I already reviewed Jigsaw on my blog when it was in the movie theaters. I accepted that as the end of me really caring for the series like I had in the past. I went to see Jigsaw similar to the way I occasionally will watch people play Grand Theft Auto on Youtube. I'm too old/"smart" for it, but it's interesting to watch old things that I used to enjoy.
So, I went into Jigsaw excepting to be disappointed, and I was right. There were a lot of ways that the story could have gone and I just didn't like how it turned out. I had expectations! They were low, but they still were expectations. And personally, I would still love my idea of the children of the people Jigsaw messed with to be new apprentices.In my dreams, the Jigsaw movie wouldn't be canon and the reboot of Saw would be a television show.
Not much is known about what's going to happen. Of course, the Saw franchises' bread and butter is the twists and turns at the end. So, it's better if we don't know.
I am actually very hopeful about the fact Chris Rock wrote the new story. Everyone tends to doubt that funny people are very twisted and dark at the end of the day. Jordan Peele wrote US, Robin Williams played a HUGE creep in One Hour Photo, Jim Carrey's choices in horror/drama is kind of iffy....But every character he has played in a non comedic role...Chef's kiss. Comedian's just get horror. While Top Five is not a horror movie, I think the fact that Chris Rock could write, direct, and star in such a genuinely good movie shows that we should give him a chance. After, the new Saw movie is just going to be adapted from a story that Chris Rock wrote. It's not as ambitious as his work in Top Five. It's yet to be determined if he is going to be in the movie, but he is the executive producer. The director is Darren Lynn Bousman, someone already known to the franchise.
I could go on about the relationship between horror and comedy, however, people much smarter than me have made this point multiple time over. Some of my favorite reads are:
The Dark Psychology of Being a Good Comedian
The Sad Clown: The Deep Emotions Behind Stand-Up Comedy
Horror and Comedy are More Alike Than You Think
Also, comedies can become horror with just a simple change in score. Here is a better explanation of it.
Anyway, I am subjectively optimistic about the way this franchise is going to continue. My mind has already decided the canon franchise ended with Saw Seven. Stupidly, because seven is my favorite number. A better reason is because it was advertised as the final chapter. Also because the way it ended, gave the series an ending that went full circle.
This is what I'm hoping to see in the new movie.
001. Starring Chris Rock.
Have you guess seen New Jack City? Chris Rock plays a very serious part that could have been taken in a comedic direction. Cuz like wow, New Jack City is a heavy movie that maybe would have been helped with maybe a little comic relief. I'm glad it has very little, because it's a movie with a message everyone needs to pay attention to. But, I've only seen that movie like twice because it is so emotionally heavy. I hate even thinking about Chris Rock's character Pookie because it's so realistic. How many movies have we seen with a neighborhood drug addict where it's played off for laughs? New Jack City was the first movie where I saw a "crackhead" being portrayed as a sympathetic character. I think it influenced a lot of people's ideas about addicts and stuff. God, this is like the third time in three blog posts where I have mentioned race but like....I feel like during that time period, black drug addicts were being treated different from white drug addicts. Crack and Cocaine are pretty much the same thing, but are seen differently. You take them differently, but it's essentially the same drug.
This is why I would like for the movie to star Chris Rock. I think that Chris always puts a new spin on everything he does. That's why I think his story is probably good! But, I also like his acting.
Ok, side note: "Idolator! Your soul is required in Hell!" has got to be one of the iciest lines in nineties cinema.
002. Flashbacks
So, we all know the only person that is approprate to play a young Chris Rock. Tyler James Williams! When his character (Noah) died in The Walking Dead, I thought it was super funny that people were putting the "Everybody Hates Chris" theme over the scene with the revolving door. Btw, I could never really get into The Walking Dead, because every time I tried to watch it religiously, a character I liked died. And this was a pretty good example.
Anyway, back to what we were talking about.
I love the flashbacks in the Saw series. I hope they return in some form. Especially because I do want to see some of the OG characters. I really do hope my original thought for the Jigsaw movie comes to fruition and the grown children of people in the older movies are involved in some way. Chris Rock's/Tyler James William's character could be a nephew (or maybe son tbh) of Detective Riggs character. He wants to know what happened to Riggs, but no one will tell him, because it's pretty messed up. As he ages, he learns more the details of Riggs life and about Jigsaw via the internet. As time progresses, he becomes radicalized and is eventually the new Jigsaw.
003. IRL Applications
If you think that it's impossible to become radicalized through the internet, I want to be you. Fun story, I have been reading a book about women's issues (can't go too into details, as it is for a future blog post). And just by browsing things related to it, I ended up on ****. If you don't know what **** it, it's like...all the subreddits that have been banned on reddit and it is...a lot.
In my naivety, I was like well, this subreddit related to my book can't be that bad. I was right, kind of. There are a lot of vintage pictures on there that I enjoyed looking at. But on second glance, I realized there was a lot of "interesting" wording on there. When all I wanted to do was be a better wife and mother. They even will occasionally use words that are racist, that I didn't know were racist. Because it's so subtle, you don't even realize it's racist.
This lady was showing off a pie, and people were making oven jokes. And I was like, yeah the over in my apartment sucks too. I wish I had a better one. A few hours later, as I was making my own pie, I realized we were not talking about the same kind of ovens.
I'm not a poster on that site btw. I never went back. I think sites like that are needed because we as Americans are entitled to free speech. But we are not entitled to be free from consequences. So, while I wish people weren't like that, I'd prefer for them to all congregate in the same space far away from the parts of the internet that I'm at. At the same time, I think there are a few people on there that are dangerous so it's like...maybe the people that post the really horrible violent things should be tagged or something. IDK .
Also, like youtube is kind of a cesspool! Like I said earlier, I like watching people play video games on youtube. Sometimes, people do the most disgusting voice overs. I think that one day, some mostly innocent kid is going to get caught up in these subliminal and not so subliminal and we're going to have another tragedy on our hands. Let's not forget what ended the "Subscribe to Pew De Pie" meme.

So, what do y'all think we're going to see in the next Saw?
I censored the sites name because I don't want people to go to it. But if you know, you know.
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