So I did a poll on my instagram asking if I should do a comic con haul. Most people did say yes, but....I do feel uncomfortable bragging about my things, and I felt like it was promoting financial irresponsibility in a way. I spent way too much money! I think you don’t have to spend lots and lots of money to be a “geek”, so I didn’t want to give off that impression. In fact, I don’t own a lot of physical comics! I care about the environment and don’t want to be too wasteful. I prefer to purchase online and read comics on my iPad. Don’t let anyone guilt you for not physically owning every little thing. You can still be a comic book fan.
That being said, I wanted to share my favorite art pieces because they’re relevant to the blog. Also, the artist shared a film theory that I literally screamed at because I was thinking of something similar.
The day before Amazing Comic Con, I rewatched IT (2018). Instead of watching for enjoyment like I typically do, I was looking for something to write about. During the scene where they’re discussing their fears, Richie says he’s afraid of clowns after looking at one in the background. I was like “wow, what a tall guy, who is this tall and skinny actor?” Because....for research lol.....I mean...look at my IRL man, I obviously have a type 😂.

Now, if you’re not in the Bill Skarsgård fandom, you wouldn’t know about Deadpool-gate. Everyone was mad at everyone over the (at the time unconfirmed) casting of Bill as Zeitgeist. Some people thought it was Bill, other people thought it was some other actor, and others were INFURIATED that anyone would even suggest #indie #unknown actor Billiam Skarsgård, a man with absolutely no ties to Hollywood 😏, or even the MCU 😏 would ever do a “popcorn movie”😏. Everyone was very evil and nasty to each other. It was kind of the moment I decided I didn’t really want to be apart of the group anymore, and now I just keep to myself.
So, when I saw this tall and skinny clown....I really thought his face looked a little bit familiar.... I knew damn well I wasn’t going to ask anyone their opinion on it because of my previous negative experience. Even though rabid stans went as far as to call me the N word, I was right about Zeitgeist. This time, I was wrong about the clown. The Fourth of July Clown was played by a completely different person! I really thought this was Bill Skarsgård because of the way the clown looked directly at Richie. I felt we were to understand that he was #plotting. And, the green balloon (in my opinion) is shaped like a turtle! I know not everyone has read IT (it’s long af), but there is a relationship with a certain turtle and Pennywise. They come from the same universe! It’s a place called the Macroverse, and it is a very long story.... to shorten as best as I can, the clown and the turtle have noted beef that spans across other books by Stephen King. Most notably The Dark Tower.
I thought it was random af to have a clown that looks so similar to “our” clown and not have it be an easter egg. Especially because it’s reminiscent of the concept art I’ve seen floating (haha) around the web (ok sorry)! I felt like it had to mean something. Especially because one of IT’s forms is very obviously inspired by Mama, another movie directed by Andy.

After all, a version of Tim Curry’s past Pennywise is in the 2017 movie. Every thing means something.... I’m not afraid of clowns, all. I actually really like clowns. But, this random Fourth of July clown kind of creeped me out. Similar to the way the lady that was in the library that was STARING at sweet little Ben in the library. The consensus of this weird library woman is that it’s Pennywise spying on him!

Another instance of Pennywise spying on The Loser’s Club is when he is seen in a mural! ugh, IT’s mind.
This is part one of my theory.

The clown was not Bill Skarsgård, but it was Pennywise spying on them. He took the form of a clown to mess with Richie. Now, this is my opinion, the clown that was on the stage was actually much more scary then our current version of Pennywise. But, I also feel that the 2017 Pennywise is physically scarier then the 1980s Pennywise. I think as time progresses and clowns become more rare to see the scarier they will become. Because honestly, when is the last time you’ve seen a clown at a birthday party? Before the remake of IT was even announced, when was the last time you saw a clown? No, your ex doesn’t count!

And that’s why I felt that the Fourth of July clown was Pennywise chilling. If you look at him, he doesn’t look like Tim curry or Bill Skarsgård designwise. He just has Bill Skarsgård’s proportions. The Fourth of July Clown looks like a classic clown. It’s been argued that Pennywise was inspired by John Wayne Gacy. Well, I have never found any proof for or against this, I do remember people that did dress up as clowns professionally noting that John Wayne Gacy’s clown make up was unnatural to professional clowns. They felt this way because of all the sharp edges in his look.
People don’t associate things that are safe/non threatening to children with sharpness. Even looking at most of the “scary” clowns in cinematic history, you can see they look very different from a traditional clown. Compare the make up of an evil clown to someone like Bozo the Clown or ole gyal from The Big Comfy Couch....
There is a “sharp” agenda. I agree with the nice clowns!

