom) and Rachel talks to Anna Morgan’s husband. Noah gets access to Anna’s medical files. HIPPA? We don’t know her. Anna had some physical and mental issues. Since they were unable to have children, they adopted Samara. Richard, Anna's husband denies this. So they talk to the town gossip aka the doctor who confirms this. They also find out that Samara had the ability to etch her thoughts on to film. This phenomenon is hilariously named thoughtography. Samara would torment her family and pets with this, so that's why all the horses killed themselves.
Rachel watches a tape where Samara is explaining her powers and Richard is angry and high key scared so he electrocutes himself in the bath. Rachel and Noah go to Samara's room, which is in a f*ckin' barn (!!!). Rachel sees a tree that is the same tree from the Shelter Mountain Inn. The same place where Katie and her friends watched the tape.
They return to the Inn and find a well inside the floorboards. The same well from the movie. Rachel's in the well and is grabbed by a hand and receives a vision of Anna Morgan suffocating Samara and throwing her into the well. Samara was in there for seven days before she finally perished.
And I mean, I'm not saying it was very cash money of Samara to kill a whole bunch of people...But if it took seven days for me to die a horrible agonizing death, I would be very mad too. Anyway, Rachel takes Samara's corpse out of the well and gives her a proper resting place.
Noah points out that the seven days have passed so she must be safe. Aiden is like "Hol' up! Y'all let her out! That's why I don't call y'all mom and dad!" Ok, that's not exactly what he said. And I just inferred that Noah was his dad, I don't think that it is a fact. But that's what I would have said. Rachel's seven days had passed, but Noah's had not. So when he got home, Samara comes up OUT the fat backed television and....Bruh. We don't know how Samara kills people but man, we knew Noah was DEAD DEAD. And, I'm not even bluffing her coming out of the television is still catelouged in my memory as one of the scariest things I've seen in a movie. And there's actually good reason for that! She is actually walking backwards and they reversed in post production! That's why it looks so unnatural.
She goes home and destroys the tape. Rachel figures out that the reason she was spared and and Noah was not was because she made a copy and Noah did not. So, she makes a copy for Aiden. Aiden wants to know what happens to the person that watches the copy. Rachel is unable to answer him.
Was Rachel the first annoying woman to name her kid Aiden? Maybe. Aiden was the smartest person in this movie, he deserved a better name. More on that later. Overall, I hold this movie in such a high regard. I totally understand that this movie would not work in today's society, but bruh. This was IT for me (no pun intended, I'm not afraid of clowns). Easily the scariest american movie I saw in the early 2000s. If I could go back in time and rewatch a movie for the first time, it would be this movie. Everything about it is so so so great. But, it is also dated. I am very wary of the way technology is progressing. I spoke about this in my previous post regarding Child's Play. But, man, if we all still had house phones I would probably still be a lil wary of this. Fun fact! The Ring is based on a "TRUE" story. You can look up the story of Okiku, if you are interested.
Also, I am a very trusting person, so if some bozo tricked me into watching Samara's tape, I would be so deeply hurt. This, I guess is one of my more rational fears. People tricking me into helping them even though it's to my detriment. I guess that's why I don't have a lot of IRL friends. Samara is NOT getting me. lol
rings (Short Film)
Is this cannon? I mean, the story gets continued...But the most recent movie is called RINGS as well. Astoria, Oregon has their own cinnamon challenge going on. How many days can you last until you're too scared of Samara to continue. These Darwin Award Winners are in groups called "rings". Before watching, there is a person assigned to watch your copy. In theory, there is no real danger. Local dumbass, Jake is the next person in his "ring". The person that's going to watch Samara do her thing is Tim. The leader, Eddie, another friendly neighborhood baffoon, wants Jake to record EVERYTHING he sees because no one has made it to day seven.
