Even if I did have a favorite child, I would never admit it. But, my eldest lil boy is being Harry Potter this Halloween and I'm pretty stoked. We're also currently reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. He asks a lot of questions that I don't really have the answer to, but it has inspired a few headcanons. If you don't know what a HeadCanon is, it's a belief by fans that can be supported with by it's respective media. Like an amped up fan theory. Here are my favorite ones about Harry Potter.
001. Draco Malfoy is a Werewolf.
So, I didn't come up with this. There is actually a huge website dedicated to this! Even though JK Rowling has debunked this, I still like to think it's true. I think it makes for a better story. Something the site does not cover is that lycanthropy explains Draco's acceptance of "others" later on in life. The best IRL example is the whole thing with Stormy Daniels and the Republican. ~Liberals~ have pretty much adopted her as one of their own and she was even on SNL. However, homegirl is still a Republican. I think if Draco was NOT a werewolf it would be like that. Accepted, by still has some crappy beliefs. However, in Harry Potter and the CursedPlay Child, he is so much kinder. Well, kind for Draco. Because, to the dude's credit, he didn't raise his son with Pure Blood values. AND, I would just like to point out, that Ron acts questionably multiple times in the series around non pure blooded wizards. IE When it was confirmed Lupin was a Werewolf, when it came out that Hagrid was really a half giant, claiming house elves LOVE being f*ckin' slaves. But I guess he's not a racist as he has a black wife....that he only liked after she got a makeover and the attention of a world famous sportsplayer. So, I think it's really interesting that Scorpius wasn't like Ron.
002. Lavender Brown
Lavender is probably one of the more controversial characters in the entirety if Harry Potter. Remember how we SWORE up and down Lavender was black in the books and then casted as a white girl when it was time for her to be a love interest? It turns out, there was no mention of Lavender Brown's race in THIS book, but there is another book with a British Lavender Brown who was black in the cinematic adaptation. Enter, Matilda! Matilda is book by Roald Dahl and a movie by Danny Devito (for real). Now, I know for a fact I was reading these two books simultaneously growing up. And I'm sure I'm not alone in this. So, I think we all just associate the name Lavender Brown with blackness, which isn't a problem to me, because I enjoy both characters. Lavender Brown was the character that made me realize that Hermione Granger is JK Rowling's Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way. So no other girl or woman is gonna be written favorably in that particular franchise if they are Hermione Jean's rival. I recently rewatched Matilda, and I think that scene towards the end where Lavender is hanging on to a pole and Matilda tells her its ok to let go shows that Lavender Brown also has powers. Lavender says "I didn't know I could do that." Not "I didn't know YOU could do that." So, I do feel these are the same people. Another thing, and I mean this one maybe a bit of a stretch is that Lavender gives Mrs. Treylawney (her favorite teacher) daffodils after getting examined (let's be real, mocked) by Professor Umbrage (played by Pam Ferris). When Amanda Thripp was thrown by her pigtails by the Trunchibil (PLAYED BY PAM FERRIS), she gives her favorite teacher a bunch of wild flowers, some of them being a beautiful yellow color, simialr to daffodils. If you remember the end of Matilda, Trunchibil left and was never heard from again....maybe because she started a new life where she could terrorize an entire new group of people. After all, everything we know about Umbrage is stuff "after the fact" found in Pottermore....I think it's the same person. And, Matilda is totally a Ravenclaw, c'mon.
003. A Revised Theory
So, there's this theory going around that the Golden Trio represents the other three Hogwarts houses. Hermione being Revenclaw, Ron being Hufflepuff, and Harry being Slytherin. While I like this theory, in theory, I think it's wrong. As I said before, Ron is a jerk. He does value blood purity more than he lets on. Also, he resents his father for not having the ambition to "do more" at the Ministry. And, idk where this whole Ron being ~loyal~ BS came from. He literally left Harry, and Hermione, who he supposedly loved in the middle of the forest. And before you say "Oh, it's because of the locket," you have to remember that Harry had TWO pieces of V*ldemort's soul near him when he had the locket on. At most Harry wasn't a jerk. He didn't leave his two best friends to fend for themselves in the middle of WINTER. Loyal? He wasn't loyal in The Goblet of Fire when he let Harry take abuse from nearly the whole school because, in Ron's mind, Harry didn't tell him the "secret" of getting an underage name in the goblet.