At this point, you’re probably wondering why I bring up John Wayne Gacy, since he is an absolute IRL monster that deserves to be forgotten. Well, it’s all in the dates. John Wayne Gacy was arrested for his crimes in 1978, ten years before the 2017 version of IT takes place. The kids are about 12-14 at the time. Which means Eddie was likely born in/around 1974. Now, the book and the movie explain that Eddie’s father’s tragic death is what makes her overprotective. But, I feel like it goes a little deeper than that. I feel like it’s easy to imagine Mrs. Kraspbrak watching the news when Eddie is a little child and seeing John Wayne Gacy’s acts being reported on the news. Being that she is from Derry, maybe, just maybe a memory she stored far away came back distantly in the corner of her mind. Statistically speaking, it’s likely one of the parents had some sort of Pennywise encounter. And, I feel like it’s Eddie’s Mom. So, when she saw John Wayne Gacy dressed as Pogo the clown, she flipped tf out.From that point on, in addition to “gazebos” she would subtly let her son know clowns were not to be trusted. Maybe she even put pictures of Pogo on the fridge, or just around the home in general.
That’s why I think Pennywise looks the way he does in the Fourth of July scene. He is emulating John Wayne Gacy! If you’re unfamiliar with John Wayne Gacy’s atrocities, outside of his clown persona, he was known for storing his victims underneath his house. Now we all know the way to get to Pennywise’s lair is underneath the Neighbolt home. #thatswhereitlives
We know that it can take the form of fictional and real people, thanks to the book and movies. So why not John Wayne Gacy?
So here is the second part of my theory. It started at the amazing Las Vegas comic con. I purchased four prints of evil clowns for my living room. My son is only familiar with the 2017 version of Pennywise. If you’re tired of hearing me talk about Bill Skarsgård, imagine how Ken feels! He didn’t recognize the other clowns in the pictures. So I explained to him that there are two versions of IT, and the one he knew was a remake. And I joked that maybe when he grows up there will be another movie with a completely different style clown.
The artist overheard me, and said that he thought pennywise will have a different form in the new movie coming out in 2019. Especially because Pennywise’s clown makeup and costume does subltly change as the movie goes on. Well, what if we’ve already seen the new form?
You can check out more art at . I was so inspired and wish I could have purchased everything he had.
Do you have a favorite movie clown? Mine is The Joker probably. I do have a deep appreciation for Captain Spaulding tho!
That being said, I wanted to share my favorite art pieces because they’re relevant to the blog. Also, the artist shared a film theory that I literally screamed at because I was thinking of something similar.
The day before Amazing Comic Con, I rewatched IT (2018). Instead of watching for enjoyment like I typically do, I was looking for something to write about. During the scene where they’re discussing their fears, Richie says he’s afraid of clowns after looking at one in the background. I was like “wow, what a tall guy, who is this tall and skinny actor?” Because....for research lol.....I mean...look at my IRL man, I obviously have a type 😂.
Now, if you’re not in the Bill Skarsgård fandom, you wouldn’t know about Deadpool-gate. Everyone was mad at everyone over the (at the time unconfirmed) casting of Bill as Zeitgeist. Some people thought it was Bill, other people thought it was some other actor, and others were INFURIATED that anyone would even suggest #indie #unknown actor Billiam Skarsgård, a man with absolutely no ties to Hollywood 😏, or even the MCU 😏 would ever do a “popcorn movie”😏. Everyone was very evil and nasty to each other. It was kind of the moment I decided I didn’t really want to be apart of the group anymore, and now I just keep to myself.
So, when I saw this tall and skinny clown....I really thought his face looked a little bit familiar.... I knew damn well I wasn’t going to ask anyone their opinion on it because of my previous negative experience. Even though rabid stans went as far as to call me the N word, I was right about Zeitgeist. This time, I was wrong about the clown. The Fourth of July Clown was played by a completely different person! I really thought this was Bill Skarsgård because of the way the clown looked directly at Richie. I felt we were to understand that he was #plotting. And, the green balloon (in my opinion) is shaped like a turtle! I know not everyone has read IT (it’s long af), but there is a relationship with a certain turtle and Pennywise. They come from the same universe! It’s a place called the Macroverse, and it is a very long story.... to shorten as best as I can, the clown and the turtle have noted beef that spans across other books by Stephen King. Most notably The Dark Tower.