Samara starts wylin' out and Jake is scared. She even grabs his arm! On day six, Jake is ready to tap out. However, Tim says he won't even watch it. It turns out, Vanessa (another member) told Tim to not watch the tape for the lulz. She wants to know what happens on day seven, like we already don't know. So, Jake is trying to get someone, anyone to watch it. He even tries to show the video on the TV screens inside of a store. But they kick him out. The security guard is also a member of one of the rings. LMAO
So he's calling everyone, and I mean EVERY darn body and eventually gets to Emily, a girl from his school. Highly implied she has the hots for him. A dumb choice tbh. He invites her over to get to know her better, which is code for Netflix and Chill. Well, this is the early 2000s, so I guess we will call it Blockbuster and Chill. Jake has a vision where Samara tries to get him, but he breaks the television. Samara is able to reach through to the real world via Jake's video camera. And honestly? As a member of the #growingupugly society, a boy in high school acting like he likes you to get something out of you is deserving of an immediate swift death. I wish our gal Sammy just killed him right there because I KNOW she heard his BS. Samara is not an ally to us soft spoken uglies. Emily Van Camp, who plays Emily in the short film is not ugly by any stretch of the imagination BUT it's obvious she was not his ~type~ because I think he was kind of into Vanessa. And those girls don't look alike. Speaking of Vanessa, she's the one that encourages Emily to go over. And....The End.
The Ring Two
Welp, we're still in Oregon, the land of the A5 VSCO filter is goin' through it. Samara is terrorizing everyone. F*ckboy Jake Pearce has a very specific goal of not dying. Now, I become quite attached to characters, horrible or not. That's why we stan Roman Godfrey. Ryan Merriman can really play a jerk. Do we remember how evil Ian Thomas from Pretty Little Liars was? Or are we still pretending that plot hole never happened? Either way, Jake and Ian are played by the same actor. I love to hate Ryan Merriman.
Jake steps out of the room so Emily can view Samara's horrific tape to save his skin. He sees dark liquid in the kitchen and is like Emily Wtf?" and, our hero tells Jake that she closed her eyes.
Samara kills Jake.
Rachel goes to inspect Jake's body because she works at the newspaper. Also because she's like oh sh*t, does karma got it's kiss for me? Samara appears and lets Rachel know that she has been looking for her. She breaks into Jake's house and burns his tape.
Meanwhile, Aiden is off. I mean, homeboy was surrounded by
idiots so of course he was off. But he was like super off, even for
him. He has a nightmare of Samara pulling him into the TV. After this, he starts to experience hypothermia and bruises.Aidan goes to the county fair and takes some selfies in the bathroom, baby boy is NOT alone. Now, this scene had a HUGE impact on me as a teenager so I never bought the "trans folk are gonna assault you in the bathroom nonsense", I'm worried about the vengeful ghosts that reside in most public bathrooms. Because we also gotta worry about Moaning Myrtle. And bruh, I was JUST talking about this with my husband without going into detail. I straight up don't like public bathrooms and would rather just suffer when I'm out so I can pee at home. In the master bathroom obv. Not our kid's bathroom. Hotels are a complete nightmare. So wow, I'm afraid of other people's bathrooms, artificial intelligence, and of balloons. It's been a wild few posts on this blog. I have a lot of weird fears. Sorry!
Back to the movie.
Deers are flipping out at the sight of Aidan and Rachel's like....Where have we witnessed this before? And realizes that Aidan just MIGHT be possessed. Kind of like she took some random person's life, so now Samara is messing with her kid. I guess we can call this payback. Paiden, if you will.
Aiden is now afraid of water. Rachel tried to bathe him, but Samara makes the tub's water recede and then tries to replace herself with Aiden.
There was an instance of very bad timing and Max, Rachel's boss really thinks it looks like Rachel is drowning Aiden. So he hits the hard yikes button in his head. The filmmakers originally wanted to make a romance between Rachel and Max. I'm glad they didn't go in that direction because not only is he her boss, but how would someone that had a crush on you react if they straight up saw you drowning their child? That's a different movie, but one I would like to see. Max makes Rachel take Aiden to the hospital. Aiden is possessed by Samara. Saiden, if you will.
The doctors and nurses think that Rachel is abusing Aiden because of his health issues. They told her to GTFO and threw the fact that she had post partum depression in her face.
So she goes to see Samara's birth mother so see wtf she can do. Evelyn who is played by Sissy Freakin' Spacek (ma'am wyd?), tells her to "Listen to her baby."
Evelyn is institutionalized because she tried to drown Baby Samara in a well. And, well...tbh, Samara really never stood a chance around wells it seems. Also, Samara's dad was a sea demon, I guess? They reconned it in the continuation of the series. I think that it was kind of weird, because sea demons really aren't like...a thing in America. Unless it's Ursula, and she was a witch. And, despite her dad being a whole sea demon (Rings is not cannon to me lmao), the name Samara means "Protected by God".
