Don't worry, I'm not about to get all ~social justice~ on everybody. My blog is generally a break from real life for me so, this isn't like a thing I'm going to be posting about all the time. Originally, I was going to do a "joke" version of this based on a ~sexy~ Freddy Kruger costume I saw at Spirit Halloween store. Because, Freddy is really not like a sexy thing. But, time went on, and I saw some really cool horror pin up art and I decided that I thought sexy horror icons was cool by moi. There is even a sexy "dancing sewer clown" costume that I really thought about getting. I'm going to be something somewhat related to my favorite dancing sewer clown!
It's not horror, but requires very extensive makeup and my sensitive skin is scared AF.
Anyway, certain things are not cute or funny. And I in good conscience felt it was inappropriate to stay silent on this because Halloween is like..mega important to me. Like my Halloween costume, it's very on brand.
Sadly, your fave (me obv) is problematic. I was seeing a boy at the time and he was like "I'll only do a couples costume with you if we can be Peter Pan and Tiger Lilly." And me, being an eighteen year old dumbass was like "aight bet."
Welp, guess who got stood up that night? So I looked EXTRA stupid. Honestly, I deserved it lmao. I'm like, really paranoid that that picture is going to become public again one day. I don't like how people bring up things from people's past to discredit them if they have made a real effort to change. It happened before is was #woke and I didn't understand why it was not ok to dress up as a ~Cherokee Princess~ or whatever. Actually if you knew me in 2009, you would know that it was something I legitimately did not know/understand because most of my clothes had a huge (what I stupidly assumed was a) Native American influence. So, even if you admire a culture, it's not cool to LARP as it. It's okay to like, like certain aspects of a culture. But if you're going to get clothing inspired by a culture, at least be sure to purchase it from the culture! So yeah, dressing like a Native America is not the wave. Especially at this point in America. If you want that vibe, just be a Hippie for Halloween.
And I mean, if you're really into American culture, you should try being a (mostly) non problematic American from history such as Annie Oakley, Johnny Appleseed, Sister Rosetta, or Mr. Rogers. I personally think those looks are so iconic that you don't have any reason paint your face a different color or any nonsense of the sort. And if you think that you need to do something like that, I suggest you look up Tom Holland's lip sync battle.
Another costume I see a lot and cringe at is Dia De Los Muertos costume. Now, I'm fortunate enough to be a part of a ethically diverse family*. I also grew up pretty close to Mexico. But, a closeness to a culture is not the same as being a being a part of the culture. I know we all LOVE Coco, but this is not the move. Instead of doing yourself up like a sugar skull, a really amazing and unique idea would be to dress up as the Masque of The Red Death. This would be so awesome if you have real love for horror like I do. In The Phantom of the Opera, Erik (The Phantom) dresses up as The Red Death!
So it's a costume within a costume! If you're like me and really enjoy skull imagery, you can also be The Grim Reaper! That's what I was last year!
I would highly suggest making your own wiings because I paid like thirty five bucks for mine and they pretty much fell apart as soon as they were out of the package. I was super angry! Has something like that ever happ
*my birth dad is Puerto Rican, but idk him like that lol. I only identify as Black, but I mean I do have admixture but idk them like that either.
I know this is weird coming from me, but I think all sexy nun costumes should be like, banned.Not banned, but like you ahould be publically shamed as if you were wearing a burka for the lolz. I enjoy being married so much that I think any woman that passes on that in favor of Christ should be respected. I think this year, we're going to see a good mix of sexy/scary nun costumes because of the movie The Nun. I worry about y'all's souls sometimes, I really do. It kind of feels like Catholicism/Christianity is the only religion you can mock without getting in any actual trouble. And I get it, we as Christians are not oppressed (in America). Often, we are the oppressors. BUT outside of it making me personally uncomfortable, I think it's why a lot of Abraham-based religions do not let children partake in Halloween. Even though it does have roots in early Christianity. More on that later. Speaking of's the real reason I don't understand sexy Catholic is the hill y'all wanna die on. If someone was a sexy Woody Allen I would think they were weird too. If you want to still have a sexy religious based costume, I think I really swell costume would be a sexy Pazzuzu. That is actually funny.
While The Exorcist is based on a true story, it's far removed from the actual story enough that I don't think it would hurt anyone. An even better idea would be to be Annabelle, if you want to go the scary route. Youtube has many Annabelle makeup tutorials. If I was going to go this route for Halloween, I would stay true to history and be a scary AF Raggedy Ann Doll. It's very easy to find costumes of our Vaccination Queen.
Ok, so I absolute do NOT mean people cannot dress up like witches. I didn't know how to word this exactly. Anthropologically speaking, the "traditional" witch look is rooted in Antisemitism. Even though, I believe it was for the good of mankind...A witch costume was what got Macklemore's career Thanos' snapped. I know this is very #tumblr of me, but I think that we have far to many cool witches in pop culture that even risking being antisemtism is just not worth it.