No, Ron is definitely a Slytherin at heart. Don't take that as shade to Slytherin, I'm a Slytherin. And hey, you can even take it as far back as Ron getting sorted AFTER Harry and seeing that Harry was not in Slytherin, he went and got himself sorted into Griffindor. Because, it does seem like none of the "main" Gryffindors have Gryffindor qualities as their main personality traits (except Neville, ironically.)I do think that you have to ask to be in Gryffindor if you are not naturally like that. And Harry, oh Harry, how can anyone say that Harry Potter is a Slytherin? From the very beginning, he treated everyone equally. And I think wanting to prove yourself worthy isn't the same kind of ambition that Slytherin values. Also, I think when he went out of his way to save Dudley from the Dementors shows that he treats everyone more or less equally. He tried to keep things as fair as possible during the Triwizard Tornement, and was very kind to Dobby. Even Griphook pointed out that most people do not treat elves or goblins as equals. So, Harry is the Hufflepuff and Ron is the Slytherin. We all know Hermione has BIG Ravenclaw energy.
004. The Chosen One
So, we all know that the prophecy could have applied to either Harry or Neville. Once they decided that Harry was The Chosen One, Neville was cast to the side. You know, kind of like an orphan. Neville's family questioned why he wasn't their idea of "normal", which would be magical. Kind of like how the people at the orphanage wondered why Tom wasn't the non-magical version of "normal", which would be non magical. Both boys grew up alone, friendless, with the adults around them not understanding why they were the way they were.
Tom Riddle was exceptionally gifted in the dark arts, just like everyone's favorite future Herobology teacher was gifted with plants.
Neville's parents were indisposed via an unforgivable curse. Tom Riddle's father was killed with an unforgivable curse.Voldemort even tried to get Neville to JOIN the Death Eaters because of his heritage and magical ability. He sees Neville as good enough to be in his inner circle...almost, like an equal. Someone coming from "Noble Stock" applies to both Neville and Voldemort are apart of the "Sacred twenty eight", while Harry is not.
As for the power the Dark Lord didn't know was not love. Voldemort knew what love was. Just because he was incapable of understanding it's power didn't mean he didn't understand what it was. He knew that Bellatrix loved him and not her husband. He knew enough about love that he sent Draco Malfoy to kill Dumbledore knowing Draco would likely die. He did this to punish Lucius, because he knew Lucius loved Draco.
I don't believe this secret power was love. But, it still works in Neville's favor if it did. I lost someone I loved to Alzheimer's, something painfully similar to what happened to Neville's parents. If someone did something to my loved one that made this things that is worse than death happen to them, my love and rage would drive me to give the perpetrator that WORK.
It wasn't love. The power was the power of Courage. Let's be real, if Neville was unable to kill Nagini, V*ldemort would not have died. When that curse rebounded, it killed V*ldemort because there was no extra soul. NEVILLE destroyed the very last horcrux. With a sword that he (in V*ldemort's mind) should not have been able to wield. I don't think V*ldemort is particularly brave. He wasn't even brave enough to die when he literally befriended at least one ghost like....
And neither can live while the other survives? Neville was the one that brought the DA back. The DA's mission at that point was to prepare for the final battle. Kind of like anti Death Eaters, if you wanna go there. In short, V*ldemort are two sides of the same coin. Except for Neville's courageousness, something V*ldemort cannot comprehend.

001. Draco Malfoy is a Werewolf.

So, I didn't come up with this. There is actually a huge website dedicated to this! Even though JK Rowling has debunked this, I still like to think it's true. I think it makes for a better story. Something the site does not cover is that lycanthropy explains Draco's acceptance of "others" later on in life. The best IRL example is the whole thing with Stormy Daniels and the Republican. ~Liberals~ have pretty much adopted her as one of their own and she was even on SNL. However, homegirl is still a Republican. I think if Draco was NOT a werewolf it would be like that. Accepted, by still has some crappy beliefs. However, in Harry Potter and the Cursed
002. Lavender Brown

Lavender is probably one of the more controversial characters in the entirety if Harry Potter. Remember how we SWORE up and down Lavender was black in the books and then casted as a white girl when it was time for her to be a love interest? It turns out, there was no mention of Lavender Brown's race in THIS book, but there is another book with a British Lavender Brown who was black in the cinematic adaptation. Enter, Matilda! Matilda is book by Roald Dahl and a movie by Danny Devito (for real). Now, I know for a fact I was reading these two books simultaneously growing up. And I'm sure I'm not alone in this. So, I think we all just associate the name Lavender Brown with blackness, which isn't a problem to me, because I enjoy both characters. Lavender Brown was the character that made me realize that Hermione Granger is JK Rowling's Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way. So no other girl or woman is gonna be written favorably in that particular franchise if they are Hermione Jean's rival. I recently rewatched Matilda, and I think that scene towards the end where Lavender is hanging on to a pole and Matilda tells her its ok to let go shows that Lavender Brown also has powers. Lavender says "I didn't know I could do that." Not "I didn't know YOU could do that." So, I do feel these are the same people. Another thing, and I mean this one maybe a bit of a stretch is that Lavender gives Mrs. Treylawney (her favorite teacher) daffodils after getting examined (let's be real, mocked) by Professor Umbrage (played by Pam Ferris). When Amanda Thripp was thrown by her pigtails by the Trunchibil (PLAYED BY PAM FERRIS), she gives her favorite teacher a bunch of wild flowers, some of them being a beautiful yellow color, simialr to daffodils. If you remember the end of Matilda, Trunchibil left and was never heard from again....maybe because she started a new life where she could terrorize an entire new group of people. After all, everything we know about Umbrage is stuff "after the fact" found in Pottermore....I think it's the same person. And, Matilda is totally a Ravenclaw, c'mon.
