It's currently Found Footage Month. I guess there is a month for everything! I think found footage gets an unfair reputation because *certain* franchises have run it's course. As a whole, found footage is pretty special and unique in my opinion. For example, found footage obviously existed before The Blair Witch Project with films like Cannibal Holocaust! This might be a stretch, but I consider most adaptations of Frankenstein and Dracula to be found footage because of the way that the source material has to be adapted.
I wanted to share five found footage (FFF) movies because I don't see a lot of them being talked about. If you want any of them, let me know. My socials are:
I rarely check my DMs, because it's generally darksided. It's hard for me to look at them because tbh it really hurts my feelings when people try to "befriend" me but really plan on disrespecting that I am married. That makes me really sad. Not even like on some "it's hard to be pretty" crap, because I don't feel like I am any prettier than the average girl. I think it's because I have a big butt and that's really about it. When people pull the whole switcheroo from a normal conversation to a bad one it makes me feel like my personality is garbage and I'm not worth getting to know. I am a Christian, so it makes me feel like I am doing something wrong. Pero like, Jesus said if men are looking at girls minding their own business....They are supposed to gouge their eyes out and I'm in full support of that.
Ladies and gentlegays, do you guys feel that way to? I just find that really hurtful, maybe I am just sensitive. But instagram account makes it pretty clear I have kids. I am married, but Tre doesn't really like social media. That's why I don't really talk about him often. But I think if the people sending me the messages they do, the should at least see that I post my children pretty often, and the selfies that show my hand usually show my ring.
Ok, wow, that was a lot. TLDR, I don't open DMs from people I don't know. So, just put it in a comment and I will DM you.
I'm done with talking about my feelings lol. Here is the list!
1. Grave Encounters
Grave Encounters is a 2011 film, from Canada. I like this movie because it reminds me of the ghost hunting show on The Travel Channel. I found this to be pretty scary, and the sequel is just as good. I'm a big fan of everything coming full circle, so I was pretty excited over the sequel. I'm telling y'all, you have to watch the sequel as well because the "bad" thing about this movies is that it's a little repetitive at parts. There is a VERY good reason for that.

The acting is not perfect, it's about as good as most "indie" films. My favorite thing was the makeup and SFX. I hope one day I can get that good at makeup! Practice makes perfect, and I don't have time to practice lol.
2. Lake Mungo

I have a ~theory~ about the ending, but I'll discuss that later. I really want a lot of people to see the movie first.
3. Megan is Missing
Personally, I am not a fan of this movie. I felt like I had to include it, because there was a time where a lot of people were discussing this film, and then....nothing.
I didn't care for the movie because it was boring, predictable, and the violence was nonsensical. Maybe I am getting old, but I felt like they included a lot of things just to be "shocking". The main characters were young, (and dumb), and I do feel like this movie fulfills fetishes more than anything. I feel like the movie was marketed as a cautionary tale (for idiots) and the sexual stuff was a little too realistic. Like, Law and Order doesn't feel the need to go into great detail and we always get the picture. I totally get that Law and Order is a television show on regular television and Megan is Missing was a movie. I don't even agree that things need to be completely censored. I watched 120 Days of Soddom the other day and I was like, ew. But, I mean, it was a pretty good allegory for fascism! It was a pretty good reason to dig up Marquis De Sade's body and set what's left on fire (actually, no, he would like that).
But you know what? Law and Order and 120 Days of Soddom are highly regarded because they serve a purpose in modern and intelligent society. Do I want to see a fictionalized version of the eldest Dugger brother getting away with incestuous molestation for no reason? No. Do I want to see people eat poop and hear sex workers talk about killing their moms for no reason? No. I would never go out and watch these things for enjoyment. I like Law and Order, because often, some sort of justice happens. Law and Order and 120 Days of Soddom are well made media. Megan is Missing has multiple errors. There are times you can see the booms mics, you can hear the director saying "action!" They also can't decide if the girls are 14 or 15. I believe this was a hastily put together film to satisfy a fetish. The only well made parts are that disgusting picture and the rape scene. Because, that was the priority. Everything else was just filler.
Not to mention we watched "John" dig a hole for entirely too long. Even the most amateur of home renovation youtubers know no one is trying to see #alladat. I truly hate the name Josh so I knew he wasn't gonna be shit.
If you were distressed by this movie, I hope you find comfort in knowing the "true story" this was based on was resolved with the killer being caught. He also got beat up in prison.
4. The Poughkeepsie Tapes
I really feel like the director of Megan is Missing saw the Poughkeepsie Tapes and was like "YOOOOOO!" and tried to recreate it.
Everything Megan is Missing was not, The Poughkeepsie Tapes is. The movie is well made, there is an actual plot, the characters are likeable (the acting is still kind of awful) , and it was scary.
This movie has had a very controversial release history. And I have been looking for a hard copy of this movie since I was in HIGH SCHOOL. So, when the blu-ray was recommended to me on Amazon I flipped tf out. I really want to make an individual post on the movie because of how long it took for this movie to be properly released.
While the person in this movie isn't based on one particular person, they take elements from a lot of serial killers, including 2016 presidential nominee The Zodiac Killer. Someone plays Ted Bundy too.
And, I know this is like....super weird. But I am afraid of balloons popping. So I was going through it. I can't even explain why that makes me so uncomfortable. I just don't like balloons, do you guys have any weird fears?
05. C'est arrivé près de chez vous
In English, this is called Man Bites Dog, btw. This movie is a day in the life of a serial killer. At first, the crew are just spectators, eventually, they become accomplices and victims. The English translation of the original title is this happened close to your home. I prefer this title to Man Bites Dog because I don't think a lot of people know what Man Bites Dig means. In journalism, Man Bites Dog is "code"for something normal (for example an animal attack) that is especially usual (the human attacked the animal). A true crime documentary is pretty usual, but the a documentary where the crime is being committed while the cameras are rolling and the crew is helping is not normal. However, with "This happened close to your home" being the title, it takes on a different kind of scary.
There are about 25 to 50 active serial killers in America at any given time. There's a chance something is happening near your home. Especially for people who live near a major city like I do. Yikes.
Like Megan is Missing, there is a pretty graphic rape scene. If that is something that bothers you, I would not watch this movie.
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