This has nothing to do with anything, really. But I do want to know: If Carrie White wasn't currently burning in Hell, do you think her daughter would have been like Samara?
Anyway, Samara is now locked and loaded in Aiden's body. She makes Aiden's doctor kill himself telepathically. She also did this to her adopted mother. Kind of rude. Max, thinking there was something fishy afoot, tries to take a picture of Aiden, and Samara did not care for that sh*t at all. When Rachel comes home, she greets Max's corpse in his truck, and finds "Aiden" being oddly normal. Not normal for him, but normal for most children. So, she goes to sleep. The real Aiden, Raiden, if you will; tells Rachel that SHE is gonna have to be the one to get rid of Samara. Luckily, he tells her how to do it. I mean, do YOU know how to exorcise a lil demon girl from your son? I certainly do not, but now it's going on my list...Balloons, other people's bathrooms, AI, never learning how to exorcise a demon from my sons. Being me is is exhausting.
Rachel drugs SamAiden (I like this better than Saiden, if you will). AND DROWNS THEM AGAIN. Oh, man, I know she's evil, but like...I .....feel.....bad. Idk I have a big heart for children lol.
Samara is out of Aiden. Aiden is free. Fraiden, if you will.
And slams the top of the well. Like I said, I do feel bad for Samara. Since I do not feel that Rings is canon, it makes me hella sad that the last thing Samara will ever see is The Ring of the top of the well. Speaking of that, I do really like that the movie name "The Ring" has multiple meanings. It can mean the ring Samara had to look at as she was dying at the top of the well, the phone ringing, the rings of people viewing the tape, the ring between mother and child that was severed when Evelyn tried to drown her baby. The wedding ring/promise that was broken when Samara's adopted mother died, leaving her husband a widow. Life and death being a ring, aka the circle of life.The One Ring To Rule Them All..okay that one was a joke.
Rachel is now stuck in the TV world. But she remembers to "listen to her baby". She can hear Aiden's voice calling out to her. She jumps off the same cliff that Anna Morgan did, because she wanted to follow Aiden. She's back in the real world (probably). Aiden hugs her and calls her "Mommy", she tells him she just prefers to be called Rachel.
Something I found out recently is that a Japanese ghost story is called a Kaiden. So I really enjoy the first three Americanized versions of this Japanese ghost story. A Kaiden, if you will. I like all three of them together, but I feel like the second movie was the "worst". We could have done without it, but I'm glad it exists. It's not good, it's not bad. It's just OKayden, if you will.
Y'all, do I have to say it? I guess I do, I'm pretty sure none of you guys are mind readers. I was not stoked on the idea of this movie. I still watched it, with a mix of nostalgia and morbid curiosity. All the original characters sat this one out. Daveigh Chase has obviously aged out of playing a little girl. But it would have been cool to put her in the movie somehow. However, I'm not too sure if she is still an actress. She was the voice of Lilo from Lilo and Stitch, and the dubbed Chihiro from Spirited Away. If I had Disney money, y'all would never hear from me again either. Daveigh has the range, beloveds.
I like to think Rachel is like, literally dead from her jump at the end of the last movie and the end was her idea of heaven. Because the end scene of it kind of went back to "TV world" filter. The moon even made a ring.
So, this movie starts on a plane and some dummy is like "Bro, I'm on my seventh day." and the other dudes like "Bro, you made a copy, right?"
Of course he didn't. And Samara makes the plane crash. That seems a bit unfair, but the fact that this movie was made was also unfair.
Sometime later, the man from The Big Bang Theory (who is just as annoying in this movie as he is in the show) purchases a VCR. Gabriel finds the tape inside of it. This gal Julia is looking for her boyfriend Holt, because some other gal is looking for him. It's not what you think. He's in a group called "The Sevens" (L M A O ) who are doing an experiment on the tape. It's basically like the "rings" in the short film. This gal, who is obnoxiously named Skye tries to get Julia to watch the video. Skye is on her last day. Holt tells Julia not to watch the tape. So Samara kills Skye. How did Samara get out of the well a second (third?) time? Who knows.. you'll find out eventually...Anyway, surprise! Holt didn't do it to save his girlfriend from a week of psychological torment. He also watched the tape and is on his last twelve hours.