003. A Revised Theory
So, there's this theory going around that the Golden Trio represents the other three Hogwarts houses. Hermione being Revenclaw, Ron being Hufflepuff, and Harry being Slytherin. While I like this theory, in theory, I think it's wrong. As I said before, Ron is a jerk. He does value blood purity more than he lets on. Also, he resents his father for not having the ambition to "do more" at the Ministry. And, idk where this whole Ron being ~loyal~ BS came from. He literally left Harry, and Hermione, who he supposedly loved in the middle of the forest. And before you say "Oh, it's because of the locket," you have to remember that Harry had TWO pieces of V*ldemort's soul near him when he had the locket on. At most Harry wasn't a jerk. He didn't leave his two best friends to fend for themselves in the middle of WINTER. Loyal? He wasn't loyal in The Goblet of Fire when he let Harry take abuse from nearly the whole school because, in Ron's mind, Harry didn't tell him the "secret" of getting an underage name in the goblet.
No, Ron is definitely a Slytherin at heart. Don't take that as shade to Slytherin, I'm a Slytherin. And hey, you can even take it as far back as Ron getting sorted AFTER Harry and seeing that Harry was not in Slytherin, he went and got himself sorted into Griffindor. Because, it does seem like none of the "main" Gryffindors have Gryffindor qualities as their main personality traits (except Neville, ironically.)I do think that you have to ask to be in Gryffindor if you are not naturally like that. And Harry, oh Harry, how can anyone say that Harry Potter is a Slytherin? From the very beginning, he treated everyone equally. And I think wanting to prove yourself worthy isn't the same kind of ambition that Slytherin values. Also, I think when he went out of his way to save Dudley from the Dementors shows that he treats everyone more or less equally. He tried to keep things as fair as possible during the Triwizard Tornement, and was very kind to Dobby. Even Griphook pointed out that most people do not treat elves or goblins as equals. So, Harry is the Hufflepuff and Ron is the Slytherin. We all know Hermione has BIG Ravenclaw energy.
004. The Chosen One

So, we all know that the prophecy could have applied to either Harry or Neville. Once they decided that Harry was The Chosen One, Neville was cast to the side. You know, kind of like an orphan. Neville's family questioned why he wasn't their idea of "normal", which would be magical. Kind of like how the people at the orphanage wondered why Tom wasn't the non-magical version of "normal", which would be non magical. Both boys grew up alone, friendless, with the adults around them not understanding why they were the way they were.
Tom Riddle was exceptionally gifted in the dark arts, just like everyone's favorite future Herobology teacher was gifted with plants.
Neville's parents were indisposed via an unforgivable curse. Tom Riddle's father was killed with an unforgivable curse.Voldemort even tried to get Neville to JOIN the Death Eaters because of his heritage and magical ability. He sees Neville as good enough to be in his inner circle...almost, like an equal. Someone coming from "Noble Stock" applies to both Neville and Voldemort are apart of the "Sacred twenty eight", while Harry is not.
As for the power the Dark Lord didn't know was not love. Voldemort knew what love was. Just because he was incapable of understanding it's power didn't mean he didn't understand what it was. He knew that Bellatrix loved him and not her husband. He knew enough about love that he sent Draco Malfoy to kill Dumbledore knowing Draco would likely die. He did this to punish Lucius, because he knew Lucius loved Draco.
I don't believe this secret power was love. But, it still works in Neville's favor if it did. I lost someone I loved to Alzheimer's, something painfully similar to what happened to Neville's parents. If someone did something to my loved one that made this things that is worse than death happen to them, my love and rage would drive me to give the perpetrator that WORK.
It wasn't love. The power was the power of Courage. Let's be real, if Neville was unable to kill Nagini, V*ldemort would not have died. When that curse rebounded, it killed V*ldemort because there was no extra soul. NEVILLE destroyed the very last horcrux. With a sword that he (in V*ldemort's mind) should not have been able to wield. I don't think V*ldemort is particularly brave. He wasn't even brave enough to die when he literally befriended at least one ghost like....
And neither can live while the other survives? Neville was the one that brought the DA back. The DA's mission at that point was to prepare for the final battle. Kind of like anti Death Eaters, if you wanna go there. In short, V*ldemort are two sides of the same coin. Except for Neville's courageousness, something V*ldemort cannot comprehend.
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