Dawn is a pretty controversial Buffy the Vampire slayer character. It seems like people either love her or hate her. I’m pretty indifferent, actually! I think Michelle Trachenbug did very well as a bratty lil sis. But, she was a bratty lil sis. Which, is annoying. So, I can see why people dislike the character.
I also feel like the season five finale was a goodT end to the series, almost perfect. Believe it or not, it was the first episode of Buffy I watched! I think it’s why I don’t feel any type of way about Spuffy or Bangel. I don’t really feel the romance was necessary because she had a lot of love via her friends and Dawn. However, in the comics she has a girlfriend and I’m all about that. In general, Buffy was a strong independent woman and well, you know the rest.
Since “The Gift” was the first episode I saw, I already knew the tea on Dawn. It was fun to rewatch the series from the beginning and point out the little subtle clues she was going to show up, and that Buffy was going to die. I think “The Gift” is the exact reason I don’t mind spoilers as much as other. I really enjoy looking back at foreshadowing! I think it makes things more meaningful. I wanted to share this particular instance of foreshadowing because there’s going to be a Buffy Scavenger Hunt at San Diego Comic Con this year. So, maybe these subtle clues could help someone. And, honestly, Sarah Michelle Gellar is my favorite scream queen. So I’m always down to talk about Buffy. Seriously, all my socials are nikortreatt (with two ts). If you ever want to talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I’m ready.
My favorite hints about Dawn, and Buffy’s death came in the form of dreams. Even in real life, I think all dreams are super meaningful! I think if Buffy or anyone in the Scooby Bang kept journals, a lot of stuff could have been avoided. Not anything related to Dawn, because she was a false memory....but, other stuff.
In Graduation Day (part two) Faith says to Buffy: “Miles to go. Little Ms. Muffet counting down from 7-3-0.” Seven hundreds and thirty days, or two years later, Buffy sacrifices herself in “The Gift”. If you think that’s a stretch, explain why one of Glory’s victims refers to Dawn as “curds and whey”?
In “This Year’s Girl”, Buffy dreams she and Faith are making a bed (btw they’re totally into each other but that’s another post for another time) in what would eventually be Dawn’s bedroom. Faith straight up says “Little sis coming, I know.”

And of course, in the ultimate fake deep season four episode “Restless”, dream Tara/Sineya tells Buffy to "Be back before Dawn." Also, the time on the clock is 7:30. Tara says the clock is wrong, because yes, Buffy dies, but she comes back. Also, she’s wearing a cherry print dress in her dream. It’s an old wive’s tale that a woman dreaming of cherries means that she will have a beautiful daughter. Even though Buffy is not pregnant, Dawn was created from Buffy to ensure she would make the utmost effort to keep Dawn safe. The Order Of Dagon used Buffy as their “template” when they made The Key human. I kind of see it like if a mother had her egg implanted in another woman and that woman had the baby....the mother would still be the mother because it was her egg. But, that’s just my opinion.
Some people claim that Dawn was one of the little children that Xander was serving ice cream to. I have DISSECTED this scene and I don’t see her. But, believe what you want. I think The Order Of Dagon put Dawn in their dreams to subconsciously prepare them. While Dawn is not psychically there, I think a lot of the feelings that Dawn caused show up in the dreams. In Willow’s dream, when Oz and Tara were flirting with each other,I imagine she was feeling like she could be easily replaced by someone. Now, I’m not one of *those* people that ship Willow and Buffy. But, they definitely do love each other. I think Buffy loves Willow like a sister, and vice versa. I think the dream was trying to get Willow mentally ready for not being Buffy’s #1 girl. There was a subtle change in the way that Willow and Buffy interacted after Dawn’s arrival. The only way I can explain it is like, when your best friend starts hanging out with another friend....without you. This could be interpreted as Tara and Willow’s relationship getting more serious, but I think Dawn is actually the culprit.