Julia watches the tape.For some reason, she is unable to make a copy. Her tape has extra bonus features of some lady. Samara has upped the ante and the phone burns Julia's hand. The burn is in braille! They come to the conclusion that Samara's remains must be cremated. The Big Gabe Theory tells them where Samara's grave is. They go to Sacrament Valley and the tomb is empty, yawn, I mean y'all. So, some dude named Galen Burke says a priest took Samara's body and was in a tomb but then a flood (bruh) came. So he buried her outside of town.
Julia and Holt try to get to where Samara's body is. It turns out The Big Gabe Theory was on some sh*t and got them into a car accident. In a nice lil slice of karma, he gets in an accident to.
The protagonists get a vison of Evelyn, who is not Sissy Spacek. I imagine she had better things to do. If you know, you know. I am NOT gonna say it. We've gotten through an entire blog post without saying it. Whatever, I'mma show it.
So like Samara kills her dad, or something. I kind of zoned out because I was bored and not amused by the change of long established lore. He imprisoned and raped Evelyn so I hate him by default. They burn Samara's remains and think that everything is cool as a cucumber.
When Julia is taking a shower, she begins to cough up black hair and this ugly lil bug. She peels away at her skin to reveal waterlogged, grey skin. Holt, who is continuously useless in this movie finally figures out that the brallie means "rebirth". Julie looks at herself in the mirror. Only she isn't Julia, she's Fred.... Wait, wrong sequel....I mean Samara.
I'm not saying that this is an antimen series, but every man in this series needs to get punched in the face at least one. the men are so irritating and most of them are selfish. Holt was the worst, I think. And we had to deal with Jake. Twice!
I really did not care for this movie. I don't know why it was made. I liked Bonnie Morgan's moves as Samara and I thought they were eerie. I wish there was a little bit more interaction between Samara and modern technology. I just really want to know if Samara attacks are covered by Applecare.
I decided to come up with a better ending for the second movie, and an idea for the third.
End of The Ring Two:
So, Rachel jumps off the cliff. She begins to swim in the icy water. We, the audience begin to see her body kind of wither away. Similar to Samara's. She sees a light, as she gets close, the light looks more like a rectangle. She can hear someone talking. she gets to the light...It's glass. She breaks the glass.
"Aiden? Have you seen Aiden?!" Rachel tries to yell, but her lungs are full of water. Her eyes are completely bloodshot. She moves the hair out of her eyes to see the nurse that kicked her out of the hospital. In a fit of rage, she rushes the nurse. And, just by touching her with hear bloody glass hands, the nurse is filled with the the memories of Samara, and Rachel's trip back to the "real world" this overwhelms her brain, and she has an aneurysm.
Rachel tries to touch the now dead nurse. Her hand goes right through the nurse. Rachel is a ghost. Rachel gets sucked back into the television.
Rachel is at the edge of the cliff. She hears Aiden calling her.
The Ring Three:
Aiden is all grown up. He ended up being raised by Noah's family once they found out about his existence. It's assumed Rachel just ran off, cuz like, everyone thought Rachel was crazy at the end anyway. They think she killed Max. But, Aiden knows the truth, and it's his life's mission to not only find Rachel, but to clear her name. She is now what comes out of the video. Aiden is in denial that Rachel would become something so evil. But, he also cannot bring himself to watch a tape and find out. The tape is now longer and is more or less what that nurse saw, but in slower motion.
Samara's possession left him with frequent lapses of memory and doesn't remember the name of Shelter Mountain Inn, or even where it is. After befriending Vanessa, someone that was a part of the "rings" (from the short film) in his youth, she helps Aiden track down the Shelter Mountain Inn. This was not out of the kindness of her heart. She just wants to know what happens. Like me, she pities Samara and wants to know why she is the way she is. So SHE OPENS THE WELL.
"Mommy?" Samara jumpscaringly asks. This scares the sh*t out of Vanessa and she falls in the well.
She asks Aiden to help her, but Aiden won't risk Samara getting out again. Samara's evil has stopped, and a new cursed tape is going around. That's what Aiden is more worried about. And she was originally a friendly entity (except the part about her breaking your TV). But now, she's been treated like a "bloody Mary/ La Lorena" for people that know their TV is on it's last legs and wanna quick lol too darn long and she is pissed. She just wants to find her son. But, she cannot speak. No one knows what she is looking for, she can't speak. Rachel has started killing people. The ring of suffering cannot stop. That's why it's a circle.
Aiden calls out to Rachel, and Rachel follows the voice. This time it is really Aiden. He goes to hug her. Before she is able to stop him, he does. But, he doesn't get bombarded with the images. They both get sucked into "TV Land"/Samara's World.
