I also hung out in Colorado for Allison bit!
Anyway, enough of the sad stuff. And on to the actor that has never disappointed me, Bill Skarsgård. I was going to write a long thing about IT being snubbed at the academy awards. Honestly, I’m already over it. I was being incredibly biased when I thought Bill deserved a best supporting actor nomination. I was considering how much he’s improved as an actor instead of the actual performance.they were definitely robbed for best hair/makeup. But it’s ok! Everyone in the film has a long career ahead of them, especially Bill! He’s doing big things in 2018!
On January tenth, the special edition of IT was released, along with the regular version. I really wanted the special edition because 1. I felt like the universe was thinking of me when this was released on my birthday and 2. It came with a lot of cool things like post cards and extended special features. Sadly, when I went to Target on January eleventh,the only place this was available, mind you. I was told that not only was the special edition sold out, but the woman working there said they were all gone within thirty seconds of her putting them on the shelf yesterday. Then, when I went online, it was temporarily sold out! Last time I checked, it was still sold out. I’m hoping I will be able to own the physical copy soon. A director’s cut is coming out later this year, so I might just wait on that. Luckily, I was able to view the deleted scenes. I also saw the alternate ending! Let’s discuss.
This is a gag alternate beginning. A “what if”situation. What if Georgie got his boat and left? What if Pennywise was left without a victim and cursing under his breath? Well, there would be no movie! There was no way they could have incorporated this into the movie, I do appreciate this scene because I am a fan of Hemlock Grove. If you don’t know, there’s a beloved scene in the show where Roman (Bill Skarsgård) and Peter marvel at their terrible situation and all they can say is “shiiiiit”. I thought it was a cute little shoutout to Hemlock Grove. I would have loved if this scene was released as the teaser trailer. Especially if it premiered on April Fools Day. How funny would that have been? I always thought the reveal of Pennywise to the general public was a bit of a letdown, just a picture....how underwhelming! I think this is what contributed to a lot of people’s low expectations and my subsequent internet arguments.
002. “Stanley’s dad corrects him”
Stanley is reading from the Torah, and his dad corrects his pronunciation. I feel like this scene is meant to reiterate that his father is strict. I don’t feel like anything. Was lost from the movie by omitting this scene. Stanley’s father implies that if he does bad he will bring #shame to his family and their synagogue. I’m not Jewish, but I doubt the validity of that. Kids can’t be perfect all the time and filling them with dread doesn’t help the situation. Pennywise probably likes Derry so much because the parents are terrible. Kids are already stressed/scared/anxious without his impact. Right after this scene Pennywise is in Stanley’s father’s office via a painting.
003. “Denbrough family dinner”
This one made me a bit sad! I think they should have kept the scene as the scene shows that all the parents aren’t jerks...just most of them. I kind of saw Bill as the main kid since Georgie was his brother. I wanted to know more about his family, so I quite liked this scene. During a strom, Bill and his father are sitting at the kitchen table while Bill’s Mom is washing dishes. Bill suggests going to Arcadia, this upsets his mother because Arcadia was the last place they went to as a family of four. Bill’s mother leaves and bill’s father apologizes to Bill and admits things have been “different”. Bill says he can raise some money to go, but his dad says it’s not that kind of “different”, it’s that Georgie was looking forward to going to Arcadia and obviously, he won’t be going now. Bill sits alone at the kitchen table and agrees. There were little things that showed how much their family is missing their youngest son. The greatest example being the dusty, unplayed piano next to a picture of Georgie. The mom is too sad to play piano.
004. Bill’s Dad Looks in The Basement.
After Bill’s horrific encounter with Pennywise, you know, the one with “Georgie” he runs upstairs and tells his father he saw Georgie and the basement is flooded. You can hear someone/thing moving around in water so you KNOW it is really flooded down here. His dad re-emerges from the basement and says that it’s dry down there. His dad then tells Bill to go to bed after Bill insists the saw Georgie down there. Another instance of parents being jerks in this movie. They didn’t need to keep this in because it’s pretty similar to Beverly and the bloody sink, in my opinion.
Then, it cuts to Henry. It’s heavily implied his father is more abusive than previously assumed abusive because he is treating wounds on his back. Maybe this is why he’s such a jerk to smaller kids. His dad tells him to get him another beer.Then, he sneaks out of his home and gets into a car with his friend Belch (lmao) and Victor. They talk about their missing friend Patrick and the knife Pennywise gave Henry. Mike is riding a bike....the rest is in the movie. I like my villains evil to be evil, I don’t like too much reasoning behind it. So, they didn’t need this part either. I’m glad it was omitted.
005.Outside the Neibolt House
Bill, Eddie, and Richie go into the house they can hear a woman asking for help. The other losers are outside. Stanley is comforted by Mike because Stanley is too afraid to go inside. They’re all obviously afraid, but he’s the most afraid. Ben and Beverly are also outside. Mike is my favorite kid btw. I liked this scene!
006. Evacuating The Neibolt House
After their meeting with IT leaves Eddie with a broken arm, the kids run out of the house. Everyone prepares to ride their bikes to get away. Eddie can’t ride his bike so he gets in Mike’s bike basket ET style. The Losers ride off screaming. I thought this was cute and wish it was in the final cut.