I thought it was random af to have a clown that looks so similar to “our” clown and not have it be an easter egg. Especially because it’s reminiscent of the concept art I’ve seen floating (haha) around the web (ok sorry)! I felt like it had to mean something. Especially because one of IT’s forms is very obviously inspired by Mama, another movie directed by Andy.
After all, a version of Tim Curry’s past Pennywise is in the 2017 movie. Every thing means something.... I’m not afraid of clowns, all. I actually really like clowns. But, this random Fourth of July clown kind of creeped me out. Similar to the way the lady that was in the library that was STARING at sweet little Ben in the library. The consensus of this weird library woman is that it’s Pennywise spying on him!
Another instance of Pennywise spying on The Loser’s Club is when he is seen in a mural! ugh, IT’s mind.
This is part one of my theory.
The clown was not Bill Skarsgård, but it was Pennywise spying on them. He took the form of a clown to mess with Richie. Now, this is my opinion, the clown that was on the stage was actually much more scary then our current version of Pennywise. But, I also feel that the 2017 Pennywise is physically scarier then the 1980s Pennywise. I think as time progresses and clowns become more rare to see the scarier they will become. Because honestly, when is the last time you’ve seen a clown at a birthday party? Before the remake of IT was even announced, when was the last time you saw a clown? No, your ex doesn’t count!
And that’s why I felt that the Fourth of July clown was Pennywise chilling. If you look at him, he doesn’t look like Tim curry or Bill Skarsgård designwise. He just has Bill Skarsgård’s proportions. The Fourth of July Clown looks like a classic clown. It’s been argued that Pennywise was inspired by John Wayne Gacy. Well, I have never found any proof for or against this, I do remember people that did dress up as clowns professionally noting that John Wayne Gacy’s clown make up was unnatural to professional clowns. They felt this way because of all the sharp edges in his look.
People don’t associate things that are safe/non threatening to children with sharpness. Even looking at most of the “scary” clowns in cinematic history, you can see they look very different from a traditional clown. Compare the make up of an evil clown to someone like Bozo the Clown or ole gyal from The Big Comfy Couch....
There is a “sharp” agenda. I agree with the nice clowns!
At this point, you’re probably wondering why I bring up John Wayne Gacy, since he is an absolute IRL monster that deserves to be forgotten. Well, it’s all in the dates. John Wayne Gacy was arrested for his crimes in 1978, ten years before the 2017 version of IT takes place. The kids are about 12-14 at the time. Which means Eddie was likely born in/around 1974. Now, the book and the movie explain that Eddie’s father’s tragic death is what makes her overprotective. But, I feel like it goes a little deeper than that. I feel like it’s easy to imagine Mrs. Kraspbrak watching the news when Eddie is a little child and seeing John Wayne Gacy’s acts being reported on the news. Being that she is from Derry, maybe, just maybe a memory she stored far away came back distantly in the corner of her mind. Statistically speaking, it’s likely one of the parents had some sort of Pennywise encounter. And, I feel like it’s Eddie’s Mom. So, when she saw John Wayne Gacy dressed as Pogo the clown, she flipped tf out.From that point on, in addition to “gazebos” she would subtly let her son know clowns were not to be trusted. Maybe she even put pictures of Pogo on the fridge, or just around the home in general.
That’s why I think Pennywise looks the way he does in the Fourth of July scene. He is emulating John Wayne Gacy! If you’re unfamiliar with John Wayne Gacy’s atrocities, outside of his clown persona, he was known for storing his victims underneath his house. Now we all know the way to get to Pennywise’s lair is underneath the Neighbolt home. #thatswhereitlives
So here is the second part of my theory. It started at the amazing Las Vegas comic con. I purchased four prints of evil clowns for my living room. My son is only familiar with the 2017 version of Pennywise. If you’re tired of hearing me talk about Bill Skarsgård, imagine how Ken feels! He didn’t recognize the other clowns in the pictures. So I explained to him that there are two versions of IT, and the one he knew was a remake. And I joked that maybe when he grows up there will be another movie with a completely different style clown.
The artist overheard me, and said that he thought pennywise will have a different form in the new movie coming out in 2019. Especially because Pennywise’s clown makeup and costume does subltly change as the movie goes on. Well, what if we’ve already seen the new form?
You can check out more art at . I was so inspired and wish I could have purchased everything he had.
Do you have a favorite movie clown? Mine is The Joker probably. I do have a deep appreciation for Captain Spaulding tho!
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