"What do we do now?" Aiden asks.
Aiden and Rachel look to the moon, the moon does the same flickering to a ring thing it did at the end of the second movie. I couldn't make or locate a gif. Because, my non-Samara IPad incident was not covered by Applecare. So here is the beginning. Please pretend it's the end.
The movie ends. END of the series and we have no prequels, sequels, or specials thank you good night folkx!

The movie begins with two teenagers named Katie and Becca discussing an urban legend regarding a cursed videotape. Katie said she watched it a week ago and she was told by a mysterious phone call that she would die seven days later. Becca thinks the former is just trying to scare her. However, the teen DOES die and the sight of her body drives her friend insane.
At the girl (Katie’s) funeral, her mother asks her sister, Rachel to investigate what killed Katie. Rachel visits the place where Katie and her friends watched the tape, The Shelter Mountain Inn. Rachel watches the tape, in the same cabin Kate did. There’s a lot of disturbing sounds and images.
Her phone rings. “Seven days,” it tells her.
With the help of her ex-boyfriend named Noah, they make a copy of the tape so it’s easier for them to both investigate. Rachel begins to see visions from the tape bleed into the real world. She is able to identify the woman in the tape. Her name is Anna Morgan. She breeds horses. This is significant, because the tape contained horse imagery. She died by suicide soon after all her horses died the same way. She’s so engrossed in her research she doesn’t notice her son Aiden watching the tape until it’s too late. Now, Aiden only has seven days to live!Aiden stays with his auntie (Katie’s Mom) and Rachel talks to Anna Morgan’s husband. Noah gets access to Anna’s medical files. HIPPA? We don’t know her. Anna had some physical and mental issues. Since they were unable to have children, they adopted Samara. Richard, Anna's husband denies this. So they talk to the town gossip aka the doctor who confirms this. They also find out that Samara had the ability to etch her thoughts on to film. This phenomenon is hilariously named thoughtography. Samara would torment her family and pets with this, so that's why all the horses killed themselves.
Rachel watches a tape where Samara is explaining her powers and Richard is angry and high key scared so he electrocutes himself in the bath. Rachel and Noah go to Samara's room, which is in a f*ckin' barn (!!!). Rachel sees a tree that is the same tree from the Shelter Mountain Inn. The same place where Katie and her friends watched the tape.
They return to the Inn and find a well inside the floorboards. The same well from the movie. Rachel's in the well and is grabbed by a hand and receives a vision of Anna Morgan suffocating Samara and throwing her into the well. Samara was in there for seven days before she finally perished.

Noah points out that the seven days have passed so she must be safe. Aiden is like "Hol' up! Y'all let her out! That's why I don't call y'all mom and dad!" Ok, that's not exactly what he said. And I just inferred that Noah was his dad, I don't think that it is a fact. But that's what I would have said. Rachel's seven days had passed, but Noah's had not. So when he got home, Samara comes up OUT the fat backed television and....Bruh. We don't know how Samara kills people but man, we knew Noah was DEAD DEAD. And, I'm not even bluffing her coming out of the television is still catelouged in my memory as one of the scariest things I've seen in a movie. And there's actually good reason for that! She is actually walking backwards and they reversed in post production! That's why it looks so unnatural.
She goes home and destroys the tape. Rachel figures out that the reason she was spared and and Noah was not was because she made a copy and Noah did not. So, she makes a copy for Aiden. Aiden wants to know what happens to the person that watches the copy. Rachel is unable to answer him.
Was Rachel the first annoying woman to name her kid Aiden? Maybe. Aiden was the smartest person in this movie, he deserved a better name. More on that later. Overall, I hold this movie in such a high regard. I totally understand that this movie would not work in today's society, but bruh. This was IT for me (no pun intended, I'm not afraid of clowns). Easily the scariest american movie I saw in the early 2000s. If I could go back in time and rewatch a movie for the first time, it would be this movie. Everything about it is so so so great. But, it is also dated. I am very wary of the way technology is progressing. I spoke about this in my previous post regarding Child's Play. But, man, if we all still had house phones I would probably still be a lil wary of this. Fun fact! The Ring is based on a "TRUE" story. You can look up the story of Okiku, if you are interested.
