A film so scary Billy Graham claimed the demon from the movie lived in the reels? Sounds fake, but the 1970s were truly a different time. Back then The Exorcist was scary AF. Honestly, it’s still scary AF. We can all agree there’s something special about this movie; that makes it stand the test of time, scaring generation after generations of people. Could they have filmed on an actual possessed set?
After all, Jack MacGowan filmed his (deleted) death scene on those iconic stairs. Not long after that, he died IRL. Maybe they did actually provoke a demon with nothing better to do. Maybe the people involved with the movie made themselves marked for misfortune. Regan played with a ouija board in the movie, maybe something similar happened on set. Which is what I believe.
Personally, I believe fear is something that is subjective. What scares me, might not be scary to the next person. A good example? I love clowns. I think they’re funny. Most people don’t like clowns, or have an outright phobia. The Exorcist transcends my belief, and spooks everyone on some level. I feel like we can all agree knowing that terrible things happened on and off set, makes for an unsettling film. Today we’re going to discuss the facts that make me believe the film The Exorcist is cursed.
After all, Jack MacGowan filmed his (deleted) death scene on those iconic stairs. Not long after that, he died IRL. Maybe they did actually provoke a demon with nothing better to do. Maybe the people involved with the movie made themselves marked for misfortune. Regan played with a ouija board in the movie, maybe something similar happened on set. Which is what I believe.

- Nine people involved are related to the people involved with this movie. Most notably Jack MacGowan, who played Burke Dennings.
- The set actually burned down during filming. Setting back the films production by six weeks. Regan’s bedroom was untouched.
- Mercedes McCambridge caused controversy trying to get her (deserved) credit for voicing possessed Reagan. It’s generally accepted this cost Linda Blair the chance of winning the 1973 Oscar for best supporting actress. McCambridge sacrificed her sobriety for the role. She knew whiskey would make her voice sound raspier.
- Ellen Burstyn received an injury to her spine that bothers her to this day.
- A moviegoer fainted and broke their job. He sued Warner Brothers because the use of “subliminal imagery” was what caused him to faint. Warner Brothers settled out of court.
- Reverend Thomas Bermingham served as a technical advisor. He also played Father Dyer. He blessed the set and give counseling to the uneased cast and crew.
- Warner Brothers needed to hire bodyguards to protect Linda Blair for six months. Religious fanatics claimed the film “glorified Satan”. For this they felt the need to threaten the life of a little girl.
- Paul Bateson, an extra was sentenced to 20 years for stabbing Addison very real after a date. He also Brad about killing six other people he was never convicted for these matters but the consensus is that Paul Bateson killed six gay man. People in the movie theater were actually most disturbed by the scene he was in. At the time, no one knew of his misdeeds. I feel like a combination of the realism of the scene and people’s “sixth sense” about knowing when someone is shady is why this scene was harder for the original theater goers to view than the supernatural scenes.
- Several crew members claimed to see props moving on their own!
- In Rome (of all places) during the premiere of The Exorcist, a cross at a nearby historic church was struck by lightning.
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