We have the American Horror Story witches, The Sanderson Sisters, The Hex Girls, Willow Rosenburg from Buffy, Samantha from Bewitched, Hermione F*ckin' Granger, the chicks from The Craft, Glinda the Good Witch, and I mean c'mon you should just be Teen Witch.
Anyway, certain things are not cute or funny. And I in good conscience felt it was inappropriate to stay silent on this because Halloween is like..mega important to me. Like my Halloween costume, it's very on brand.
Sadly, your fave (me obv) is problematic. I was seeing a boy at the time and he was like "I'll only do a couples costume with you if we can be Peter Pan and Tiger Lilly." And me, being an eighteen year old dumbass was like "aight bet."
Welp, guess who got stood up that night? So I looked EXTRA stupid. Honestly, I deserved it lmao. I'm like, really paranoid that that picture is going to become public again one day. I don't like how people bring up things from people's past to discredit them if they have made a real effort to change. It happened before is was #woke and I didn't understand why it was not ok to dress up as a ~Cherokee Princess~ or whatever. Actually if you knew me in 2009, you would know that it was something I legitimately did not know/understand because most of my clothes had a huge (what I stupidly assumed was a) Native American influence. So, even if you admire a culture, it's not cool to LARP as it. It's okay to like, like certain aspects of a culture. But if you're going to get clothing inspired by a culture, at least be sure to purchase it from the culture! So yeah, dressing like a Native America is not the wave. Especially at this point in America. If you want that vibe, just be a Hippie for Halloween.
And I mean, if you're really into American culture, you should try being a (mostly) non problematic American from history such as Annie Oakley, Johnny Appleseed, Sister Rosetta, or Mr. Rogers. I personally think those looks are so iconic that you don't have any reason paint your face a different color or any nonsense of the sort. And if you think that you need to do something like that, I suggest you look up Tom Holland's lip sync battle.
Another costume I see a lot and cringe at is Dia De Los Muertos costume. Now, I'm fortunate enough to be a part of a ethically diverse family*. I also grew up pretty close to Mexico. But, a closeness to a culture is not the same as being a being a part of the culture. I know we all LOVE Coco, but this is not the move. Instead of doing yourself up like a sugar skull, a really amazing and unique idea would be to dress up as the Masque of The Red Death. This would be so awesome if you have real love for horror like I do. In The Phantom of the Opera, Erik (The Phantom) dresses up as The Red Death!
*my birth dad is Puerto Rican, but idk him like that lol. I only identify as Black, but I mean I do have admixture but idk them like that either.
I know this is weird coming from me, but I think all sexy nun costumes should be like, banned.Not banned, but like you ahould be publically shamed as if you were wearing a burka for the lolz. I enjoy being married so much that I think any woman that passes on that in favor of Christ should be respected. I think this year, we're going to see a good mix of sexy/scary nun costumes because of the movie The Nun. I worry about y'all's souls sometimes, I really do. It kind of feels like Catholicism/Christianity is the only religion you can mock without getting in any actual trouble. And I get it, we as Christians are not oppressed (in America). Often, we are the oppressors. BUT outside of it making me personally uncomfortable, I think it's why a lot of Abraham-based religions do not let children partake in Halloween. Even though it does have roots in early Christianity. More on that later. Speaking of's the real reason I don't understand sexy Catholic is the hill y'all wanna die on. If someone was a sexy Woody Allen I would think they were weird too. If you want to still have a sexy religious based costume, I think I really swell costume would be a sexy Pazzuzu. That is actually funny.
While The Exorcist is based on a true story, it's far removed from the actual story enough that I don't think it would hurt anyone. An even better idea would be to be Annabelle, if you want to go the scary route. Youtube has many Annabelle makeup tutorials. If I was going to go this route for Halloween, I would stay true to history and be a scary AF Raggedy Ann Doll. It's very easy to find costumes of our Vaccination Queen.
Ok, so I absolute do NOT mean people cannot dress up like witches. I didn't know how to word this exactly. Anthropologically speaking, the "traditional" witch look is rooted in Antisemitism. Even though, I believe it was for the good of mankind...A witch costume was what got Macklemore's career Thanos' snapped. I know this is very #tumblr of me, but I think that we have far to many cool witches in pop culture that even risking being antisemtism is just not worth it.
We have the American Horror Story witches, The Sanderson Sisters, The Hex Girls, Willow Rosenburg from Buffy, Samantha from Bewitched, Hermione F*ckin' Granger, the chicks from The Craft, Glinda the Good Witch, and I mean c'mon you should just be Teen Witch.
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