Now, in Xander’s dream I do think the ice cream thing is relevant to Dawn! While she’s not there, what happens when you eat ice cream to fast? A brain freeze! Which is essentially what happened to everyone when Dawn arrived. And bruh...Buffy is literally playing in the sand like a child. And, we know that Dawn’s human form was created out of Buffy. DNA wise, Buffy is more of her mother than her sister, I think. I don’t know, it’s all very strange. Speaking of Buffy and Dawn....I think those scientist people were in Xander’s dream because they were “testing” him to see if they could make him The Key. Buffy does (platonically) love him, and she would make a real effort on keeping Nomi safe, he’s not like Willow, he’s not a witch or anything special. Just a regular person, who barely has a family outside of his kinship with Buffy and Willow. I think the choices Xander made in his dream made The Order rule him out as a candidate. But, this is just a half baked theory, maybe I’ll revisit it one day.
Also, Dawn and Spike had a unique friendship at one point. When Spike says (in Xander’s dream) that he’s going to be a watcher, I took that a bit literally. Spike does teach Dawn about the stuff the others are unable to. He was the one that helped Dawn figure out what she really was, and what she could do. Sounds like a watcher to me.

In Giles’ dream, Miss Olivia was pushing a baby stroller. Dream deciphering 101 will tell you that means something new is coming. BUT, and empty stroller signifies an unfulfilled goal. And, I mean....730.....Giles’ goal of keeping Buffy alive is obviously unfulfilled because of Dawn. I also recently read that a man dreaming about a woman pushing a stroller means that he is being insensitive to a woman in his life. I personally feel the woman is Buffy, for many reasons. The main one being that no one knows what it’s like to be a big sister except for a big sister. He doesn’t understand and it makes him, at times, insensitive. He was even kind of a jerk to Buffy in the dream too! Olivia told him to go easy on Buffy, and Giles replied that it was his business (career)! He’s hard/insensitive to Buffy because he takes his job (his goal) seriously.

The theory is, all the mental gymnastics they had to do to Joyce Summers to explain Dawn was what ultimately caused her aneurysm. So, maybe Joyce wasn’t given dreams at all! I could go wayyyy more in depth about the “Restless” episode. I wanted to just focus on how it relates to Dawn/Buffy’s sacrifice. If you want more on “Restless”, just let me know! It’s not one of my favorite episodes, it there is a lot of symbolism in it and I enjoy talking about it. But, we have to move on.
In the season 5, Episode 15 (I Was Made To Love You) April the robot dies as she says “It’s always darkest before the.....” And, just think about dark it was.... literally and physically before Glory used Dawn’s blood to open the portal to other dimension. I guess robots just be knowing...Also April herself foreshadows the Buffybot. Did you know that April was going to be played by Britney Spears? I wish that came into fruition.
What’s your favorite episode? I want to revisit them!
XO, Nik
I also feel like the season five finale was a goodT end to the series, almost perfect. Believe it or not, it was the first episode of Buffy I watched! I think it’s why I don’t feel any type of way about Spuffy or Bangel. I don’t really feel the romance was necessary because she had a lot of love via her friends and Dawn. However, in the comics she has a girlfriend and I’m all about that. In general, Buffy was a strong independent woman and well, you know the rest.
Since “The Gift” was the first episode I saw, I already knew the tea on Dawn. It was fun to rewatch the series from the beginning and point out the little subtle clues she was going to show up, and that Buffy was going to die. I think “The Gift” is the exact reason I don’t mind spoilers as much as other. I really enjoy looking back at foreshadowing! I think it makes things more meaningful. I wanted to share this particular instance of foreshadowing because there’s going to be a Buffy Scavenger Hunt at San Diego Comic Con this year. So, maybe these subtle clues could help someone. And, honestly, Sarah Michelle Gellar is my favorite scream queen. So I’m always down to talk about Buffy. Seriously, all my socials are nikortreatt (with two ts). If you ever want to talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I’m ready.
My favorite hints about Dawn, and Buffy’s death came in the form of dreams. Even in real life, I think all dreams are super meaningful! I think if Buffy or anyone in the Scooby Bang kept journals, a lot of stuff could have been avoided. Not anything related to Dawn, because she was a false memory....but, other stuff.
In Graduation Day (part two) Faith says to Buffy: “Miles to go. Little Ms. Muffet counting down from 7-3-0.” Seven hundreds and thirty days, or two years later, Buffy sacrifices herself in “The Gift”. If you think that’s a stretch, explain why one of Glory’s victims refers to Dawn as “curds and whey”?
In “This Year’s Girl”, Buffy dreams she and Faith are making a bed (btw they’re totally into each other but that’s another post for another time) in what would eventually be Dawn’s bedroom. Faith straight up says “Little sis coming, I know.”
