Horror Literature Recommendations πŸ’€

1. Dracula by Bram Stoker
I consider this the blueprint of gothic horror. I love anything to do with Vampires, so this will always be number one in my heart.... uhh, no pun intended! The good news is Dracula is in the public domain and available to read for free if you aren't in the position to purchase your own copy. I'm listening to it on audiobook right now (also free) and I like how the story is told through diaries and letters.

2. Frankenstein
Nik-or-Treat is a feminist blog. We will always pay homage to the fairy godmother of science fiction,  Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. This book is about Dr. Frankenstein and the modern Prometheus he created. A mainstay in popular culture, I consider this required reading. Horror often shuts out female fans. Never forget Frankenstein was written by a woman. 

3. The Picture Of Dorian Grey

I'm currently working on a list of the greatest jerks in literature. I had to include the good sis Dorian. Though it (might?!) be too unbelievable to know someone that sold their souls for immortality, we all know someone that acts like Dorian Grey. 

4. Carrie by Stephen King

Listen, I love IT. Talk to me for five minutes and we will be talking about Bill SkarsgΓ₯rd. But, IT is sooooo long. The Shining is also long. I feel like with more technology being Imtroduced, some people have a hard time sitting down and reading. Carrie is relatively shorter, and I love the concept of women in horror. Carrie was the first published book by Stephen King and was clearly the start of something special. 

5. House of the Seven Gabels by Nathaniel Hawethorne

Many don't consider this book to be particularly scary, but I do! HP Lovecraft was inspired by this book! So even if the story itself isn't considered scary, it has a legacy. This was the book Hawethorne wrote after The Scarlett Letter. I know a lot of people didn't like that book in high school. But I loved it. I still do! Read The Scarlett Letter again as an adult while you're at it! 

I excluded the works of Edgar Allan Poe because I have a separate post planned for him. πŸ–€

Stay Spooky! 