007.Stanley’s Bat Mitzvah
Stanley makes his speech. It’s the same as the movie, but you are actually able to hear what he said. The speech focuses on indifference.
“When you’re a kid you think the world is safe. Then something bad happens... then suddenly, that’s not true. If any of you open your eyes you would see what we are going through. Indifference is part of being an adult. Learning to be an adult in Derry means learning to not give a shit” Richie gives a standing ovation because Stanley was spittin’ straight facts! Stanley’s Mom is not amused. I think this should have been kept in the film. Mainly because a large point of this story I feel, is parents just being bad people and their kids suffering for their parents headassery. It can be argued that IT has some sort of hold over the town, but I don’t think that excuses parents like Beverly’s or Henry’s father’s. Other adults indifference to the obvious signs of abuse is a big issue too. If an adult stepped in, it’s very likely Beverly would have been able to break the cycle of violence in her life because, spoiler alert...she date an abusive man when she is an adult. If an adult stepped in, Henry would not have been able to continue his reign of terror. In the miniseries, he is committed to asylum after being blamed for most of the murders by IT. Maybe that was a blessing in disguise because it’s very unlikely he caused that much damage during those twenty seven years. Pero like....as a parent, if my child said he saw something odd I wouldn’t brush it off...actually my eldest had a friend named Emerson who apparently did all the bad things that my eldest actually was doing. My husband and I saved the entire house. My son never talked about Emerson again, but my son is still kind of naughty so lol. If anyone put their hands on my child like Henry was doing...somebody is getting their ass beat. I don’t care much about the “generational parenting” difference even being valid. I was mostly raised by my grandparents in my youth and my grandpa did not play when it came to me being bullied by older kids. So...idk can’t relate. Everyone should listen and stand up for their kids,even if it doesn’t make sense. You are your child’s first and most important advocate. I could go on about this, but I’m sure you’re not interested.
We also see what the other kids are doing. It’s not interesting or important imo.
008. Eddie at Keene’s Pharmacy
A longer version of Eddie talking to the girl. She signs his cast with “loser”. It’s funny, but I can see why they cut it for time. There is a director cameo, which is neat.
009. Henry and the Bullies Wait Outside
010. “The Losers Find Georgie’s Walkie”
Inside the Neibolt house, they come across the belongings of the people Pennywise has killed. Including Georgie’s walkie talkie. Bill picks it up. It begins to crackle. This scene reminded me how many children IT has actually killed. I guess you could kind of compare it to that picture of all the wedding rings found in a Jewish concentration camp during World War Two. Now, I hope you can forgive me for getting all, ~social justice-y~ on here. I think a lot of people are able to depersonalize real life horrors because a lot of the time, it’s just a number. But when you see the rings, or in this case, the toys, you can put a face to the nu,bed and it makes it all more real. You can say, Pennywise has killed hundreds of children, or you can show hundreds of toys on the ground. I know which one would give me more of an emotional response.
I know it’s a weird analogy, and I hope it doesn’t come off as anti Semitic. I chose to point this out because it’s tied to Stanley’s Bar Mitzvah speech. Indifference, or not giving a shit is what causes these bad things, in Derry and real life to happen.
011. Denbourogh Family Vacation
Bill looks down at his hand and can see he scar from the blood oath the children took. The family drives away and there is an extended shot of the storm drain...if it is THE storm drain...I’m not sure, but it’s likely. A few drops of rain begin to fall. You can hear a slight growling noise.
I like this ending better. I remember watching the ending they went with and I was like... ”uhh that’s it?”. I don’t have many complaints about the movie, but I love Bill Skarsgård so I’m biased. I really disliked the ending because it was abrupt. I get that they gotta build up the hype for part two. But at the same time, I’m sure everyone at this point knows it’s two parts. I would have preferred a more complete ending. I didn’t care for the growling noise because the good sis Pennywise wouldn’t be down there growling for no reason. He’s asleep. Maybe the noise was snoring and I just didn’t understand.
012. Colonial Baby
So, this one wasn’t included with the deleted scenes. Why? I have no real idea, but the theory is that the scene was too disturbing. There isn’t even a lot of information on the scene. I’m going to try to piece it all together the best I can. In like...the 1600s, around the time Derry was founded IT(who hasn’t committed to the clown look yet) convinces a colonial woman to give him her baby to eat. Maybe convinces isn’t the right word, he probably forced her. I remember seeing a bit of the script on instagram, but I thought it was fake. Here it is, via Reddit.
I kind of still feel like it’s fake. You can decide for yourself. The scene definitely exists. Bill has talked about it in interviews and a picture of what he supposedly looked like has surfaced.
I think he looks a little like Henry Rollins in the “I’m a Liar” video. I’ve seen everything Bill Skarsgård has acted on, even the Swedish stuff and this is definitely from IT, as this image would fit with nothing else that he has done. Also, an actress was credited for the role of the woman. Anyone can edit IMDb so you have to keep that in mind. Hopefully we find the truth one day and the scene won’t be one of my “lost media” articles. It’s claimed that people saw it in test screenings. The real question is, why wasn’t *I* invited to a test screening...ugh. I have been invited to a test screening before. The movie is one that I’ve talked about on here before....but legally I can’t say exactly which movie. Just know that movie could have been worse lol.
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