And of course, in the ultimate fake deep season four episode “Restless”, dream Tara/Sineya tells Buffy to "Be back before Dawn." Also, the time on the clock is 7:30. Tara says the clock is wrong, because yes, Buffy dies, but she comes back. Also, she’s wearing a cherry print dress in her dream. It’s an old wive’s tale that a woman dreaming of cherries means that she will have a beautiful daughter. Even though Buffy is not pregnant, Dawn was created from Buffy to ensure she would make the utmost effort to keep Dawn safe. The Order Of Dagon used Buffy as their “template” when they made The Key human. I kind of see it like if a mother had her egg implanted in another woman and that woman had the baby....the mother would still be the mother because it was her egg. But, that’s just my opinion.
Some people claim that Dawn was one of the little children that Xander was serving ice cream to. I have DISSECTED this scene and I don’t see her. But, believe what you want. I think The Order Of Dagon put Dawn in their dreams to subconsciously prepare them. While Dawn is not psychically there, I think a lot of the feelings that Dawn caused show up in the dreams. In Willow’s dream, when Oz and Tara were flirting with each other,I imagine she was feeling like she could be easily replaced by someone. Now, I’m not one of *those* people that ship Willow and Buffy. But, they definitely do love each other. I think Buffy loves Willow like a sister, and vice versa. I think the dream was trying to get Willow mentally ready for not being Buffy’s #1 girl. There was a subtle change in the way that Willow and Buffy interacted after Dawn’s arrival. The only way I can explain it is like, when your best friend starts hanging out with another friend....without you. This could be interpreted as Tara and Willow’s relationship getting more serious, but I think Dawn is actually the culprit.
Now, in Xander’s dream I do think the ice cream thing is relevant to Dawn! While she’s not there, what happens when you eat ice cream to fast? A brain freeze! Which is essentially what happened to everyone when Dawn arrived. And bruh...Buffy is literally playing in the sand like a child. And, we know that Dawn’s human form was created out of Buffy. DNA wise, Buffy is more of her mother than her sister, I think. I don’t know, it’s all very strange. Speaking of Buffy and Dawn....I think those scientist people were in Xander’s dream because they were “testing” him to see if they could make him The Key. Buffy does (platonically) love him, and she would make a real effort on keeping Nomi safe, he’s not like Willow, he’s not a witch or anything special. Just a regular person, who barely has a family outside of his kinship with Buffy and Willow. I think the choices Xander made in his dream made The Order rule him out as a candidate. But, this is just a half baked theory, maybe I’ll revisit it one day.
In Giles’ dream, Miss Olivia was pushing a baby stroller. Dream deciphering 101 will tell you that means something new is coming. BUT, and empty stroller signifies an unfulfilled goal. And, I mean....730.....Giles’ goal of keeping Buffy alive is obviously unfulfilled because of Dawn. I also recently read that a man dreaming about a woman pushing a stroller means that he is being insensitive to a woman in his life. I personally feel the woman is Buffy, for many reasons. The main one being that no one knows what it’s like to be a big sister except for a big sister. He doesn’t understand and it makes him, at times, insensitive. He was even kind of a jerk to Buffy in the dream too! Olivia told him to go easy on Buffy, and Giles replied that it was his business (career)! He’s hard/insensitive to Buffy because he takes his job (his goal) seriously.
The theory is, all the mental gymnastics they had to do to Joyce Summers to explain Dawn was what ultimately caused her aneurysm. So, maybe Joyce wasn’t given dreams at all! I could go wayyyy more in depth about the “Restless” episode. I wanted to just focus on how it relates to Dawn/Buffy’s sacrifice. If you want more on “Restless”, just let me know! It’s not one of my favorite episodes, it there is a lot of symbolism in it and I enjoy talking about it. But, we have to move on.
In the season 5, Episode 15 (I Was Made To Love You) April the robot dies as she says “It’s always darkest before the.....” And, just think about dark it was.... literally and physically before Glory used Dawn’s blood to open the portal to other dimension. I guess robots just be knowing...Also April herself foreshadows the Buffybot. Did you know that April was going to be played by Britney Spears? I wish that came into fruition.
What’s your favorite episode? I want to revisit them!
XO, Nik
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