Also, I am a very trusting person, so if some bozo tricked me into watching Samara's tape, I would be so deeply hurt. This, I guess is one of my more rational fears. People tricking me into helping them even though it's to my detriment. I guess that's why I don't have a lot of IRL friends. Samara is NOT getting me. lol
rings (Short Film)
Is this cannon? I mean, the story gets continued...But the most recent movie is called RINGS as well. Astoria, Oregon has their own cinnamon challenge going on. How many days can you last until you're too scared of Samara to continue. These Darwin Award Winners are in groups called "rings". Before watching, there is a person assigned to watch your copy. In theory, there is no real danger. Local dumbass, Jake is the next person in his "ring". The person that's going to watch Samara do her thing is Tim. The leader, Eddie, another friendly neighborhood baffoon, wants Jake to record EVERYTHING he sees because no one has made it to day seven.

So he's calling everyone, and I mean EVERY darn body and eventually gets to Emily, a girl from his school. Highly implied she has the hots for him. A dumb choice tbh. He invites her over to get to know her better, which is code for Netflix and Chill. Well, this is the early 2000s, so I guess we will call it Blockbuster and Chill. Jake has a vision where Samara tries to get him, but he breaks the television. Samara is able to reach through to the real world via Jake's video camera. And honestly? As a member of the #growingupugly society, a boy in high school acting like he likes you to get something out of you is deserving of an immediate swift death. I wish our gal Sammy just killed him right there because I KNOW she heard his BS. Samara is not an ally to us soft spoken uglies. Emily Van Camp, who plays Emily in the short film is not ugly by any stretch of the imagination BUT it's obvious she was not his ~type~ because I think he was kind of into Vanessa. And those girls don't look alike. Speaking of Vanessa, she's the one that encourages Emily to go over. And....The End.
The Ring Two
Welp, we're still in Oregon, the land of the A5 VSCO filter is goin' through it. Samara is terrorizing everyone. F*ckboy Jake Pearce has a very specific goal of not dying. Now, I become quite attached to characters, horrible or not. That's why we stan Roman Godfrey. Ryan Merriman can really play a jerk. Do we remember how evil Ian Thomas from Pretty Little Liars was? Or are we still pretending that plot hole never happened? Either way, Jake and Ian are played by the same actor. I love to hate Ryan Merriman.
Jake steps out of the room so Emily can view Samara's horrific tape to save his skin. He sees dark liquid in the kitchen and is like Emily Wtf?" and, our hero tells Jake that she closed her eyes.
Samara kills Jake.
Rachel goes to inspect Jake's body because she works at the newspaper. Also because she's like oh sh*t, does karma got it's kiss for me? Samara appears and lets Rachel know that she has been looking for her. She breaks into Jake's house and burns his tape.

Back to the movie.

There was an instance of very bad timing and Max, Rachel's boss really thinks it looks like Rachel is drowning Aiden. So he hits the hard yikes button in his head. The filmmakers originally wanted to make a romance between Rachel and Max. I'm glad they didn't go in that direction because not only is he her boss, but how would someone that had a crush on you react if they straight up saw you drowning their child? That's a different movie, but one I would like to see. Max makes Rachel take Aiden to the hospital. Aiden is possessed by Samara. Saiden, if you will.
The doctors and nurses think that Rachel is abusing Aiden because of his health issues. They told her to GTFO and threw the fact that she had post partum depression in her face.
Evelyn is institutionalized because she tried to drown Baby Samara in a well. And, well...tbh, Samara really never stood a chance around wells it seems. Also, Samara's dad was a sea demon, I guess? They reconned it in the continuation of the series. I think that it was kind of weird, because sea demons really aren't like...a thing in America. Unless it's Ursula, and she was a witch. And, despite her dad being a whole sea demon (Rings is not cannon to me lmao), the name Samara means "Protected by God".
This has nothing to do with anything, really. But I do want to know: If Carrie White wasn't currently burning in Hell, do you think her daughter would have been like Samara?
Anyway, Samara is now locked and loaded in Aiden's body. She makes Aiden's doctor kill himself telepathically. She also did this to her adopted mother. Kind of rude. Max, thinking there was something fishy afoot, tries to take a picture of Aiden, and Samara did not care for that sh*t at all. When Rachel comes home, she greets Max's corpse in his truck, and finds "Aiden" being oddly normal. Not normal for him, but normal for most children. So, she goes to sleep. The real Aiden, Raiden, if you will; tells Rachel that SHE is gonna have to be the one to get rid of Samara. Luckily, he tells her how to do it. I mean, do YOU know how to exorcise a lil demon girl from your son? I certainly do not, but now it's going on my list...Balloons, other people's bathrooms, AI, never learning how to exorcise a demon from my sons. Being me is is exhausting.
