My plan was to take a break due to the impending holiday, my family is traveling to middle America to spend time with my in Laws! I was looking for movies to download for the journey, I came across a film called Red Christmas. Now, my standard for Holiday horror is actually quite low. Simply because there’s not a lot of it. I enjoy a “so bad it’s good” movie as much, of not more than the next person....but this was a “so bad, it’s worse movie”. I cannot stand movies where EVERYONE is horrible. There wasn’t a single person to root for. I put my personal pro choice feelings aside in an attempt to enjoy the movie....did I mention this is an abortion themed horror movie? I blame a lot of this on editing. Some things straight up didn’t make sense. The biggest thing being...what exactly was the circumstances of Cletus’ birth? I’m not Australian, but the only way he could really survive was if he was an extremely late term abortion. Maybe in Australia they allow that, but this wouldn’t fly in America. The suspension of belief that a baby born at less than twenty weeks, can survive having Down syndrome, survive a bombing, be saved by the person that did the bombing(so they didn’t go to prison lmao), track down his birth mother, and murder his entire (horrible and annoying) family is just....also, how old is Cletus supposed to be? If the youngest daughter of Dee Wallace got an early acceptance to college and “doesn’t have to go back to high school”, Cletus should be younger? I just didn’t understand. Another thing I didn’t understand...why was it even called Red Christmas? What was Cleatus’ end game? I felt this movie had a pro life theme, yet he killed everyone?
It also bothered me that Cleatus was so cartoonishly “different”. The only actor that didn’t drive me up the wall had Down syndrome, so it’s not like they had never experienced a person with Down syndrome before. It was annoying.
I don’t know if the person that filmed this movie was filming on an iPhone four or WHAT but a big part of me not knowing what was going on was due to the fact I couldn’t see anything, It was so dark, wobbly, and blurry. I had my studio quality headphones turned all the way up and I couldn’t hear anything. Just NOISE, but nothing coherent.. Kind of like when I filmed the morning announcements in middle school. They probably edited this with iMovie like I did.
Dee Wallace is the “star power”of this movie. She is known for movies like Cujo, ET, andThe Hills Have Eyes. With all the issues the movie had, I think getting a prolific scream queen is where most of the movie’s budget went. A lot of things came across as cheap. Looking back, I think the reason everything was so hard to see was because they couldn’t afford the effects needed to show a death.
Anyway, I’m only writing this read of the movie because I truly feel like I wasted my time. I hope everyone has an amazing holiday and I’ll be back In January.
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