Ok like, not to be dramatic but I wanna call the cops on The Academy. Because, lets be real...does The Academy deserve cinema? Did the people that nominated A Star Is Born (a movie that gets significantly worse every time it gets remade) for multiple Oscars deserve rights? Be honest. There are at least three Oscar categories where Hereditary really showed the girls how it was done. The first being best actress!
I feel like people with taste have spoke on this at length. I’m trying to get over it, so I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Toni Collette was robbed of every award possible. But it’s also worth pointing out the gorgeous dollhouse aesthetic should have made this film nominated for production design. Also Charlie’s weird little clicks integrated into the music like... sound editing is a friend. Even the visual effects are awesome, and most of them were done practically instead of CGI. Filmmaking is alive and so is Paimon.
I feel like people with taste have spoke on this at length. I’m trying to get over it, so I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Toni Collette was robbed of every award possible. But it’s also worth pointing out the gorgeous dollhouse aesthetic should have made this film nominated for production design. Also Charlie’s weird little clicks integrated into the music like... sound editing is a friend. Even the visual effects are awesome, and most of them were done practically instead of CGI. Filmmaking is alive and so is Paimon.
And, I’m not as mad as I guess I could be because most people that have seen Hereditary agree that it is a good movie. Not just a good horror movie. But a good movie.
I remember the first time I watched The Exorcist. It was years after My grandma said I wasn’t allowed to watch the movie. I was at my other grandparents house and everyone else was asleep. I decided to watch the movie in the living room because my sister and cousin were in the guest room upstairs.
I was sooooo scared. And, I thought I kept hearing people come down the stairs. But, I assumed that since everyone was asleep a demon was going to come get me. I imagine there are definitely going to be people that will have a similar experience with Hereditary.
Just kidding, I’m from Nevada. We don’t call the cops. 🔫
A Quiet Place
Jim Halpert really snapped huh? In actuality, I’ve never seen an episode of the American version of The Office. So I went into the film not knowing much about John Krasinski. So I feel like my view will be similar to newer generations that won’t have a prejudice against the main actor, who also happens to be the director.
Also, it’s really leaning towards the future being an unlivable hellscape so people can show this movie to their children to remind them it could be worse.
I’m not too sure how I feel about a sequel of this movie, but A Quiet Place is a capable of standing on it’s own. After all, A Quiet Place ran so Birdbox could also run (into a wall). These types of horror movies are nothing new. Previously, we have had Wait Until Dark, Hush, and I suppose The Happening. But, I think A Quiet Place is the best.
Man, I really can’t believe how hard people are going for a movie with Machine Gun Kelly. Like, Birdbox isn’t even the best Netflix movie featuring this handsome and stupid man. However, we only stand one white man on this blog and it's Bill Skarsgard. So, MGK will no longer be mentioned on here even though he is handsome.
So, I was not invested in Horror when The Blair Witch Project was poppin’. It was 1999, I was more concerned with playing Barbie Riding Club if were being honest.
From what I have read, this movie really changed the game. The Blair Witch Project was certainly not the first found footage horror movie. My research tells me it was Cannibal Holocaust, a movie more infamous than iconic. However, it was the first found footage horror movie that utilized the internet. Like, this was the first viral film! That’s wild to think of a time there wasn’t a new thing going viral every few hours. The Internet movie database literally marked the three main characters dead for a whole year!
So, I feel like if you were to show someone this movie today it would not be scary. Simply because everything is easily debunked. This isn’t a documentary, it’s a few cranky people running around the woods filming everything (badly). When I say this movie is a classic, I mean it in a way that people will discuss the movie in university film classes. I mean that it’s a movie that will never be properly remade. I mean... a ridiculous amount of movies have a huge debt to The Blair Witch Project. Grave Encounters, Cloverfield, The Taking of Deborah Logan....I could go on for a while.

Anyway, Paranormal Activity is one of the rare “indie” horror films to make a completely stupid amount of money. The budget for the first Paranormal Activity was eleven to fifteen thousand dollars, it made almost two hundred million dollars. (“Alexa, play I Get The Bag by Gucci Mane”). Even though the franchise died a painfully slow death, it is going to take a long time to replicate the hype these viral movies caused. Unfriended, Smiley, and Friend Request are not and never will be classics, but it’s cool to see how important it is for a movie to go viral.
Get Out
Speaking of viral, remember the Get Out challenge?
Can I even begin to talk about how we will never stop loving Get Out? By we, I don’t even know what demographic I mean because this is one of the few horror movies that have Universal acclaim. Even the people that don’t “get” Get Out can’t deny the insane impact that Get Out has had. By smashing that stereotype that the black man never survives.
By introducing us to our newest Scream Queen Betty Gabriel. By winning Oscars!!! Pick one, oh right, you can’t!
By introducing us to our newest Scream Queen Betty Gabriel. By winning Oscars!!! Pick one, oh right, you can’t!

They are talking about a sequel to Get Out. I hope that they don't go through with it. Chris has been through enough! I can't even watch the alternate endings without getting upset. I really like Chris as a character and I don't want to see him suffer. Some people therorize that "Get Out" and "Us" take place in the same universe and the main characters are in the sunken place. I'm tired y'all. I don't want every black film to be about racism.

The entire story from beginning to end is very long and complicated, but I personally don’t think all the movies need to be seen to appreciate the first movie. The twist in the first movie has yet to be topped.
Saw was directed by James Wan. Wan went on to give us Insidious, parts of The Conjureverse, and Aquaman! I just read that he is directing the reboot of Mortal Kombat! It’s what we deserve! James Wan as a director is iconic in his own right, because he has two films that made over one billion dollars. The man is someone I can trust with franchises (and my life, let’s be real).
The legacy of Saw is kinda odd because the sequels really made the first movie not be as respected as it should. Billy the Puppet’s fans will keep the legend of Jigsaw alive for generations to come. But, Twisted Pictures really seems to be trying to make Lightning strike twice and it’s not working.
So, what do you think? Are there any horror films you consider classics? Do you wanna throw up when people talk about how great A Star is Born is? Are you gonna follow me on social media because I never seem to stfu?
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