Rachel drugs SamAiden (I like this better than Saiden, if you will). AND DROWNS THEM AGAIN. Oh, man, I know she's evil, but like...I .....feel.....bad. Idk I have a big heart for children lol.
Samara is out of Aiden. Aiden is free. Fraiden, if you will.
Speaking of bein' 'fraid, Samara is re-materialized in the GD television. Rachel, knowing this ring of terror (get it?) will not stop allows Samara to pull her into the TV. Rachel is in the black and white world of Samara. It's like the Wonderful World of Disney but dirty and wet with a very big drop. It's Splash Mountain, y'all! Rachel manages to get up the well, all while Samara pursuing her with the total quickness. The first time I saw this, I was pretty #tense. Now, that I am a whole adult, it's kind of comical. Rachel wins the race to the top of the well. Samara hilariously cries out "Mommy!" in her very scary daughter of a sea demon voice and Rachel's LITERALLY like
Rachel is now stuck in the TV world. But she remembers to "listen to her baby". She can hear Aiden's voice calling out to her. She jumps off the same cliff that Anna Morgan did, because she wanted to follow Aiden. She's back in the real world (probably). Aiden hugs her and calls her "Mommy", she tells him she just prefers to be called Rachel.
Something I found out recently is that a Japanese ghost story is called a Kaiden. So I really enjoy the first three Americanized versions of this Japanese ghost story. A Kaiden, if you will. I like all three of them together, but I feel like the second movie was the "worst". We could have done without it, but I'm glad it exists. It's not good, it's not bad. It's just OKayden, if you will.

I like to think Rachel is like, literally dead from her jump at the end of the last movie and the end was her idea of heaven. Because the end scene of it kind of went back to "TV world" filter. The moon even made a ring.
So, this movie starts on a plane and some dummy is like "Bro, I'm on my seventh day." and the other dudes like "Bro, you made a copy, right?"
Of course he didn't. And Samara makes the plane crash. That seems a bit unfair, but the fact that this movie was made was also unfair.
Sometime later, the man from The Big Bang Theory (who is just as annoying in this movie as he is in the show) purchases a VCR. Gabriel finds the tape inside of it. This gal Julia is looking for her boyfriend Holt, because some other gal is looking for him. It's not what you think. He's in a group called "The Sevens" (L M A O ) who are doing an experiment on the tape. It's basically like the "rings" in the short film. This gal, who is obnoxiously named Skye tries to get Julia to watch the video. Skye is on her last day. Holt tells Julia not to watch the tape. So Samara kills Skye. How did Samara get out of the well a second (third?) time? Who knows.. you'll find out eventually...Anyway, surprise! Holt didn't do it to save his girlfriend from a week of psychological torment. He also watched the tape and is on his last twelve hours.
Julia watches the tape.For some reason, she is unable to make a copy. Her tape has extra bonus features of some lady. Samara has upped the ante and the phone burns Julia's hand. The burn is in braille! They come to the conclusion that Samara's remains must be cremated. The Big Gabe Theory tells them where Samara's grave is. They go to Sacrament Valley and the tomb is empty, yawn, I mean y'all. So, some dude named Galen Burke says a priest took Samara's body and was in a tomb but then a flood (bruh) came. So he buried her outside of town.
Julia and Holt try to get to where Samara's body is. It turns out The Big Gabe Theory was on some sh*t and got them into a car accident. In a nice lil slice of karma, he gets in an accident to.
The protagonists get a vison of Evelyn, who is not Sissy Spacek. I imagine she had better things to do. If you know, you know. I am NOT gonna say it. We've gotten through an entire blog post without saying it. Whatever, I'mma show it.
GOSH I WISH THAT WAS ME! *I know there is a time discrepancy, but I feel like Fire God Liu Kang did Sissy a solid and let her know what was going to happen. Hey, do you guys want me to talk about Mortal Kombat more? They seem to be my most popular blog posts. *
So Julia finds Samara's bones but Galen wont let her burn them. He even tries to choke her to avoid the burning of the bones. Galen reveals himself to be the priest that took Samara's body. Galen blinded himself to avoid Samara. And I personally find it a nice reversal of stereotypes that a white man is doing all he can to avoid his child after doing the child and their mama dirty. So, that's why the mark was in braille. And man, I love Samara. I was *cackling* that she learned braille while chillin' in that well for who knows how long. Like, American Sign Language was hard enough to learn. Can I learn braille in seven days or nah? It's nah, btw.So like Samara kills her dad, or something. I kind of zoned out because I was bored and not amused by the change of long established lore. He imprisoned and raped Evelyn so I hate him by default. They burn Samara's remains and think that everything is cool as a cucumber.
When Julia is taking a shower, she begins to cough up black hair and this ugly lil bug. She peels away at her skin to reveal waterlogged, grey skin. Holt, who is continuously useless in this movie finally figures out that the brallie means "rebirth". Julie looks at herself in the mirror. Only she isn't Julia, she's Fred.... Wait, wrong sequel....I mean Samara.
I'm not saying that this is an antimen series, but every man in this series needs to get punched in the face at least one. the men are so irritating and most of them are selfish. Holt was the worst, I think. And we had to deal with Jake. Twice!
I really did not care for this movie. I don't know why it was made. I liked Bonnie Morgan's moves as Samara and I thought they were eerie. I wish there was a little bit more interaction between Samara and modern technology. I just really want to know if Samara attacks are covered by Applecare.
I decided to come up with a better ending for the second movie, and an idea for the third.
End of The Ring Two:
So, Rachel jumps off the cliff. She begins to swim in the icy water. We, the audience begin to see her body kind of wither away. Similar to Samara's. She sees a light, as she gets close, the light looks more like a rectangle. She can hear someone talking. she gets to the light...It's glass. She breaks the glass.
"Aiden? Have you seen Aiden?!" Rachel tries to yell, but her lungs are full of water. Her eyes are completely bloodshot. She moves the hair out of her eyes to see the nurse that kicked her out of the hospital. In a fit of rage, she rushes the nurse. And, just by touching her with hear bloody glass hands, the nurse is filled with the the memories of Samara, and Rachel's trip back to the "real world" this overwhelms her brain, and she has an aneurysm.
Rachel tries to touch the now dead nurse. Her hand goes right through the nurse. Rachel is a ghost. Rachel gets sucked back into the television.
Rachel is at the edge of the cliff. She hears Aiden calling her.
The Ring Three:
Aiden is all grown up. He ended up being raised by Noah's family once they found out about his existence. It's assumed Rachel just ran off, cuz like, everyone thought Rachel was crazy at the end anyway. They think she killed Max. But, Aiden knows the truth, and it's his life's mission to not only find Rachel, but to clear her name. She is now what comes out of the video. Aiden is in denial that Rachel would become something so evil. But, he also cannot bring himself to watch a tape and find out. The tape is now longer and is more or less what that nurse saw, but in slower motion.
Samara's possession left him with frequent lapses of memory and doesn't remember the name of Shelter Mountain Inn, or even where it is. After befriending Vanessa, someone that was a part of the "rings" (from the short film) in his youth, she helps Aiden track down the Shelter Mountain Inn. This was not out of the kindness of her heart. She just wants to know what happens. Like me, she pities Samara and wants to know why she is the way she is. So SHE OPENS THE WELL.

She asks Aiden to help her, but Aiden won't risk Samara getting out again. Samara's evil has stopped, and a new cursed tape is going around. That's what Aiden is more worried about. And she was originally a friendly entity (except the part about her breaking your TV). But now, she's been treated like a "bloody Mary/ La Lorena" for people that know their TV is on it's last legs and wanna quick lol too darn long and she is pissed. She just wants to find her son. But, she cannot speak. No one knows what she is looking for, she can't speak. Rachel has started killing people. The ring of suffering cannot stop. That's why it's a circle.
Aiden calls out to Rachel, and Rachel follows the voice. This time it is really Aiden. He goes to hug her. Before she is able to stop him, he does. But, he doesn't get bombarded with the images. They both get sucked into "TV Land"/Samara's World.
"What do we do now?" Aiden asks.
Aiden and Rachel look to the moon, the moon does the same flickering to a ring thing it did at the end of the second movie. I couldn't make or locate a gif. Because, my non-Samara IPad incident was not covered by Applecare. So here is the beginning. Please pretend it's the end.
The movie ends. END of the series and we have no prequels, sequels, or specials thank you good night folkx!
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